• 2 years ago
Durante sessão não deliberativa no Plenário do Senado, nesta segunda-feira (04/09), o senador Girão voltou a acusar o STF e o ministro Alexandre de Moraes de interferirem no trabalho do Senado.

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#Girao #STF #Senado


00:00 The Supreme Court, as it has done in recent years, unfortunately,
00:07 the issue of the time frame is there to demonstrate this,
00:11 the State Law, the issue of abortion, drugs,
00:18 and now also, this weekend, we had this news on Friday, in the afternoon,
00:26 the Supreme Court forms the majority in the judgment of the contribution of 1% of the salary of all workers,
00:38 in the case of the union contribution.
00:40 So we had the votes of Minister Gilmar Mendes, Roberto Barroso, Carmen Lúcia, Edson Fachin,
00:49 Dias Toffoli, and finally Minister Alexandre de Moraes.
00:52 This decision, which is in harmony with the will of the federal government,
01:00 which proposes the demand of the union contribution,
01:05 is very far from the will of Brazilian workers and the population of the Federal Republic of Brazil.
01:16 I want to remember that we voted on this, it is more in the use of the vote,
01:23 because we were elected for this and we did our job,
01:28 and I will report here, giving a padical in this mandatory contribution.
01:36 So these contributions are extra charges imposed on all workers,
01:43 unionized or not, as compensation for the expenses in wage campaigns and collective negotiations with employers,
01:55 as long as they are referred to assemblies convened and conducted by the unions themselves.
02:03 It's the old story of the fox taking care of the chicken.
02:09 [BEEP]
