• last year
Psychic Killer (1975)-HD


00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:12 Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:00:17 The universe begins to look more and more like a great thought
00:00:22 than a great machine.
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00:00:41 [Sound of a jet taking off]
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00:01:40 [Sound of a jet taking off]
00:01:54 [Screaming]
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00:02:27 My mother.
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00:02:37 [Screaming]
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00:03:06 This is nothing but a strong sedative.
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00:03:33 [Screaming]
00:04:00 There'll be oxygen.
00:04:03 I don't get it.
00:04:04 Just when he seems to be getting so much better,
00:04:07 why does he do it?
00:04:09 I wish I knew.
00:04:11 I guess tomorrow I'll have him in intensive behavior management
00:04:13 while we're busting a gun trying to break out of here.
00:04:17 I don't know. Maybe I brought him along too quickly.
00:04:19 I mean, it's too bad that we've got to put him in there.
00:04:23 Those others.
00:04:25 Oh yeah.
00:04:26 Too bad.
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00:04:39 I, uh, you know, I talked to all the doctors and I tried to stop this,
00:04:43 but I figure that if everything goes well,
00:04:48 you should be back in my unit very soon.
00:04:53 Arnold, I know that you can be helped.
00:04:58 I'm going to keep trying.
00:05:00 I didn't kill anyone.
00:05:02 And if I didn't kill anyone, then I'm not insane.
00:05:05 And I'm not going to confess to something I didn't do.
00:05:11 Arnold.
00:05:16 If you need anything, you get word to me.
00:05:24 I'm sorry about what happened the other night.
00:05:27 And I know that you'd help me if you could.
00:05:29 If you can.
00:05:42 [Indistinct chatter]
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00:06:43 I'm waiting for a train.
00:06:47 Save a seat for me.
00:06:51 I watch from here every day.
00:06:55 One is due soon.
00:06:58 That's the nice thing about trains.
00:07:01 They're always going somewhere.
00:07:03 I killed my own daughter.
00:07:08 She had become a whore.
00:07:10 They say maybe I'm crazy,
00:07:13 but they do not understand an act of honor.
00:07:16 I didn't kill anyone.
00:07:19 My mother was sick for a long time.
00:07:21 I stayed with her and I took care of her.
00:07:23 This doctor was treating her.
00:07:25 He determined that she had a tumor.
00:07:28 The operation was expensive.
00:07:31 I couldn't afford to pay him.
00:07:33 We had no insurance.
00:07:34 There was a house, an old house.
00:07:36 My mother wouldn't sell that no matter what.
00:07:44 The doctor refused to operate.
00:07:51 I argued with him.
00:07:55 I lost my head.
00:07:56 People in the office saw me cursing him.
00:07:59 I ran away.
00:08:01 When I came back, I was going to beg him to reconsider.
00:08:11 He was on the floor, dead.
00:08:16 I think...
00:08:19 When I reached for the scalpel, I got his blood on me.
00:08:24 I called the police and told them everything.
00:08:27 I think they were scared because they took everything I said and twisted it.
00:08:32 They charged me with murder.
00:08:35 My lawyer sold me out.
00:08:38 The trial was a joke.
00:08:42 What the hell is the difference?
00:08:45 I believe you.
00:08:57 They said they'd have a nurse look after my mother.
00:09:01 But they didn't.
00:09:04 And she died.
00:09:06 Four days.
00:09:08 That nurse hadn't been to see her in all that time.
00:09:12 They didn't tell me until six months after it happened.
00:09:16 They didn't tell me.
00:09:17 Because they were afraid the shock would be too much for me.
00:09:28 Your train is late.
00:09:30 Maybe I can help you.
00:09:33 How?
00:09:35 The day before I die,
00:09:38 I'll kill the pimp that made my daughter into a whore.
00:09:42 The day after I die,
00:09:44 I shall help you find justice for yourself.
00:09:49 [Horn honking]
00:10:09 [Alarm clock]
00:10:15 [Gunshots]
00:10:25 [Gunshots]
00:10:40 Amelia.
00:10:51 Amelia.
00:10:53 Amelia.
00:10:56 Amelia.
00:10:59 [Growling]
00:11:05 [Growling]
00:11:16 [Growling]
00:11:36 [Growling]
00:11:55 [Horn honking]
00:12:09 Where have you been?
00:12:10 I went to look for a priest.
00:12:12 I found my man last night.
00:12:14 I carved my name in his chest and slit his throat.
00:12:19 What did the priest say?
00:12:21 He denied me my last rites.
00:12:24 [Growling]
00:12:34 [Screaming]
00:12:38 [Glass shattering]
00:12:55 State attorney called this morning.
00:12:57 They opened a letter Amelia had left.
00:12:59 He wanted you to have his stuff.
00:13:01 Thank you. Thank you very much.
00:13:03 Well, Amelia doesn't have any next of kin you know.
00:13:08 No, I didn't know that.
00:13:10 Yeah.
00:13:12 You know, it's funny.
00:13:14 I got a letter for him just this morning.
00:13:16 No return address, no note.
00:13:18 It's just a newspaper clipping.
00:13:20 Found--hey, wait a minute.
00:13:25 Waller Johnson Black was found dead in his downtown apartment this afternoon.
00:13:33 Investigators say that the gruesome murder has all the earmarks of a ritual killing.
00:13:40 The victim's throat was cut and his chest severely slashed.
00:13:44 Johnson had a long police record going back--
00:13:47 Hey, what are you--
00:13:48 Nothing. Pardon me. Pardon me.
00:13:51 How do you like that?
00:13:53 Somebody sending something like that to somebody in a place like this.
00:13:58 Terrible.
00:13:59 [Glass shattering]
00:14:08 [Crickets chirping]
00:14:15 [Footsteps]
00:14:43 [Footsteps]
00:14:46 You okay, Arnold?
00:14:48 Yeah, I'm all right. Just a little headache.
00:14:50 You want something?
00:14:52 No, no, no. I'll be all right. I'll be all right.
00:14:54 Okay, try to get a little sleep.
00:14:57 Yeah. Yeah.
00:15:00 [Footsteps]
00:15:08 [Footsteps]
00:15:15 [Growling]
00:15:17 [Footsteps]
00:15:32 [Gasp]
00:15:33 [Footsteps]
00:15:44 Man down!
00:15:46 [Glass shattering]
00:16:02 Subject, Arnold Masters, male, Caucasian, age 33, 74 1/4 inches, 179 pounds.
00:16:11 Time of death approximately 12.52 a.m.
00:16:15 Cause of death to be determined.
00:16:17 Preliminary examination prognosis shock.
00:16:21 [Footsteps]
00:16:27 [Water pouring]
00:16:29 Now let's take a look at his heart.
00:16:32 I'm about to make an incision of the fourth rib diagonally toward the lower abdomen.
00:16:38 It will bear the area of the heart.
00:16:40 [Scratching]
00:16:42 [Screaming]
00:16:45 That's the goddamnedest thing I ever heard.
00:16:47 You perform an autopsy on a patient that was still alive?
00:16:50 Dr. Cominger, the man was medically dead when he was brought into the room.
00:16:53 If the papers get hold of this, we're going to look like a bunch of Frankensteins.
00:16:57 Dr. Cominger, may I point out--
00:16:59 Oh, George, just shut up. You haven't killed anybody yet.
00:17:03 Get out of my office and try to keep your mouth shut.
00:17:06 [Footsteps]
00:17:10 Now what about the patient? What kind of shape is he in?
00:17:13 Well, as near as I can tell, he was in a deep state of shock over the death of another patient, which might explain--
00:17:17 Well, never mind that. What kind of shape is he in today, right now?
00:17:22 He seems controlled, rational, no outward stress, huh?
00:17:27 Okay.
00:17:29 Send Mr. Masters in here.
00:17:31 Yes, doctor.
00:17:33 Patients jumping over walls, autopsies performed on patients while they're still alive.
00:17:39 Do you have any idea what would have happened if we'd killed Masters before that paper came out?
00:17:44 I'm sure Mr. Masters would have been justifiably upset.
00:17:47 [Door opens]
00:17:51 Well, Mr. Masters, how are we feeling today?
00:17:57 [Chuckles]
00:17:58 You certainly gave us quite a scare.
00:18:02 Uh, come to the chair.
00:18:06 Actually, I sent for you to come up here because I have some very good news for you.
00:18:13 The official word just came through.
00:18:17 A man came forward last night and confessed to the crime for which you were committed to this institution.
00:18:25 Now, you are hereby released from this institution as all charges against you have been dismissed.
00:18:39 I, um, really don't know how a thing like this ever could have happened, but after all,
00:18:45 this is the first time an innocent man has been unjustly accused.
00:18:48 We certainly hope that you'll take this in the proper spirit and go on and live a successful and happy life.
00:18:55 Please don't hesitate to ask us to do anything in our power to help you in your efforts at rehabilitation
00:19:01 from something that must have been a terrible ordeal for you.
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00:24:19 Come on, darling. Nobody's gonna bite you.
00:24:23 Except me.
00:24:25 [Music]
00:24:29 Why don't you start the fire while I get us something to drink?
00:24:33 [Music]
00:24:45 How you doing, darling?
00:24:47 I'm fine.
00:24:49 [Music]
00:24:58 Pa?
00:24:59 Yes?
00:25:01 Do you come here often?
00:25:03 If you're asking do I bring women here often, the answer is no.
00:25:07 No, I wasn't asking that.
00:25:11 Well, of course you were.
00:25:13 And I expect you to.
00:25:15 That's why I'm such a good doctor and you're such a good patient.
00:25:20 It's because we understand each other.
00:25:23 Here. Try some of this.
00:25:26 Nature's tranquilizer.
00:25:28 [Music]
00:25:31 Let me give you a little free psychiatric advice.
00:25:36 You're cheating on your husband.
00:25:40 For the first time.
00:25:42 [Music]
00:25:48 It's natural that you...
00:25:51 be a little tense at the beginning.
00:25:55 [Sighs]
00:25:57 These...
00:26:00 are not through.
00:26:02 [Music]
00:26:08 You see, my dear, here you are with your analyst.
00:26:14 To whom you've transferred all your incestuous feelings you suppressed for your late father.
00:26:21 [Music]
00:26:31 Stand up.
00:26:33 [Music]
00:26:54 Beautiful.
00:26:56 Someone as sensual and beautiful as you shouldn't be wasted.
00:27:00 [Sighs]
00:27:03 [Music]
00:27:05 I love you more than anyone.
00:27:08 [Music]
00:27:21 I love you more than anyone.
00:27:25 Did you hear that?
00:27:26 No, nothing.
00:27:29 I love you more than anyone.
00:27:31 [Laughs]
00:27:34 What is it?
00:27:35 Be quiet.
00:27:36 I love you, my darling.
00:27:38 Hear what?
00:27:40 Beautiful.
00:27:41 Paul.
00:27:42 Come on, darling.
00:27:44 No one's gonna bite you, except me.
00:27:48 What is it, Paul?
00:27:50 [Laughs]
00:27:51 I love you, my darling.
00:27:53 What's the matter with you?
00:27:55 You think you can make a fool out of me?
00:27:57 Who is that out there?
00:27:58 Paul, what is it?
00:27:59 I didn't hear anything, I suppose.
00:28:01 No, nothing.
00:28:03 Paul, are you all right?
00:28:05 [Laughs]
00:28:07 [Glass shatters]
00:28:08 [Laughs]
00:28:09 Paul.
00:28:10 All right, who is it?
00:28:11 Here I am.
00:28:12 Who's out there?
00:28:13 Here I am, darling.
00:28:15 Follow me.
00:28:16 [Laughs]
00:28:17 Follow me.
00:28:18 What?
00:28:19 Here I am.
00:28:20 [Laughs]
00:28:21 Over here.
00:28:22 Over here.
00:28:23 [Laughs]
00:28:25 No one's gonna bite you, except me.
00:28:28 [Laughs]
00:28:29 [Laughs]
00:28:30 [Laughs]
00:28:31 All right, who is it?
00:28:33 Who's out there?
00:28:34 [Laughs]
00:28:35 [Laughs]
00:28:36 [Laughs]
00:28:37 [Laughs]
00:28:38 No one's gonna bite you, my darling.
00:28:41 My darling.
00:28:42 [Laughs]
00:28:43 [Laughs]
00:28:44 [Laughs]
00:28:45 [Laughs]
00:28:46 Come on, darling.
00:28:47 Come on, darling.
00:28:48 Don't be afraid.
00:28:49 Don't be afraid.
00:28:50 [Laughs]
00:28:51 Come on, darling.
00:28:52 Come on, darling.
00:28:53 Don't be afraid.
00:28:54 Don't be afraid.
00:28:55 Come on, come on.
00:28:56 Arnold Masters, although abnormally attached to his mother, and by nature recluse, and
00:29:00 antisocial in behavior, is in most instances a person who would have...
00:29:06 [Explosion]
00:29:12 You did not see anyone.
00:29:14 Is that right, Mrs. Chan?
00:29:16 Could you answer the question, please?
00:29:19 No.
00:29:20 And where were you at this time?
00:29:22 I, um...
00:29:23 I was on the floor.
00:29:25 What were you doing on the floor?
00:29:27 I was, um...
00:29:29 He was kissing me.
00:29:31 Is that when he began to act strangely?
00:29:34 What do you mean, strangely?
00:29:36 Look forward, please.
00:29:40 Well, he was lying on the floor with a naked woman.
00:29:44 You were naked, weren't you?
00:29:47 Could you answer the question, please?
00:29:49 Yes.
00:29:51 Yes, what?
00:29:52 Yes, I was naked.
00:29:54 So you didn't hear anything?
00:29:56 No.
00:29:58 How can you explain that?
00:30:01 I can't.
00:30:06 You don't believe me.
00:30:08 I'd like to believe you, Mrs. Turner, but a man is dead.
00:30:11 You were the last one to see him.
00:30:13 Well, I didn't do anything.
00:30:14 Somebody sure as hell did, and you were obviously on intimate terms with Dr. Taylor.
00:30:18 Can I go?
00:30:20 What was your husband doing in the office?
00:30:22 I've told you everything.
00:30:24 I want to go home.
00:30:29 Did you take Mrs. Turner home?
00:30:34 I don't get it.
00:30:35 He fired that shotgun at somebody, but there's no trace of blood or no footprints other than his.
00:30:41 I know damn well she didn't do it because he's not big enough to break his neck the way we found him.
00:30:45 You sure about it, old man?
00:30:47 I checked him out. He's been in Chicago the past six months on a business deal.
00:30:51 He spent a lot of time away from home.
00:31:12 [cat meowing]
00:31:21 [cat screeching]
00:31:25 [laughing]
00:31:28 [cat screeching]
00:31:34 [cat screeching]
00:31:49 [cat screeching]
00:31:58 Now, Mr. Schaefer, are you having those bad thoughts again?
00:32:04 It's just that these uniforms always shrink.
00:32:09 You don't know how uncomfortable they are.
00:32:16 Now, Mr. Schaefer, don't get any ideas.
00:32:18 It's just that this uniform is strangling me.
00:32:25 You're lucky to have me, Mr. Schaefer, to massage your legs, to clean up the mess you make in your bed.
00:32:32 I'm on my feet all day, and I don't have anyone to take care of me.
00:32:35 I have to do it all by myself.
00:32:39 Most men don't know how to massage women, you know.
00:32:42 I'll bet you do, though.
00:32:44 I'll bet you are the most gentle man in the world, and I can usually tell.
00:32:52 Well, let's see now. You're not due for another interview until 9 o'clock, so I think I'll relax and take a shower.
00:32:58 [yawns]
00:33:10 I'll be back in a few minutes.
00:33:14 Why don't you take a nap?
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00:36:17 Dave. Yeah, just a second.
00:36:22 Shower door jammed and so are the faucet handles.
00:36:27 When is the last time you heard of anybody scalding to death in the shower? It's a new one, all right.
00:36:32 Two freak deaths in less than 12 hours. Yeah, busy day. Listen, I talked to the manager and I checked out the water heater.
00:36:37 Everything's working all right. The coroner said she had first degree burns. That water had to be scalding.
00:36:42 Oh, no, not out of that water heater. I guarantee it. Then I don't get it. I just don't get it.
00:36:47 Nobody else could have done it to her. It's impossible. Yeah, it looked like an accident all right. Looks like.
00:36:52 Both doors locked from the inside. The manager had to break the front door in when the water was running out into the hall this morning.
00:36:57 The old man she's taking care of is a terminal cancer case strapped to his bed.
00:37:02 He sure as hell couldn't have done anything. What about him? Did he see or hear anything? No, no.
00:37:07 This morning when they found him, he was in a coma. He only had a few days to live anyway. Well, I don't know how she got
00:37:12 burned so bad, but it had to be an accident. What else could it be? Marv, go back to that cabin where Dr. Taylor was killed and walk through it again for me.
00:37:18 Maybe we overlooked something somewhere. Look, if you got some sleep that night, instead of jumping in and out of different beds, you'd have some energy for police work.
00:37:36 Car 23, car 23. Moving out the highway up toward the big rock. Car 23 received. Marv, what's happening? We had a date for lunch today.
00:37:44 Yeah, well, the old man's got a hair baby. He wants me to check out that accident at the cabin ground yesterday. He sees foul play.
00:37:50 Christ, he sees foul play in everything. All the whole damn day running around out there in the woods.
00:37:55 You're a bastard. You probably have some other woman stashed out there somewhere. Oh, I wish I did. Check you later.
00:38:00 Soos, move your ass. I want to report back here by this evening. Talk to anyone that might have seen them. And stop using police equipment to straighten out your sex life.
00:38:08 Right, chief. Son of a bitch is everywhere.
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00:38:49 You stupid son of a bitch. You'll be sorry when you catch me.
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00:39:02 Maybe I better slow down and show that guy where to get off.
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00:39:18 Help, help, help, help, help me, help. Something's wrong. I can't, I can't, I can't control myself.
00:39:25 Help, help, help, help, help me, help. No, I can't control.
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00:47:38 Lieutenant, I understand it's your responsibility to investigate every detail, no matter how remote.
00:47:46 But I understand that these were accidental deaths.
00:47:50 It looks that way.
00:47:51 Because there's no other logical explanation, is there?
00:47:54 No.
00:47:56 Not yet.
00:47:59 Are you implying that I had anything to do with this?
00:48:02 You said that, not me.
00:48:05 Because the police wouldn't want to unjustly accuse me of a crime.
00:48:10 Again.
00:48:11 Oh, you mean like Sergeant Sewage did?
00:48:14 Exactly.
00:48:16 Perhaps the good sergeant died of a guilty conscience.
00:48:19 He should have known better than to drive that fast.
00:48:22 Well, Arnold, thanks for the milk.
00:48:25 Anytime.
00:48:28 I'll be seeing you.
00:48:33 Oh, incidentally, the news report stated that the sergeant was killed in a car crash.
00:48:40 But it didn't say anything about speeding.
00:48:43 I'm a great believer in justice.
00:48:46 Perhaps justice found its way to these three.
00:48:50 I wonder.
00:48:52 I wonder if justice will find its way to any others.
00:48:56 Well, we'll just have to wait and find out, won't we?
00:49:00 Dave, make up a list of judge, jury, prosecutor, witnesses, everybody connected with the Arnold Masters trial.
00:49:06 You want to do something?
00:49:07 No, just make up the list, will you?
00:49:11 Morgan.
00:49:12 Yeah, I want Masters on a 24-hour surveillance.
00:49:15 Now, I got an order for a phone tap, but I also want a mobile unit standing by.
00:49:19 I don't want this guy out of our sight for one minute.
00:49:21 Right.
00:49:23 I'm very impressed, Lieutenant.
00:49:25 Impressed with what?
00:49:26 With the way you're going after Arnold Masters, full speed ahead.
00:49:29 We're not going after Masters, Miss Scott.
00:49:32 Doctor Scott.
00:49:34 Doctor, we're not going after him.
00:49:36 We're simply watching him.
00:49:37 You don't think the way you're doing it comes under the category of harassment?
00:49:41 I told you that when I spoke to him last night, he all but said that he had something to do with this and that he wasn't finished.
00:49:47 Forgive me, Lieutenant, but your interpretation of Arnold's remarks may reflect more what you'd like to believe than what Arnold actually meant.
00:49:53 Doctor, I didn't bring you down here to analyze me.
00:49:56 [phone ringing]
00:49:58 Yeah, we'll be right there.
00:50:01 Masters just left his house.
00:50:04 Quit telling Masters. Would you like to come along?
00:50:06 I had other plans for the weekend, but since I'm here, I'd be fascinated to see how small-town law and order operates.
00:50:13 [dog barking]
00:50:23 [children playing]
00:50:38 [phone ringing]
00:50:50 Just what did you bring me down here for, Lieutenant?
00:50:53 First you can tell me. When he was your patient, did he ever threaten revenge?
00:50:57 No. He maintained that he was innocent, which he was, but I never heard any threats.
00:51:01 Okay, then I'd like you to talk to him. See if you notice any changes. Anything out of his normal behavior pattern.
00:51:08 Hold it a second.
00:51:10 Well, what did he say?
00:51:26 Nothing. He bought three lamb chops for his cat, commented on how high the price of meat was going, said thank you very much, and left.
00:51:34 Highly significant.
00:51:35 What do you mean?
00:51:36 That he noticed the price of meat has gone up.
00:51:38 Very funny. Let's follow him back to the steakhouse.
00:51:42 Lieutenant Morgan, I am very tired. I drove over 300 miles since early this morning, and I was looking forward to a little rest this weekend.
00:51:51 [car engine starting]
00:51:54 [birds chirping]
00:52:04 What do you see?
00:52:06 A man feeding a pussycat.
00:52:09 [laughing]
00:52:11 This morning he sat in that chair for three hours and didn't make a move.
00:52:15 Maybe he was tired.
00:52:17 What's the matter?
00:52:23 I think he...
00:52:25 Well, I'm not sure, but I think he's asleep.
00:52:28 Well, let's wake him up so you can talk to him.
00:52:30 [clicking]
00:52:32 Anything to help you with your obsession, Lieutenant?
00:52:35 You know what my real obsession was? You mind if I be so obliged?
00:52:37 With my luck, it'd be necrophilia.
00:52:40 [laughing]
00:52:43 [phone ringing]
00:52:49 He's not answering.
00:52:51 Frank.
00:52:54 Check the tap on his phone.
00:52:56 [tapping]
00:53:00 It's ringing.
00:53:03 And he's not moving.
00:53:08 What do you want me to do?
00:53:10 Let it ring.
00:53:12 [ringing]
00:53:19 Wrap it up, Ed. We got him cold.
00:53:21 Cold?
00:53:22 The land deal doesn't have to be ratified by the state.
00:53:24 If we apply sections 2654A, article 43 of the tax code structure, 1937.
00:53:30 That's never been changed and challenged only once.
00:53:33 Dover versus Martindale and Dover lost, meaning what's good for him is good for us.
00:53:37 Okay.
00:53:38 That should make your client happy and give him a few shekels to cut up between us.
00:53:41 Okay, I'll get it. Bye.
00:53:43 Hey, by the way, it wouldn't do any harm if we can get the contractors to cut us in for 12% of all future dealings in that area.
00:53:51 He should go for that, too.
00:53:53 I don't know.
00:53:54 Bye.
00:53:57 Christ, I've got to call my broker this afternoon.
00:54:02 Sanders here. Get me CF.
00:54:04 CF, Sanders speaking.
00:54:06 What? Where are you?
00:54:07 I'll be there at the doubles match in 15 minutes.
00:54:10 We should be able to beat these guys.
00:54:13 No, but not too badly.
00:54:14 I want to lock up the equity funding proxy sales at the same time.
00:54:18 Bye.
00:54:21 Stopping off at my building to check things out.
00:54:24 If I'm not there every minute, they screw everything up.
00:54:29 [car door opens]
00:54:31 [car engine starts]
00:54:33 [car door closes]
00:54:36 [laughs]
00:54:45 [phone rings]
00:54:55 Shirley, make a note.
00:54:57 Tell the goddamn contractor that I ordered early Roman lettering.
00:55:01 What did I get?
00:55:02 Beverly Hills Imperial.
00:55:04 He'll say I changed my mind, but if he'll re-read the specifications, he'll find out that I can really stick it to him.
00:55:10 But he doesn't know from contracts. He doesn't know from buildings.
00:55:16 Feed this back to me on Monday.
00:55:18 Shirley, tell Max to 86 the beige carpeting and swing over into royal blue,
00:55:24 which should go nicely with the prints of the keen paintings that the kid at UCLA is hustling up for me.
00:55:30 Shirley, make a note to call Phil and see if I can make an under-the-table deal with Sam
00:55:36 for those Louis XIV telephones out of the Rothenburg foreclosure.
00:55:41 Shirley, I got it. I got it.
00:55:44 Call the plumber first thing in the morning.
00:55:47 The reception will have an imitation trevy fountain cascading behind two of the most beautiful receptionists you've ever seen.
00:55:55 Next to you, huh?
00:55:57 [laughs]
00:55:58 [singing]
00:56:04 Ah, I love it all.
00:56:07 Every stick, every brick, all of it mine.
00:56:11 Ah, deep and shared.
00:56:15 La donna è mobile, qualsi un malavento, muta d'ascento e di pensier.
00:56:23 Sempre il mobile, quasi ad rovista.
00:56:27 All this is mine. All of it's mine.
00:56:31 La donna è mobile, qualsi un malavento, muta d'ascento e di pensier.
00:56:39 It's mine. Every stick, every brick, all this is mine.
00:56:44 Ah, deep and shared.
00:56:53 [thunder]
00:56:55 [ding, ding]
00:56:57 He's waking up.
00:57:00 [phone ringing]
00:57:02 Hello.
00:57:05 Hello. Arnold?
00:57:07 Who is this?
00:57:08 Dr. Scott.
00:57:10 Oh, hello.
00:57:13 I'm in town just for the day. I wondered if I could come by and see you.
00:57:17 Oh, certainly, certainly. Do you have my address?
00:57:20 Yes. Um, 15 minutes, all right?
00:57:23 Uh, yes, yes, yes, sure.
00:57:27 What's the matter?
00:57:32 I feel a little like a police informer.
00:57:35 Look at it this way. If he's done nothing wrong, then you'll be helping him.
00:57:39 I suppose so.
00:57:41 Oh, keep him by the window so we can see both of you.
00:57:44 If there's a problem, we'll be there fast.
00:57:46 That's hardly necessary. He isn't dangerous.
00:57:48 Keep him by the window anyway.
00:57:50 Hello, Arnold.
00:57:55 Hello.
00:57:56 Oh, oh, won't you come in, please?
00:58:01 Sure.
00:58:02 Would you like to sit down?
00:58:05 Thanks.
00:58:08 Oh, may I, uh, may I get you something?
00:58:10 Oh, uh, no. No, thank you. I...
00:58:13 I just, uh, wanted to see how you were getting along.
00:58:16 Oh, fine, fine. I'm...
00:58:19 adjusting, trying to get a job, you know.
00:58:22 How about the nightmares?
00:58:25 Oh, they're all gone.
00:58:27 Good.
00:58:28 Um, I'm sorry.
00:58:32 I'm sorry.
00:58:33 I'm sorry.
00:58:34 I'm sorry.
00:58:35 Um, could I see that, please?
00:58:40 No.
00:58:42 That was Emilio's, wasn't it?
00:58:44 It's mine now.
00:58:46 What does that mean to you?
00:58:48 Why do you wear it?
00:58:49 I like it.
00:58:51 Why do you like it?
00:58:52 I think I'll... I think I'll make some tea.
00:58:56 I make very good tea.
00:58:58 Oh, I don't want any.
00:59:00 Thank you.
00:59:03 I want you to be open with me,
00:59:06 the way you used to be.
00:59:08 Arnold.
00:59:13 Are you in some kind of trouble?
00:59:16 Asda!
00:59:17 Lieutenant.
00:59:19 Dr. Scott.
00:59:21 What is it?
00:59:22 You better come with me.
00:59:24 Are you working with the police?
00:59:27 Of course not. I came here to see you.
00:59:30 I assume this is a real emergency, Lieutenant.
00:59:32 It is.
00:59:33 Look, Arnold, I came here to see you because...
00:59:36 You don't owe me any explanation.
00:59:38 You'd better go with the Lieutenant.
00:59:40 He has a real emergency.
00:59:42 Don't you, Lieutenant?
00:59:45 That's right.
00:59:47 That son of a bitch knows.
00:59:54 What are you talking about?
00:59:55 He knows. You see the smile he just gave me?
00:59:57 He knows.
00:59:58 Knows what?
00:59:59 A crane, unattended,
01:00:18 mysteriously drops a cornerstone
01:00:21 on Harvey B. Sanders.
01:00:23 If that crane was locked up and nobody was there,
01:00:26 how could it have killed him?
01:00:28 That's what's driving me crazy.
01:00:31 If you'll pardon the expression.
01:00:33 I know what you mean.
01:00:34 Getting interested, Doc?
01:00:36 Yep, I guess I am.
01:00:38 And it's Laura, Lieutenant.
01:00:41 And it's Jeff, Doc.
01:00:43 Dinner?
01:00:46 Where?
01:00:48 My place?
01:00:49 Sure.
01:00:51 Sure.
01:00:52 You're not a bad cook.
01:01:00 For a cop.
01:01:01 Purely self-defense.
01:01:04 And self-taught.
01:01:06 Your wife didn't educate you?
01:01:10 I didn't say anything about being married.
01:01:13 Well, you didn't have to. I...
01:01:15 I looked around your bedroom and I saw her picture.
01:01:19 With a little boy.
01:01:20 Doc, that's invasion of privacy.
01:01:23 Probably.
01:01:24 Where are they now?
01:01:25 Phoenix. She remarried.
01:01:27 She, uh...
01:01:31 She always wanted to be in the same place, you know,
01:01:34 everything organized.
01:01:35 I went away to become an FBI man.
01:01:39 I thought it would be exciting.
01:01:41 It wasn't.
01:01:43 So, when I had enough of that,
01:01:46 I came back here to be with her.
01:01:48 I was just a little too late.
01:01:50 She already found somebody else.
01:01:53 Doc, I'm beginning to sound like a patient.
01:01:58 I was just curious about you.
01:02:00 Yeah, and I was doing all the talking.
01:02:03 Well, now it's my turn to be curious about you.
01:02:09 Oh, I come from a small town in Arkansas.
01:02:13 You probably never even heard of it.
01:02:15 Blah-blah.
01:02:16 Blah-blah?
01:02:17 Bly-blah.
01:02:19 The only trouble was that everybody always watched everybody else there.
01:02:25 Nobody ever did anything very interesting.
01:02:28 Well, what brings you out here?
01:02:33 I mean, to that hospital?
01:02:34 I took my residency there.
01:02:37 And, uh...
01:02:38 I went into private practice for a while, but...
01:02:43 I suppose what really interests me the most is...
01:02:46 helping people who are...
01:02:48 on the outer fringes.
01:02:51 So, I went back to the hospital.
01:02:54 Everybody's always got his eye on you there, too.
01:02:58 Well...
01:03:05 I'm sure tomorrow is going to be a very long day.
01:03:10 We're going to waste a whole lot of time fencing around.
01:03:13 Why don't we just go to bed?
01:03:15 I'll meet you there...
01:03:19 as soon as you're finished.
01:03:21 I'm finished!
01:03:27 [distant train whistle]
01:03:30 [train whistle]
01:03:32 [sad music]
01:03:40 [sad music]
01:03:42 [gasp]
01:04:06 I didn't come here to hurt you.
01:04:10 I wanted to see you.
01:04:12 Why?
01:04:13 You were my only friend.
01:04:15 Come out here so I can see you.
01:04:17 I can see you.
01:04:18 That's enough.
01:04:19 Should I be afraid of you?
01:04:22 Not you.
01:04:23 Did you kill those people?
01:04:25 All the time I was in the hospital...
01:04:31 I thought about you.
01:04:34 About how beautiful you are.
01:04:36 I've been watching you all evening.
01:04:38 How could you do that?
01:04:40 I watched you make love to him.
01:04:43 I wish it had been me.
01:04:47 Laura!
01:04:48 Laura?
01:04:49 What's the matter?
01:04:52 I want to go to where you're watching Arnold's house.
01:04:58 And I want to go right now!
01:05:00 He hasn't moved out of that chair all night.
01:05:04 Was he asleep earlier?
01:05:06 Yeah.
01:05:07 Up until about 15 minutes ago.
01:05:09 Uh-huh.
01:05:10 What the hell is this all about?
01:05:13 Look, I'm telling you that I saw him.
01:05:15 I saw him as clearly as I see you right now.
01:05:17 That's impossible.
01:05:18 I am a trained psychiatrist.
01:05:20 I spent four years in medical school, four years in internship...
01:05:22 I don't care where you work!
01:05:23 I have worked at the State Mental Hospital for the last seven years of my life.
01:05:26 I've been psychoanalyzed by the best doctors in the whole world.
01:05:29 I am not insane.
01:05:30 I was not sleepwalking.
01:05:32 And I know an hallucination when I see one.
01:05:34 And I am telling you that I saw Arnold Masters in your apartment 35 minutes ago.
01:05:38 Where are you going?
01:05:40 I am going to see an old professor friend of mine.
01:05:43 He's at Redlands University.
01:05:45 If I leave here right now, I can be there by 9 o'clock.
01:05:47 Well, if I drive you there, we can be there by 8.30.
01:05:49 All right.
01:05:52 Now, what you're seeing is energy.
01:06:01 Energy.
01:06:04 Every object has an energy force, an aura around it.
01:06:11 Now, this was suspected for many centuries.
01:06:13 As a matter of fact, many artists claim to have seen this aura and painted it as a halo around their figures.
01:06:19 But it wasn't until 1939, when the Russian couple Semyon and Valentina Kurlyan succeeded in actually photographing this,
01:06:29 that we had any scientific evidence of its existence.
01:06:33 Now, this aura is not static.
01:06:39 It varies, which is very interesting.
01:06:41 And we in this university at this time are experimenting with certain types of mental and physical disorders
01:06:49 to see if we can find any practical application of this principle.
01:06:54 Aha!
01:06:59 Aha!
01:07:00 Do you recognize this slide?
01:07:03 Huh?
01:07:04 It happens to be the one we took just a half hour ago of each of your hands.
01:07:09 If I may say so, by the amount of energy visible on that film,
01:07:16 yours is a relationship definitely worth cultivating.
01:07:26 If we learn nothing more, we will at least have a lucrative mate-matching or marriage-counseling business here.
01:07:35 Well, now, doctor, this is all very interesting.
01:07:40 But how does any of this relate to Hanoi Masters?
01:07:45 I can't say precisely, but many of us in parapsychology believe
01:07:53 that the energy force in any human can be controlled.
01:07:59 And it's conceivable that this energy can be projected, propelled,
01:08:06 what we call an out-of-body experience.
01:08:09 Then you're telling me that that could explain how Hanoi Masters killed people
01:08:14 while he, or rather as you say, his body was miles away?
01:08:20 It could explain it, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.
01:08:23 I'm merely suggesting certain avenues that you might be wise to explore.
01:08:28 You know, in our enlightened days we know of only four types of energy.
01:08:34 Gravitational, electromagnetic, and the weak and strong nuclear forces.
01:08:39 But the existence of nuclear forces was not even suspected before this century.
01:08:47 I'm not prepared to say with any degree of certainty that we have found
01:08:50 every force in nature, are you?
01:08:52 There must be at least one more force operating on a physical level
01:08:57 which would tend to support psychic phenomena. There must be.
01:09:01 Could you spell it out, doctor, in layman terms, just how he killed them?
01:09:07 If he did. If he did.
01:09:13 It's possible that Mr. Masters has so learned to control the art of releasing energy
01:09:22 from his living body, and that this energy, or spirit if you will,
01:09:28 is malevolent, mean, angry.
01:09:31 And this spirit goes out to murder those whom he thinks have done him harm.
01:09:37 That's what I thought you meant.
01:09:42 Well, it's not that incredible, lieutenant.
01:09:44 I venture to say that even you have at one time or other experienced some psychic phenomena.
01:09:49 Well, if I have, I sure don't remember it.
01:09:52 Well, all right, let's see.
01:09:54 Have you ever thought of a dear friend you hadn't seen in years,
01:09:59 and suddenly there's a phone call?
01:10:02 Or did you ever experience doing or saying something in a certain place once before
01:10:07 in precisely the same way?
01:10:11 Have you ever had a stab of anguish for a dear loved one,
01:10:14 and the very next day, a fateful telegram?
01:10:18 Doctor, I'm sorry to be so slow getting into this, but this is so far off for a small-town cop.
01:10:33 So were those poor deaths.
01:10:35 You're not alone.
01:10:38 There are the extremely intelligent people who are simply unwilling to accept this.
01:10:42 I have been teaching and studying psychic phenomena for 35 years.
01:10:47 But I can understand your reluctance.
01:10:50 Still, if I could observe Mr. Masters firsthand,
01:10:55 perhaps I could tell you more.
01:10:59 Okay, let's go.
01:11:06 Maybe in a trance, I...
01:11:08 I'm sorry, I really can't tell from so far away.
01:11:12 Then let's, uh, let's go get a closer look.
01:11:19 Masters!
01:11:23 Masters!
01:11:26 Lieutenant, I know the law is your department, but don't we need a search warrant or something?
01:11:32 Look, Doc, we came by here to see him.
01:11:35 When there was no reply, we became concerned.
01:11:37 We found the door open, and we came in.
01:11:39 That's just the way it happened.
01:11:44 Come on.
01:11:45 No pulse.
01:12:09 No breathing.
01:12:12 No heartbeat.
01:12:13 No corneal reflex.
01:12:16 No nothing.
01:12:19 He was in the same state when they found him in his cell at the hospital.
01:12:23 And they pronounced him dead.
01:12:25 In a strict sense, he is medically dead.
01:12:29 I'm sorry, Doc.
01:12:30 I'm sorry.
01:12:32 I'm sorry.
01:12:34 I'm sorry.
01:12:36 I'm sorry.
01:12:38 I'm sorry.
01:12:40 I'm sorry.
01:12:42 I'm sorry.
01:12:44 I'm sorry.
01:12:46 I'm sorry.
01:12:48 I'm sorry.
01:12:50 I'm sorry.
01:12:52 I'm sorry.
01:12:54 I'm sorry.
01:12:57 I'm sorry.
01:12:58 Doctor, did you notice the amulet around his neck?
01:13:01 Yes.
01:13:03 I wonder what it might represent.
01:13:05 He got it from another patient.
01:13:07 The man left it for him after he killed himself.
01:13:09 All right, what do we do now?
01:13:12 Wait for him to return.
01:13:14 Wait?
01:13:16 Isn't there something you can do to pull him out of this?
01:13:18 No.
01:13:20 You might notify all the potential victims if you wish.
01:13:23 I already have.
01:13:26 I love you.
01:13:27 Prices, prices, prices.
01:13:38 Enough, enough.
01:13:40 The government tells me how to run my business.
01:13:42 You tell me how to run my business.
01:13:44 What's a man to do?
01:13:46 I'll tell you what to do.
01:13:48 Try living on welfare with food stamps to feed your children.
01:13:50 Well, don't blame me. I didn't vote for him.
01:13:52 Oh, yes, you did. You just don't want to admit it right now.
01:13:55 Well, what's the difference?
01:13:56 We're all a bunch of thieves.
01:13:58 Will you put some meat in this package?
01:14:00 That's what I'm paying you for.
01:14:02 Carbohydrates, good for the kids.
01:14:04 I'm going to report you to the food and welfare people.
01:14:06 Do me a favor. Take your business somewhere else.
01:14:08 I will report you to the NAACP.
01:14:11 Report, report.
01:14:13 One of these days, I'm going to give it up and go to Florida.
01:14:15 In the meantime, will you take your hands off the scale?
01:14:19 How much do I owe you?
01:14:21 422.
01:14:24 Jesus!
01:14:25 Jesus lived on bread and water for 40 days and 40 nights.
01:14:29 It was not Jesus. It was Moses.
01:14:32 Food stamps.
01:14:34 A man can't pay his bills with food stamps.
01:14:36 You'll take them damn food stamps or I'll report you.
01:14:39 Report, report.
01:14:41 That's what we're going to do.
01:14:43 I'm not going to put a penny in our food with that.
01:14:46 You know better than me, baby.
01:14:48 That's not my responsibility.
01:14:50 I don't care to hear that.
01:14:53 I'm not going to worry about that. I'm so sorry.
01:14:55 You come back.
01:14:57 I'll come back in here if I want to come back in here.
01:15:00 And give my regards to the kids.
01:15:05 And give my regards to the kids.
01:15:08 (Gunshot)
01:15:10 (Gunshot)
01:15:12 (Bell ringing)
01:15:14 (Bell ringing)
01:15:16 (Bell ringing)
01:15:18 (Bell ringing)
01:15:20 (Train whistle)
01:15:22 (Train whistle)
01:15:24 (Train whistle)
01:15:26 (Train whistle)
01:15:28 (Train whistle)
01:15:30 (Train whistle)
01:15:32 (Train whistle)
01:15:34 (Train whistle)
01:15:36 (Train whistle)
01:15:38 (Train whistle)
01:15:40 (Train whistle)
01:15:43 (Train whistle)
01:15:44 (Train whistle)
01:15:46 (Train whistle)
01:15:48 (Train whistle)
01:15:50 (Train whistle)
01:15:52 (Train whistle)
01:15:54 (Train whistle)
01:15:56 (Screaming)
01:15:58 (Screaming)
01:16:01 (Screaming)
01:16:03 (Screaming)
01:16:05 (Screaming)
01:16:07 (Screaming)
01:16:09 (Screaming)
01:16:12 (Screaming)
01:16:13 (Screaming)
01:16:15 He's coming back.
01:16:23 He's almost back to normal.
01:16:26 What are you doing here?
01:16:28 I'm Dr. Gubner.
01:16:31 We came to make sure that you were alright.
01:16:34 We were very worried about you, Arnold.
01:16:36 That's very thoughtful of you.
01:16:38 Were you very worried?
01:16:41 Not a bit.
01:16:42 Why not?
01:16:44 Because the doctor here tells me that you have some sort of a psychic way of getting out of your body and committing murders.
01:16:50 That's a very interesting theory you have there, doctor.
01:16:52 But you'd best keep it to yourself or else these good people just might have you committed.
01:16:56 Hey! And you can stop pretending.
01:17:00 Because I know you're doing it, somehow.
01:17:02 Well, what do you think you can do about it?
01:17:04 Well, I can put you back in that hospital.
01:17:06 Well, maybe I'll put you where you belong.
01:17:08 Do you really think you can challenge me?
01:17:10 Yeah.
01:17:11 Because I'm not afraid of freaks like you.
01:17:13 You're all hung up on Mom, aren't you, Arnold?
01:17:15 That's your big problem.
01:17:17 You can't provoke me, lieutenant.
01:17:19 And I'm not stupid enough to give you an excuse to shoot me.
01:17:22 But we'll meet again sometime.
01:17:24 When you're alone.
01:17:26 All alone, except for me.
01:17:28 Mr. Masters, I'm not a detective. I'm a parapsychologist.
01:17:30 You are not capable of dealing with what's happening to you.
01:17:34 Perhaps Dr. Scott and I could help you.
01:17:37 Arnold, let us help you. Please.
01:17:39 Get out.
01:17:40 Oh, lieutenant.
01:17:52 I think you'll find some real bargains tonight at Lemonoski's butcher shop.
01:17:58 I understand he has some choice cuts available.
01:18:01 Fresh.
01:18:04 Fresh.
01:18:05 Lemonoski!
01:18:21 Lemonoski!
01:18:23 Stay. Stay.
01:18:25 Come on.
01:18:28 Come on.
01:18:29 Lemonoski!
01:18:41 Lemonoski!
01:18:43 Hey, Lemonoski!
01:18:46 Hey, Lemonoski!
01:19:14 Dr. Horace, pathology.
01:19:16 Oh, my God. My God.
01:19:26 Well, doctors, what do we do now?
01:19:31 Wait for him to kill somebody else?
01:19:33 We could try having him committed and we might be able to work with him, but that would take weeks, months.
01:19:41 I hate to disagree, doctor, but it will take more than weeks and months. More likely years.
01:19:44 And even then, lieutenant, there's no guarantee that we will know more than we know now.
01:19:49 But I've got five dead people on my hands right now.
01:19:52 And I don't know when the hell this thing is going to end.
01:19:54 The end will be a major breakthrough for science and mankind if we succeed.
01:19:58 What about the next poor guy who gets his throat cut?
01:20:01 Or maybe hacked up in some butcher shop?
01:20:03 He's not going to give a damn about your feelings.
01:20:05 I'm sorry, I can't be tied down to your set of values.
01:20:09 You're a police lieutenant and I'm a practical scientist.
01:20:11 Wait a minute.
01:20:17 Didn't you tell me that when the energy force leaves his body, he is clinically and medically dead?
01:20:26 Clinically and medically, yes.
01:20:28 Thank you very much, doctor. I won't be needing your services any longer.
01:20:38 What are you thinking, Dr. Scott?
01:20:39 I'm thinking the lieutenant is planning to kill our masters.
01:20:42 Exactly what I'm thinking. We can't let him do that.
01:20:45 How can we stop him?
01:20:47 We must persuade the masters to come under our protection.
01:20:49 We tried that once.
01:20:51 Then we must try again.
01:20:54 (Cat meowing)
01:20:56 (Cat meowing)
01:20:58 (Dramatic music)
01:21:18 (Cat meowing)
01:21:22 (Cat meowing)
01:21:23 He's dead. There's no doubt about it.
01:21:29 Everything seems to be in order.
01:21:35 (Car engine)
01:21:46 (Car door opening)
01:21:47 What are you doing here?
01:22:07 I think the question might be what are you doing here?
01:22:09 This is none of your business. I don't want you to get involved.
01:22:11 Lieutenant, do you realize what you're doing?
01:22:14 Yes, I'm acting as judge, jury and executioner.
01:22:16 But I don't want you to become involved. Either of you.
01:22:19 Why?
01:22:21 Because it'll make me feel better.
01:22:23 The medallion.
01:22:29 He wasn't wearing the medallion.
01:22:32 Dr. Coomer, what are you doing?
01:22:34 He must still be in the house.
01:22:37 (Car engine)
01:22:45 (Dramatic music)
01:23:06 (Dramatic music)
01:23:27 Dr. Coomer!
01:23:30 (Dramatic music)
01:23:46 Dr. Coomer!
01:23:48 (Dramatic music)
01:23:52 Dr. Coomer!
01:23:54 (Gunshot)
01:23:56 Search the other side.
01:23:59 Look for anything that might have meaning.
01:24:00 (Dramatic music)
01:24:25 (Scream)
01:24:28 (Groan)
01:24:30 (Dramatic music)
01:24:57 (Door opening)
01:25:02 Dr. Scott, come quickly. I found something.
01:25:05 (Footsteps)
01:25:09 (Door opening)
01:25:13 (Footsteps)
01:25:18 (Scream)
01:25:20 He shouldn't have come into her room.
01:25:24 (Dramatic music)
01:25:29 I tried to keep it so nicely.
01:25:32 (Dramatic music)
01:25:34 My mother never hurt anyone.
01:25:37 All I ever tried to do was help her.
01:25:40 But they wouldn't let me.
01:25:42 And now it's late. So very, very late.
01:25:46 What can I do now?
01:25:49 Of course, Arnold.
01:25:52 Everybody knew that you loved her.
01:25:55 Everything I love dies.
01:25:58 (Dramatic music)
01:26:00 (Gunshot)
01:26:02 (Dramatic music)
01:26:05 (Gunshot)
01:26:07 (Groan)
01:26:09 (Dramatic music)
01:26:13 (Gunshot)
01:26:15 (Groan)
01:26:17 (Explosion)
01:26:19 (Scream)
01:26:21 (Groan)
01:26:22 (Groan)
01:26:24 (Groan)
01:26:26 (Explosion)
01:26:28 (Groan)
01:26:30 (Groan)
01:26:32 (Groan)
01:26:34 (Explosion)
01:26:36 (Scream)
01:26:38 (Scream)
01:26:40 (Scream)
01:26:42 (Scream)
01:26:44 (Scream)
01:26:46 (Explosion)
01:26:48 (Scream)
01:26:50 (Scream)
01:26:51 (Scream)
01:26:53 (Scream)
01:26:55 (Scream)
01:26:57 (Scream)
01:26:59 (Scream)
01:27:01 (Scream)
01:27:03 (Explosion)
01:27:05 (Scream)
01:27:07 (Explosion)
01:27:09 (Scream)
01:27:11 (Explosion)
01:27:13 (Scream)
01:27:15 (Scream)
01:27:17 (Scream)
01:27:19 (Music)
01:27:20 (Scream)
01:27:48 (Music)
01:27:49 (Music)
01:27:50 (Music)
01:27:52 (Music)
01:27:54 (Music)
01:27:56 (Music)
01:27:57 (Music)
01:27:58 (Music)
01:27:59 (Music)
01:28:01 (Music)
01:28:02 (Music)
01:28:04 (Music)
01:28:06 (Music)
01:28:08 (Music)
01:28:10 (Music)
01:28:12 (Music)
01:28:14 (Music)
01:28:16 (Music)
01:28:18 (Music)
01:28:20 (Music)
01:28:22 (Music)
01:28:24 (Music)
01:28:26 (Music)
01:28:28 (Music)
01:28:30 (Music)
01:28:31 [BLANK_AUDIO]
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