• 2 years ago
Durante sessão não deliberativa no Plenário do Senado, nesta segunda-feira (04/09), o senador Marcos do Val, enquanto atacava o ministro Alexandre de Morais, afirmou está há 120 dias censurado e sem poder se defender.

Leia mais: https://www.em.com.br/app/noticia/politica/2023/08/30/interna_politica,1554354/por-dois-votos-comando-do-pt-autoriza-alianca-com-pl-em-2024.shtml

Por apenas dois votos, o comando petista decidiu, na segunda-feira (28/8), não barrar alianças com o partido do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) nas eleições municipais de 2024. Pela decisão do diretório nacional do PT ficam permitidas coligações com candidatos do PL nos municípios, desde que apoiem o presidente Lula (PT).

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#MarcosDoVal #AlexandredeMoraes #STF


00:00 But for the press, it means that, in fact,
00:02 the Supreme Court, Minister Alexandre de Moraes,
00:05 recognizes that CNN, Globo, Veja are the fourth power.
00:12 Every decision made within the Supreme Court
00:15 has to be collected.
00:17 It can't be monocratic.
00:20 Many times, a single decision of a single minister,
00:24 a monocratic decision, as it has been happening,
00:29 has to be collected.
00:30 Every court, every Supreme Court,
00:34 and therefore, the leaders that are making decisions
00:37 in relation to the Supreme Court,
00:39 say that they are not in relation to the Supreme Court.
00:44 Senator Marco Duval, with all due respect,
00:48 but with all due respect to our senators
00:51 who are writing after your excellency...
00:53 I thank you, but I've been here for 120 days
00:56 without the opportunity to make any statement.
01:00 If any senator could give me his time
01:03 so that I can finish,
01:06 because I've been here for 120 days
01:08 without being able to defend myself.
01:11 -The two senators... -I'd like the House...
01:13 The two senators who are writing after your excellency
01:16 are Senator Issa Al-Seer and Senator Heinze.
01:21 If they...
01:25 -There. -Thank you, thank you, Senator.
01:27 I'll give you five more minutes.
01:28 But then each one had ten, twenty, right?
01:32 Thus, the demonstrations that we are making here today
01:34 in relation to the Supreme Court,
01:35 I affirm that they are not in relation to the whole Supreme Court.
01:38 The almost totality of the demonstrations
01:40 is based on the decision of a single minister.
01:44 Mr. President, the attacks of January 8th
01:47 served, despite their seriousness,
01:50 to show us that our attitudes reflect
01:54 the thoughts of the entire population.
01:56 Therefore, decisions made,
01:58 whether here in the legislative,
01:59 in the judiciary, or in the executive power,
02:03 have an immediate impact on the vision of Brazilians
02:06 about the role that each power plays
02:09 in the defense and protection of our country.
02:12 [BEEP]
