"Brazil is back on the continent from which it should never have been separated"

  • last year
Speech by the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva, at the XV meeting of leaders of the Business Forum of the Brics Summit. teleSUR


00:00 I'd like to salute President Mamafosa, President of South Africa.
00:12 I'd also like to give my greetings to the ministers, the MDP President Kamala Dilma
00:23 Moussa, also the business people here in attendance. And I'd like to, above all, salute the South
00:35 African government for hosting this business forum. I'd like to also say I'll plead them
00:41 for sharing this event with the other leaders of the BRICS countries. I'd also like to thank
00:47 all the business people in attendance, particularly the Business Council Board, which is celebrating
00:54 its 10th anniversary. Establishing partnerships among the private sectors is a very relevant
01:01 dimension for the BRICS, in which gives life and continuity to relations between the countries.
01:09 Since the first summit of heads of state and government, our share in the global economy
01:15 has been increasing. We have surpassed the G7 already, accounting for 32% of the world
01:35 GDP in purchasing power. Priority forecasts indicate that emerging and developing markets
01:43 are the ones that will show the highest growth rates in the coming years. Now, according
01:54 to the IMF, while industrialised countries are expected to grow by an average of 2.7%
02:03 in 2022, dropping to 1.4% in 2024, the projected growth for developing countries is of 4% for
02:11 this period. This shows that the dynamism of the economies in the global south and the
02:18 BRICS is its driving force. Brazil's BRICS, the international foreign stock, increased
02:32 370% between 2029 and 2022, and today almost 400 companies from the bloc operate in Brazil.
02:44 After six years of standing, still, Brazil is going to create quality jobs again, it's
02:52 going to fight poverty again, and will increase the income of Brazilian families. Two weeks
02:58 ago, I presented the new PAC, growth acceleration programme. The plan provides for resuming
03:06 suspended projects, accelerating ongoing projects, and also selecting new projects. It is a comprehensive
03:15 programme with many opportunities that may be of interest of investors from BRICS countries.
03:24 We hope to mobilise $340 billion for modernising our logistics infrastructure with investments
03:34 in motorways, railways, waterways, ports, and airports. We will also give priority to
03:42 the generation of solar and wind power, as well as biomass, ethanol, and biodiesel. We
03:49 have immense potential for generating green hydrogen. We shall establish partnerships between
03:54 government and the business community in all areas, through concessions, public-private
03:59 partnerships, and direct contracts. In order for investment to grow again and drive development,
04:08 we need to ensure more credibility, predictability, and legal certainty, as well as political
04:18 and social certainty for the private sector. For this reason, I have advocated the idea
04:25 of greater financial integration, where we could have a new reference unit which would
04:32 not replace our national currencies. The financing needs of developing countries remains high.
04:45 The lack of a substantial reform from traditional financial institutions limits the volume and
04:54 the credit modes offered by existing banks. The decision of establishing the new development
05:01 bank represented a milestone in effective collaboration among emerging economies. Our
05:08 joint bank must be a global leader in the financing of projects that address the most
05:17 pressing challenges of our time. By diversifying payment sources and local currencies, increasing
05:25 its partner network and its membership, NBB constitutes a strategic platform to promote
05:35 cooperation between developing countries. In this strategy, engagement with the African
05:46 Development Bank will be central to this. At the multilateral level, the BRICS stood
05:53 out for being a force that works in favour of a fairer, more predictable, equitable,
06:00 and global trade. We cannot accept the greed of neocolonialism that imposes trade barriers
06:09 and discriminatory measures under the guise of protecting the environment. As of December,
06:17 Brazil will hold the G20 presidency. The presence of three BRICS members in the G20 troika will
06:26 be a great opportunity for us to move forward on issues of interest to the global South.
06:34 We already have South Africa's participation, but the group's representativeness may be
06:41 increased with the entry of the African Union and other countries of the continent.
07:02 It's just a water break. I've been talking about developing and then suddenly, you know,
07:17 I missed the main important source of life, water. Dear friends, upon taking office as
07:32 President of my country again, I am resuming the guidelines of Brazilian foreign policy.
07:38 We started to rebuild South American integration. We have resumed our partnerships with the
07:43 US, China, and the European Union. We hosted the summit of the Amazon countries. We still
07:52 had to return to Africa. It is unacceptable that in 2022, Brazil's trade with Africa
08:00 has dropped by one third when compared to 2013, when it was almost $30 billion. Trade
08:08 flow with Africa still corresponds to only 3.5% of Brazil's foreign trade. Our trade
08:18 agreement network is still in its infancy. Existing agreements with Southern Africa and
08:25 Egypt date from my second term. Today, over 65% of Mercosur exports to Africa went to
08:34 African countries with which there is no agreement in force. There is plenty of room to grow.
08:41 In addition to a past in the United States, we also share a common vision of the future.
08:47 In my first two terms, the African continent was a priority for Brazil. I have made 12
08:54 trips to Africa and have been to 21 countries. Brazil is back on the continent where it should
09:03 never have left. Africa has vast opportunities and enormous potential for growth. To discuss
09:14 the relaunch of trade with the continent, Brazil brought together the heads of the trade
09:20 promotion sectors of all our representations in African countries here in Johannesburg
09:26 last June. Africa is building an ambitious free trade zone project. 54 countries, 1.3
09:39 billion people with over $3 trillion in GDP in this continent, which is the youngest in
09:47 the world from an age perspective and will be the most popular by 2100, offers countless
09:54 opportunities for Brazilian products such as food and beverages, oil, iron, vehicles
09:59 and steel manufacturers. Africa has 65% of the arable land available in the world, and
10:08 it has a strong vocation for being an agricultural powerhouse with the capacity to feed its people
10:16 and offer global food security solutions. Combining investment in technology, Brazil
10:23 has developed modern tropical agricultural techniques that can be successfully replicated
10:31 in Africa. Through the Brazilian agricultural research corporations, we have turned the
10:36 Cerrado into an area of high agricultural productivity, and we can replicate this experience
10:43 in the African savannah. My government has also resumed public policies to support family
10:52 farming, essential to fight food insecurity and hunger that affects our continent. The
11:01 More Food programme, which I relaunched last June, allows small farmers to have access
11:09 to financing to purchase tractors, tools and harvesters. As in the past, a version of the
11:17 More Food programme for food should be resumed as another aspect of Brazilian self-cooperation.
11:33 Africa is also at the heart of the digital and energy transitions. Internet coverage
11:44 already reaches most of the African population, and digital innovation centres and financial
11:53 technology services companies are multiplying, strengthening the Brazilian health complex,
12:02 strengthening the opportunities for cooperation. With South America, the African continent
12:08 has important oil reserves, such as essential oil, such as lithium, that will play a strategic
12:18 role. So that we do not remain as exporters of primary products, we must make the most
12:24 of this opportunity to forge the integration of our production chains and add value to
12:29 the goods and services that we produce in a sustainable manner. Africa is the region
12:35 of the world that emits the least amount of greenhouse gases. However, this does not mean
12:41 that it does not have to face the most perverse consequences of global warming, such as droughts,
12:47 floods, fires and cyclones. Brazil and many African countries have comprehensive plans
12:56 to renew their energy mixes. We share the responsibility of caring for tropical rainforests
13:04 and preserving biodiversity. We share the common concern of fighting the desertification
13:12 process. Environmental and ecosystem services provided by rainforests to the world, they
13:20 must be paid for in a fair and equitable manner. Social diversity products can generate jobs
13:30 and income and offer alternatives to the predatory exploitation of natural resources. These are
13:43 the pillars of the ecological transition plan that we will launch soon. For our economic
13:50 and productive integration to flourish, it will be necessary to increase sea and air
13:54 connections between the two sides of the Atlantic. It is inexplicable that we do not have direct
14:01 flights between Sao Paulo and Johannesburg, Cairo or Dakar, essential for increasing the
14:07 flow of people, trade and tourism. Therefore, I believe it to be very important the proposal
14:16 made by the BRICS Business Council of establishing a multilateral agreement of air services for
14:22 the group with the main national transport and aviation authorities from the countries.
14:29 Very relevant proposal because the BRICS have a unique chance of shaping the global development
14:35 path. You, business people, you're part of this effort. Together, our countries make
14:41 up a third of the global economy. This relevance will grow with the admission of new full members
14:50 and dialogue partners. Collaboration between the public and private sector is vital for
14:58 harnessing this potential and achieving lasting results. Thank you very much, and good luck.
