Brics adds 6 countries as new members

  • last year
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced Thursday that the Brics group has agreed to admit Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran as full members of the bloc. teleSUR


00:00 On Thursday, South African President Sergio Ramaphosa announced the expansion of the BRICS
00:11 Group starting in January 2024, with the accession of six countries.
00:16 With the entry of Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,
00:21 BRICS will comprise 46% of the world's population and 39% of the world's gross domestic product.
00:27 Chinese President Xi Jinping described the expansion of the alliance as "historic"
00:31 and affirmed that it will give the mechanism greater quality.
00:34 In his speech, Brazilian President Lula da Silva assured that this will not be the only
00:38 accessions and recalled that the group already has a mechanism for membership.
00:43 The head of state of Russia and India, Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi, shared the hope of
00:48 working to further expand the influence of BRICS.
