• 2 years ago
La CEDEAO se prépare à une possible intervention militaire au Niger pour contrer le coup d'État en cours. Le Premier ministre malien, Choguel Kokalla Maïga, met en garde contre les conséquences apocalyptiques d'une telle action, craignant une balkanisation de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Selon lui, les forces internationales cherchent à semer le chaos dans la région sous prétexte de démocratie et de contestation des dirigeants africains. Maïga souligne que si la CEDEAO intervient militairement, cela pourrait entraîner la dissolution de l'organisation régionale. Il soulève également la question de qui gouvernerait le Niger après une intervention réussie.
Les chefs militaires de la CEDEAO ont tenu une réunion à Accra, au Ghana, et ont confirmé que les troupes étaient prêtes à partir dès que l'ordre serait donné. Le commissaire de la CEDEAO aux affaires politiques, à la paix et à la sécurité, Abdel-Fatau Musah, a souligné la volonté des forces de l'Afrique de l'Ouest de répondre à l'appel du devoir si toutes les autres options échouent. Il a rappelé les précédents déploiements de la CEDEAO en Gambie et au Liberia, affirmant que l'ordre constitutionnel serait rétabli au Niger par tous les moyens disponibles. Cependant, une intervention militaire soulève des préoccupations quant à la stabilité de la région et à l'avenir de la CEDEAO en tant qu'organisation régionale. La situation au Niger reste tendue, et l'action de la CEDEAO sera déterminante pour l'avenir de la région.
#CEDEAO #menaces #putschistes #putschniger #nigerputsch #ebenemediatv #mgm #interventionmilitaire #coupdÉtat #AfriquedeLOuest #ChoguelMaïga #forcesinternationales #démocratie #ChefsdÉtat #CEDEAOniger #Ghana #ordreconstitutionnel #stabilitérégionale #avenirCEDEAO #Niger
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00:00 The CDAO troops are finally ready and are waiting for the Goa of the state leaders
00:12 of the region to launch the assault against the Nigerian putschists.
00:15 An apocalyptic scenario for West Africa that the Malian Prime Minister, Shogel
00:21 Kokala Maiga, fears.
00:22 PM Maiga estimates that what is currently at stake with the Nigerian file
00:26 exceeds the simplistic considerations of a military intervention.
00:30 To believe the Malian Prime Minister, Shogel Kokala Maiga, West Africa is confronted
00:35 with an apocalyptic scenario, with Niger as a starting point.
00:39 Maiga warns of a possible Balkanization of the region, stating that the forces
00:44 that had divided Africa during the Berlin Conference in 1884 to 1885 are now
00:50 at work to sow chaos in the region.
00:51 According to him, the argument of democracy and the opposition of state leaders is used
00:57 to divide African countries, just like the humanitarian argument was used to justify
01:01 the division of Africa in the colonial era.
01:03 Maiga stresses that if the CDAO intervenes militarily in Niger, it could lead to the
01:09 dissolution of the regional organization, which seems to be the objective of some countries
01:13 from the beginning.
01:14 He doubts the motivations behind a possible intervention, wondering who would govern
01:19 Niger if a president was reinstated by force.
01:22 He invites the heads of state of the CDAO to show wisdom and restraint, emphasizing
01:27 that the CDAO is an economic community and not a political community.
01:31 Meanwhile, the military leaders of the CDAO met in Accra, Ghana, to discuss
01:38 sending troops to Niger.
01:39 The Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the CDAO, Abdel Fattouh Musa,
01:45 said that the troops were ready to leave as soon as the order was given.
01:49 Musa stressed that the forces of West Africa were ready to respond to the call for duty
01:53 if all other options failed.
01:55 He recalled the past interventions of the CDAO in Gambia and Liberia, showing that the organization
02:00 had managed to restore constitutional order in these countries.
02:03 The decision to intervene militarily in Niger is delicate for the CDAO.
02:09 As an economic community, the organization is faced with the possibility of disrupting
02:14 the stability of the region and questioning its own future as a regional organization.
02:19 The situation in Niger remains tense, and the action of the CDAO will be decisive for
02:24 the future of the region.
02:25 The CDAO has already shown its willingness to intervene when democracy and constitutional order
02:31 are threatened in the region.
02:32 Examples of Gambia and Liberia have demonstrated the determination of the organization to
02:37 restore stability and democratic legitimacy.
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02:46 Like the video if you haven't already.
02:48 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:51 (air whooshing)
