• 2 years ago
The PERFECT 10 Minute Daily Posture Routine (FIX YOUR SIT!)

So, here are the two routines all summarized with rep range and timing guidance for each of the exercises that’ll help you fix that hunchback posture and reverse the effects of sitting too much.

Routine 1 (Upper Body Focus)

Exercise 1: Over-And-Backs (~10-15 slow reps)
Exercise 2: Cobra Pose (~5-10 slow reps with pause at top)
Exercise 3: Stand And Reach (~5-10 reaches each side, pause at end position)
Exercise 4: Wall Slides With Chin Nod (2 sets of 10-15 reps)

Routine 2 (Lower Body Focus)

Exercise 1: Quadruped Thoracic Rotations (~10 reps each side with pause at top)
Exercise 2: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch (~30-45 second holds each side)
Exercise 3: Pigeon Stretch (~30-45 second holds each side)
Exercise 4: Glute Bridges (2 sets of 10-15 reps with pause at top position)

I’d suggest aiming to perform both of these routines at the very least once a day, and ideally each twice a day if you do sit quite a bit. As it’s the consistency and frequency with these routines that’s key. But, keep in mind as well though guys, that sitting is just part of the problem. I mean we see similar postural imbalances in those who stand all day as well. The real problem is not taking regular breaks, not being aware of your posture throughout the day, and just not moving enough in general. So focus on improving those aspects, while incorporating the exercises for better posture mentioned in this video, and you’ll be able to create positive long lasting changes and as a result look, feel, and perform that much better. And for a step-by-step holistic program that shows you exactly how to train and eat to build muscle and lean down without overlooking key muscles like the ones shown in this video, then simply take the analysis quiz to discover which science-based program would be best for you and where your body is currently at below:

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Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo


