La tension artérielle représente la pression sanguine dans nos artères. Lorsque la tension artérielle est trop élevée, on parle d'hypertension. Mais l'hypertension artérielle, comment arrive-t-elle ? Comment régler l'hypertension ? Quels sont les remèdes à l'hypertension ? La nutrition peut être à la fois le problème et la solution. En effet, une consommation trop forte de sel par exemple va provoquer une hypertension en augmentant la pression sanguine dans votre système veineux. Faut-il faire un régime sans sel ? Pour gérer votre tension artérielle et réduire votre hypertension, voici quelques conseils nutritionnels essentiels qui vous aideront à conserver ou retrouver une bonne santé et limiter les risques, notamment, de maladies cardiovasculaires.
Vous avez de l'hypertension ? Quels sont vos remèdes nutritionnels ? A vos commentaires !
Vous avez de l'hypertension ? Quels sont vos remèdes nutritionnels ? A vos commentaires !
00:00 The first thing you have when you go to a doctor
00:02 is that he will take your blood pressure with a tensiometer
00:06 that he will put around your arm.
00:07 What is blood pressure?
00:09 What triggers hypertension?
00:12 Today I will explain, especially around nutrition.
00:14 Welcome to the Jean-Michel Cohen channel,
00:16 the channel where we only talk about nutrition
00:18 and where we never tell you about salads.
00:19 Masterclass, personalized menu, individualized dietary follow-up.
00:26 Visit the website.
00:30 When you go to your doctor, the first thing he does
00:32 is put the tensiometer around your arm.
00:35 Then he will inflate it.
00:36 He inflates, inflates, inflates.
00:37 You don't understand why, but because he's listening
00:40 and he sees when he starts to hear the heartbeat again,
00:45 that is, the beating.
00:47 And then he understands that it's your maximum blood pressure.
00:51 There are two important numbers for good blood pressure.
00:53 It must be below 15. The ideal figure is 13.
00:56 And we must have a difference between the maximum and the minimum,
01:00 which is 4 or 5.
01:01 So the good blood pressure is 12.7, 13.8.
01:04 So we admit that older people have a higher blood pressure.
01:08 Why? Because we think that the arteries are in less good condition.
01:10 So we accept that the blood pressure is sometimes up to 16,
01:14 without pretending that it's a real problem.
01:17 Why is it embarrassing to have hypertension?
01:19 Because if you create too much pressure in the vessels,
01:22 you're going to create too much pressure in the heart.
01:25 Basically, you're going to overdo it.
01:27 And the guy says, "Wow, wow, wow, I have too much to work on."
01:29 So that's what can trigger heart failure from time to time.
01:32 And then you're going to have too much pressure in the kidneys as well,
01:36 which is the same, he's going to say, "Hey, guys,
01:37 stop me from getting blood."
01:40 And I can't work at your rate.
01:44 And so that's dangerous.
01:45 And the third thing is that blood pressure,
01:47 well, it's the balloon we filled with water.
01:50 It can crack from time to time.
01:51 And that's why when there's blood pressure,
01:54 there are people who trigger brain vascular accidents
01:57 or even ruptures in some vessels.
01:59 So it's really important to have a good blood pressure.
02:02 It's not the most important thing in health,
02:04 but it's one of the very, very important things.
02:06 Why do we have hypertension?
02:08 So in general, we can have hypertension,
02:11 we're going to start with the beginning, which we call essential.
02:13 That is, we are in a family where everyone has blood pressure.
02:17 Why?
02:17 It means that inside, normally blood pressure is regulated
02:21 by receptors that are inside your vessels.
02:25 That is, there are small receptors that say,
02:27 "We're going to stop drinking," or "We're going to eliminate more fleas."
02:30 In short, we're going to regulate blood pressure
02:32 thanks to receptors that are inside the vessels,
02:35 in the walls of the vessels.
02:37 When these receptors are damaged or if genetically they don't work well,
02:41 we can have essential hypertension.
02:44 That means, well, it's not your fault,
02:46 but you're probably going to have to take medication
02:49 and monitor it in such a way as not to have hypertension.
02:52 The second major cause of blood pressure is people
02:57 who accumulate salt or who consume a lot of salt.
03:02 And so, of course, as they accumulate a lot of salt,
03:05 they are forced to accompany the salt with water.
03:07 There is too much circulating volume and it triggers a blood pressure.
03:12 And that's what we're going to talk about,
03:13 since we can't solve genetic causes.
03:15 The third cause is more rare diseases.
03:18 It's when, for example, normally water leaks through the kidneys.
03:21 Imagine that the vessels that bring blood to the kidneys are blocked.
03:25 Well, that's a plumbing problem.
03:26 If they're blocked, the water goes up, it goes up,
03:30 it can't be eliminated, you have arterial hypertension.
03:33 There is another cause of arterial hypertension,
03:35 it's an unbalanced life.
03:38 That means you're in poor health.
03:40 So, in poor health, that means that when I say in poor health,
03:43 it means that you don't have a healthy lifestyle.
03:46 And in that, I would say that there is one, food,
03:50 that is, food consumption.
03:51 You eat too much salt, you eat too much fat, you eat too much sugar.
03:55 You're overweight.
03:56 When you're overweight, of course, you have a volume of circulating blood
03:59 that is much more important than someone who is not overweight.
04:02 And then, associated with that,
04:04 you have a decrease in your physical activity
04:06 that affects all the factors.
04:08 That is, you don't move,
04:09 there is a slight mobilization of blood circulation.
04:12 You are static.
04:14 You have another cause of arterial hypertension.
04:16 This is everyday life, it's stress and emotions.
04:19 That means you have a stress and an emotional blow.
04:22 And in that case, there is a contraction of your arteries
04:24 and it causes arterial hypertension.
04:26 It's on all these factors that we're going to have to play
04:29 to improve arterial tension.
04:31 So now we're getting back to the heart of the matter.
04:33 I was a little long, sorry.
04:34 The question is, what's wrong with nutrition to develop hypertension?
04:38 Number one of the number one of the number one is salt consumption.
04:43 I explained to you why when you consume too much salt,
04:46 well, in fact, to be able to balance the pressure in the blood,
04:50 salt is required.
04:51 It's called osmotic pressure, but I don't want to go into details.
04:53 But salt, roughly speaking, is required to be diluted.
04:56 So the more salt you eat, the more water you bring in to dilute it.
05:00 Remember that, that will be enough for you.
05:01 So all the foods that bring you salt
05:04 will be likely to increase your arterial tension.
05:07 First of all, seasoning salt,
05:09 because it's the easiest, it's the one we see.
05:11 And yet it only represents 25% of your salt intake during the day.
05:17 Seasoning salt is only 25%.
05:19 When you tell people to go on a salt-free diet,
05:21 it means you're reducing your salt intake by 25%.
05:24 Number two will be food in general.
05:27 That is, there are foods that are more salty than others.
05:30 So salt is sodium, but there's a lot of it in industrial foods.
05:34 And you know that's the biggest problem with our modern diet,
05:37 it's transformed foods.
05:38 I'll give you some very simple examples.
05:40 Charcuterie.
05:41 The secret to making charcuterie is partly salt.
05:45 Smoked fish or all smoked products.
05:47 The secret to smoked products is salt.
05:49 Why? Because they are dehydrated by salt.
05:52 Soups that are improved in industrial production
05:56 by adding salt to enhance the taste.
05:59 Cheese, of course, which is naturally very salty.
06:02 Bread, which also contains salt.
06:04 Canned food.
06:05 Why? Because salt is a food for preservation.
06:09 And since it's a food for preservation,
06:11 well, in that sense,
06:12 you put salt in cans, whether in boxes or in jars,
06:18 and that way you consume salt without realizing it.
06:20 There's less of it in frozen food, by the way.
06:22 That's why I sometimes recommend frozen food.
06:24 Finally, there are transformed foods in general.
06:27 That is, when you buy transformed meat,
06:29 I call them meat patties.
06:31 And the worst thing, even vegetarians,
06:33 vegetarians who are very careful about their food,
06:35 without realizing it, they try products
06:37 that have been transformed products
06:39 in which we have added a lot of substances
06:42 in such a way as to make them super consumable.
06:43 And there, too much salt, the same.
06:45 So you see, this is what I would call the hidden salt.
06:48 We keep talking about the hidden sugar,
06:50 but there is also the hidden salt.
06:52 I would like to tell you about a very special food.
06:55 We never think about it.
06:56 It's the reglis.
06:58 Reglis contains a substance called glycerin,
07:02 and this glycerin has the property of raising the tension.
07:05 And sometimes, when I have people who have very low tensions,
07:08 either because they're tired, or because they're anemic,
07:11 or for whatever reason,
07:13 very often a simple way to raise their tension
07:17 is to give them reglis.
07:19 We can also mention fats in general,
07:22 although the relation with blood pressure is less known,
07:27 but fats seem to be more of a criterion for maintaining a healthy lifestyle
07:31 that is not correct.
07:33 And so, in this regard, it raises blood pressure.
07:35 There is something that we often forget, too,
07:38 which is medication.
07:39 There are medications that are likely to raise blood pressure.
07:42 Why?
07:43 I'm talking in particular about antibiotics, anti-inflammatories,
07:46 certain hormones,
07:48 cortisone in particular.
07:50 Why? Because all these products have the particularity
07:53 of promoting water retention and increased blood salt.
07:57 So, in conclusion, as you retain more water,
08:00 you have a high blood pressure.
08:02 So, the salt-free diet is interesting.
08:04 It helps to reduce salt and thus reduce blood pressure.
08:09 But there is something that we say,
08:11 all the cardiologists who send us patients,
08:13 make everyone lose weight,
08:15 people who are overweight,
08:17 to reduce blood pressure.
08:19 Why do they do that?
08:21 It's not because it reduces the volume of fat in the individual,
08:23 it's because we have the feeling
08:25 that weight loss has an induction on the functioning of the kidney
08:29 that allows...
08:30 So, it's a bit complicated,
08:31 it stimulates the urinary prostaglandins,
08:34 that is, it's compounds that reduce blood pressure.
08:37 So, that means that today,
08:39 the best treatment for blood pressure,
08:42 the best treatment for blood pressure,
08:44 is weight reduction.
08:45 And it's an incredible thing.
08:47 It's the same as for Down syndrome.
08:49 When you have Down syndrome or hypertension,
08:52 weight loss is a very fundamental thing
08:55 to regulate blood pressure.
08:56 So, it's not because it's my job that I'm telling you this,
08:58 it's because it's the reality.
09:00 Finally, when I told you about the reduction of salt earlier,
09:04 of seasoning salt,
09:05 I still want to clarify that there are dietetic salts,
09:08 which are potassium salts,
09:10 which will give a salty taste to food
09:11 and which will allow you to have the impression of having salt without having salt.
09:15 So, it can be useful.
09:16 Now, eating a salt-free diet can be interesting too,
09:19 especially for overweight people,
09:20 because it reduces appetite.
09:22 When the food is less salty, you're less hungry.
09:24 And be careful of the new trend.
09:27 You know, we go to exotic restaurants,
09:29 at the moment, sushi, tacos, etc.,
09:32 kebabs,
09:32 there too, it's full of salt,
09:34 especially sushi, because of the soy sauce.
09:36 So, be careful of that.
09:37 You know that a tablespoon of soy
09:39 brings almost 75% of sodium intake in a day.
09:43 So, be careful of that.
09:44 That doesn't mean you have to eliminate them.
09:47 I've always told you,
09:48 the best diet is one that contains all the food.
09:52 And that's what you should know about blood pressure
09:55 and what's wrong with blood pressure.
09:57 I don't put alcohol in it,
09:58 because I'm not sure of the relationship,
10:00 it's not very obvious.
10:01 It's more associated with the hygiene of life.
10:03 Anyway, if you liked this video,
10:05 you like it, you share it, you subscribe,
10:06 you make criticisms, you comment,
10:08 you make video suggestions,
10:09 in short, everything you know.
10:11 And I'll see you soon, friends!
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