It's likely that the last time you swirled a hula hoop around your hips was on the middle school playground or your backyard when you were an 8-year-old. But much like the varsity jackets and chunky sneakers of the 90s, the hula hoop is making a comeback — and it's reinventing itself as a sassy piece of fitness equipment. Fitness experts explain why everyone should be hula-hooping their hearts out, as well as tips for how to hula hoop for fitness (and fun!).
00:00 My name is Kayla Jeter, and if there's one thing I've learned from being a fitness coach,
00:03 it's that everyone's wellness process and goals are different.
00:07 So, no matter where you are in your fitness journey,
00:10 we wanted to provide you with some info that can help you along the way.
00:13 What's fitness if it isn't fun?
00:19 Hula hoops are truly a great way to incorporate a good time in your routine.
00:24 I'm trying to remember the last time I used one myself.
00:27 Using a hula hoop for 30 minutes is actually equivalent to doing other workout activities,
00:31 such as kickboxing or dance cardio, for the same length of time.
00:35 It's a great form of aerobic exercise because it can get your heart rate up,
00:39 especially as you learn different tricks, such as dancing, walking, and squatting while hula hooping.
00:45 It's also low-impact and targets your core, especially your obliques.
00:49 Hula hoops strengthen your glutes, hips, quads, hamstrings, and calves, too.
00:53 Hula hooping may be a full-body workout, but the most important benefit of all, it's just fun.
01:00 If you're looking for an adult-size hula hoop, start with one that weighs between 1 and 3 pounds
01:05 and is 38 to 42 inches in diameter. An inch or two off that range is fine.
01:10 Just remember, as you would do with any new exercise, ease into hula hooping to avoid injury.
01:16 One way to incorporate hula hooping into your fitness routine is to use it as a warm-up,
01:20 for about 8 minutes before weightlifting. Or it can be the sum of your workout,
01:24 for 20 or 30 minutes a day. So, what are you waiting for? It's your turn!