Nautica, Bucci (Sindaco Genova): “Business comparto nautico fonte di lavoro e sviluppo economico”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Genova deve andare fiera del business del comparto nautico, perché porta lavoro e sviluppo economico per tutti, città comprese”. Lo ha detto Marco Bucci, sindaco di Genova, in occasione della conferenza stampa di presentazione del 63esimo Salone nautico internazionale, svoltasi a Palazzo del Principe a Genova.


00:00 What is the future of the Genoa business?
00:03 I am sure that it will be a growing business.
00:06 Year after year we will continue to show what it means to be the capital of the Mediterranean and the capital of the Nautica.
00:13 The business of the Nautica is growing, it is always growing, double digit,
00:18 as we say in the slang, which means "a double figure", and we are very happy about this.
00:24 This year we have 150-200 more boats, with the canals ready to host the boats.
00:30 This will be the first time we will have new boats in the canals, and this will be a big step forward.
00:37 Next year we will certainly have the whole finished part, as far as the waterfront part of the salon is concerned.
00:44 So next year we will have the opportunity to see a truly different salon,
00:50 even more beautiful than it is now.
00:54 We are very proud of this, the city of Genoa must be very proud of this.
00:59 And above all we must be proud to have a business that is one of the businesses that grows the most in Italy.
01:06 The Nautica compartment is the business that grows the most in Italy, among all the lines.
01:11 This is a very important thing, and we are part of it.
01:16 Today we are the champions of this line, and this is the fundamental fact,
01:21 because it brings work and economic development for everyone, including the city.
01:27 We will have a salon, enjoying all the beauty we have in the city,
01:31 every evening there will be a special event, and these events will only increase the fact that coming to Genoa is worth it.
01:39 Moreover, if you spend the evening in Genoa, you may go to the salon for two days,
01:44 maybe you'll get two tickets.
01:46 Let's keep going in this direction.
