• 2 years ago
A Boy And His Dog -HD (1975)


00:00:00 [Sound of helicopter]
00:00:10 [Sound of helicopter]
00:00:20 [Sound of helicopter]
00:00:30 [Sound of helicopter]
00:00:40 [Sound of helicopter]
00:00:50 [Sound of helicopter]
00:01:00 [Sound of helicopter]
00:01:10 [Sound of helicopter]
00:01:20 [Sound of helicopter]
00:01:25 World War III, hot and cold, lasting for a...
00:01:29 Hold.
00:01:32 Female.
00:01:34 Rover pack has her. 125 yards.
00:01:37 Solo, waiting to move in. 75 yards.
00:01:40 [Sound of helicopter]
00:01:49 [Screaming]
00:01:51 I'll pull your stinking scissors!
00:01:54 [Screaming]
00:01:57 Hey! Keep away from me!
00:02:00 [Screaming]
00:02:02 [Screaming]
00:02:09 [Screaming]
00:02:11 Help me!
00:02:14 Help! No!
00:02:17 [Screaming]
00:02:20 [Sound of helicopter]
00:02:25 Damn it! Damn it!
00:02:28 [Sound of helicopter]
00:02:34 Hey, you see your jerk when I cut her?
00:02:37 Hold. One more.
00:02:40 [Sound of helicopter]
00:02:56 You're still constantly overreacting.
00:02:58 I have absolutely no idea how I've managed to keep you alive so long.
00:03:07 And I wouldn't bother going down in there unless your taste has changed radically.
00:03:11 They left an ugly mess.
00:03:13 I said they left a mess.
00:03:14 I heard you.
00:03:15 Pearls before swine.
00:03:17 All my directives go completely unregarded.
00:03:20 Sometimes you're just as ignorant as any other common rover.
00:03:22 One indication of a female along, caution to the wind, the eyes glaze, the glands swell and the brain freezes.
00:03:29 I can't see a thing in there. Smell it.
00:03:32 I thought you were doing all the scouting today, Vic.
00:03:34 Damn it, Blood, don't give me a hard time. Smell it.
00:03:39 It's clean.
00:03:41 [Sound of a device beeping]
00:03:52 [Sound of a device beeping]
00:04:12 [Sound of a device beeping]
00:04:25 Ain't that a shame.
00:04:28 Hell, they didn't have to cut her.
00:04:30 She could have been used two or three more times.
00:04:33 Ah, war is hell.
00:04:37 All right, run it again.
00:04:39 You're so funny when you're sexually frustrated.
00:04:42 I'm funny enough to kick you upside the butt.
00:04:44 I said fine and I ain't kidding.
00:04:46 One does not say ain't, Albert. Simply say I'm not kidding.
00:04:49 Fine, dog meat.
00:04:51 And stop calling me Albert.
00:04:52 Oh, you would stone a poor defenseless animal, wouldn't you?
00:04:57 Yes, I can tell that you would.
00:04:59 I can tell by your short breath and your disgusting aggressive behavior that you would.
00:05:05 And that's because you're not a nice person, Albert.
00:05:08 You're not a nice person at all.
00:05:13 [Sound of a device beeping]
00:05:29 Do I gawk at you when you're working?
00:05:33 I'll locate a female if there is one. You go look for food.
00:05:37 [Sound of a device beeping]
00:06:06 [Sound of a device beeping]
00:06:21 I detect no living female person within my range, sir.
00:06:24 I have sniffed and I have cast and I have a negative reading.
00:06:27 However, I'd be delighted to tell you a suggestive story if you think that would help.
00:06:32 Pass. Fuzzy butt.
00:06:34 A cautious young fellow named Lodge had seatbelts installed in his Dodge.
00:06:40 When his date was strapped in, he committed a sin without even leaving the garage.
00:06:45 That's clever, isn't it?
00:06:58 Let's see. From March 1953 to June...
00:07:03 Oh, Albert, you have all the cranial capacity of a canary.
00:07:06 Now, I'm going to recount these events of historical significance once again.
00:07:10 Now, please, please try to assimilate them this time.
00:07:16 World War III, hot and cold, lasted from June 1950 to March 1983,
00:07:22 when the Vatican Armistice was signed between the Eastern and Western blocs, a total of 33 years.
00:07:28 Is this too fast for you?
00:07:30 No, I'm right with you.
00:07:32 Oh, good.
00:07:38 Now, World War IV lasted five days, just long enough for the final missiles to leave their silos on both sides.
00:07:46 What's left here were once homes and families and warm hearths.
00:07:51 Come on, Pete, get off my back, you mad dog.
00:07:57 Now, only desolation and civilization lies smothered and decaying under an ocean of mud,
00:08:03 belonging to anyone who's strong enough to dig and fight and take it for his own.
00:08:09 God, that's dramatic. I like that.
00:08:11 So, spread about us the city of Phoenix, Arizona, where in 2006, 18-odd years ago,
00:08:17 you managed to come into the world and we became associates.
00:08:20 Now, let's hear that back.
00:08:27 Now, let's run through the modern presidents.
00:08:53 What good's all this history crap gonna do me?
00:08:55 Just do the presidents.
00:08:57 Oh, God.
00:08:59 Eisenhower, Truman, Eisenhower.
00:09:02 Truman, Eisenhower.
00:09:04 Kennedy.
00:09:05 Johnson.
00:09:07 Nixon.
00:09:08 Ford.
00:09:11 Kennedy.
00:09:12 Kennedy.
00:09:13 Kennedy.
00:09:14 Kennedy.
00:09:30 Your continued narrow-minded refusal to believe in over the hill is possibly costing us a better life, you know.
00:09:35 Over the hill my ass.
00:09:37 Well, when do we start looking for it again?
00:09:42 As soon as I get my heart started.
00:09:43 I mean, let's stop procrastinating.
00:09:44 I know what you mean.
00:09:45 Over the hill where the deer and the antelope play and it's warm and clean and we can relax and have fun.
00:09:50 And then grow food right out of the ground.
00:09:52 How do you like that pipe dream?
00:09:54 It's called farming.
00:09:55 Oh, I believe you.
00:09:56 And they also have a great crop of clothes and guns and gorgeous chicks.
00:10:01 Now, tell me how you saw the whole wonderful thing with your baby blues.
00:10:04 Never said I saw it. I said I heard about it.
00:10:06 And from who?
00:10:07 From whom? And you know from whom.
00:10:10 And whom the hell's going to believe a police dog?
00:10:21 I'm sorry, blood.
00:10:23 I believe you about over the hill.
00:10:25 Hell, I believe anything you tell me.
00:10:27 And even if we don't know for sure, it's worth checking on, right?
00:10:31 Right?
00:10:32 Whatever you say.
00:10:34 And we will go.
00:10:35 Just like I promised.
00:10:37 Right now I'm hungry and I want to get laid.
00:10:39 So find me abroad and we'll go to the promised land.
00:10:42 That's what you always say.
00:10:44 I know, I know, but I mean it this time.
00:10:46 Find me a chick and we'll go.
00:10:48 I'm hungry.
00:10:49 So am I.
00:10:51 Well, I'll tell you what. You go find a chick and I'll hustle us up some food.
00:10:54 I'm hungry.
00:10:55 You already said that, goddammit, and I just said...
00:10:57 I can't do good work when I'm hungry.
00:11:00 You ain't pulling that crap on me again.
00:11:02 And you can shove that part about how you lost the ability to hunt for food when you learned how to talk.
00:11:07 All hell all you're good for is finding hard stringy scumbags that are just liable to cut off my goddammit...
00:11:12 No food, no females.
00:11:14 Okay, you just sit there on your fuzzy butt while I do all the goddamn work.
00:11:18 But I'll tell you one goddamn thing.
00:11:20 You better do some practice.
00:11:21 It's been six weeks since I've been late.
00:11:23 And it sure as hell ain't been that long since you ate.
00:11:26 But I got it damn well maybe if you don't start producing...
00:11:29 [Mumbling]
00:11:33 [Explosion]
00:11:36 [Screaming]
00:11:42 [Music]
00:11:55 [Explosion]
00:11:59 [Music]
00:12:18 Get out of there!
00:12:19 Hey!
00:12:21 Think you suckers get that dirt out of there.
00:12:24 Must be something special.
00:12:27 They got the whole bunch.
00:12:29 You get up, you in that hole.
00:12:32 Get up, you...
00:12:33 You get yourself up...
00:12:37 Or you ain't never gonna get up.
00:12:41 [Mumbling]
00:12:46 [Grunting]
00:12:49 [Grunting]
00:12:51 Wonder why they hang around him.
00:12:53 Probably just charisma.
00:12:56 Stay there!
00:12:58 Stay!
00:13:05 Move your foot if you don't want to get...
00:13:13 [Mumbling]
00:13:18 [Mumbling]
00:13:22 Maybe he ain't right.
00:13:24 Hey!
00:13:29 Hey!
00:13:32 Please!
00:13:34 [Mumbling]
00:13:46 Wait, Janet!
00:13:47 [Mumbling]
00:13:52 [Mumbling]
00:13:56 [Mumbling]
00:14:00 [Mumbling]
00:14:07 [Mumbling]
00:14:20 [Music]
00:14:31 God, I wish he'd tune that.
00:14:36 Well?
00:14:37 I don't know.
00:14:39 Checked out crackerjack to here.
00:14:41 Think he just might do.
00:14:43 Maybe.
00:14:45 Get that out of there!
00:14:50 Look at that!
00:14:51 Get it up here!
00:14:52 Get your hands off it now, get away from there!
00:14:56 What's this?
00:14:57 I don't know what I know!
00:14:58 Somebody help me up in here!
00:15:00 Look at all that food.
00:15:05 I'll knock your stupid head out!
00:15:07 You ain't doing it!
00:15:08 That's me!
00:15:09 Look at you, boy.
00:15:11 I need shoes! Anybody see some shoes?
00:15:16 Dig!
00:15:20 Dig, you pigs! Get down in there and dig!
00:15:22 Hurry up!
00:15:23 This place ought to be loaded, get it out of there!
00:15:25 Might work.
00:15:28 We'll wait like we always do.
00:15:30 To hell with waiting.
00:15:33 Rick, come back here!
00:15:35 Get away from him!
00:15:39 He's right in it!
00:15:40 Help! Help!
00:15:41 He's digging our dig!
00:15:42 Stop that!
00:15:43 You're tied up!
00:15:44 Help! Help! Help!
00:15:46 Holy damn duck head up there out of the hole!
00:15:55 Get back down in here, you idiots!
00:16:02 Get back in there!
00:16:03 Let him go!
00:16:05 We got him, did we, Blunt?
00:16:06 Oh, shut up! Keep running!
00:16:08 At least he's got some guts.
00:16:10 Now dig in there!
00:16:11 Get out of there and guard that wagon!
00:16:13 Run, boy!
00:16:17 Come back any time, though.
00:16:21 Dig, you suckers!
00:16:27 Stop it!
00:16:28 That's our boy.
00:16:38 Put out the cheese.
00:16:55 What do you want to do tonight?
00:16:57 Oh, it doesn't really matter to me.
00:17:00 Whatever you like to do, Albert.
00:17:02 Um, Rick.
00:17:04 Rick.
00:17:06 Well, now that we're loaded,
00:17:14 I guess we could hit the turf.
00:17:16 Yes, we could do that.
00:17:21 Well, if you'd rather...
00:17:23 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That'd be fine.
00:17:26 We could probably even afford a little...
00:17:30 popcorn.
00:17:34 [Rick]
00:17:36 That's good for the rifle.
00:17:56 Put it in the water there.
00:17:57 They're getting wet there. Move them over.
00:17:59 Goes to rust fast.
00:18:01 Move on along.
00:18:03 Listen, you fucking crabbing toad, you moved my stuff over.
00:18:06 Move is heat.
00:18:08 We don't want no trouble tonight.
00:18:10 Picks up one rust spot,
00:18:17 you're gonna wake up with a crowd around you.
00:18:19 You got that?
00:18:20 Sardines.
00:18:36 What about the mutt?
00:18:40 He ain't no mutt.
00:18:42 You want to see the movies or don't you?
00:18:44 [indistinct chatter]
00:18:47 Peaches.
00:19:01 How the hell am I supposed to know that?
00:19:08 You can read, can't you?
00:19:13 Peaches for the... dog.
00:19:16 Beets are better for him anyway.
00:19:18 I want popcorn.
00:19:33 You said we'd get some.
00:19:36 You said it.
00:19:37 Come on, Albert, buy me some popcorn.
00:19:39 I'm happy to live without it.
00:19:42 You're just being an ass.
00:19:44 You remember that next time you want to call me Albert.
00:19:47 I hope the next time you play with yourself, you go blind.
00:19:55 [indistinct chatter]
00:19:58 [bells ringing]
00:20:01 [bells ringing]
00:20:04 Come on, let's sit down in front.
00:20:30 [bells ringing]
00:20:33 Sit down!
00:20:39 Get your ass over there. I want to sit there.
00:20:46 How can you enjoy a show without popcorn?
00:20:51 Not again.
00:20:53 That doesn't stick.
00:20:55 You can't have a weak heart.
00:20:57 Maybe the dog knows what I'm talking about.
00:20:59 [indistinct chatter]
00:21:02 All right, tightwad, watch the master at work.
00:21:15 She sure is.
00:21:18 You bastard.
00:21:20 Charity is a thing of the past.
00:21:27 Hey, Mark, you got a green rag handy?
00:21:30 If he's been empty-handed, my brother, we all know that.
00:21:39 Now, how about my brother?
00:21:41 He just got me. He's right over there.
00:21:44 We can't have that little pig burning loose, I tell you.
00:21:46 Now, how about that, man?
00:21:48 [bells ringing]
00:21:51 If the sheriff doesn't come, I don't know what he'll do.
00:21:53 There's a female in here.
00:21:55 [indistinct chatter]
00:21:58 You're nuts.
00:22:00 I tell you, she's in here.
00:22:03 [indistinct chatter]
00:22:06 Where?
00:22:10 Where is she?
00:22:15 Wait a minute.
00:22:20 Come on out here. I want to talk to you.
00:22:24 [indistinct chatter]
00:22:27 [screaming]
00:22:35 I'm an egg sucker. I ought to kick your tail up around your ears.
00:22:43 You expect me to believe that you can whiff her
00:22:45 and there ain't no other dog in the whole joint that's caught her yet?
00:22:48 You forget my infallibility, Albert. That's foolish.
00:22:51 No, I didn't forget. I just don't believe it.
00:22:54 Where is she?
00:23:00 Knock it off!
00:23:06 How the hell can I see the picture?
00:23:10 Get him out of here!
00:23:14 [indistinct chatter]
00:23:16 [glass shattering]
00:23:18 [screaming]
00:23:20 Okay, all right, I was dumb.
00:23:25 You taught me all I know. I believe everything you say.
00:23:29 [indistinct chatter]
00:23:32 [dogs barking]
00:23:35 [indistinct chatter]
00:23:41 [dogs barking]
00:23:44 That wasn't her, was it?
00:23:53 Come on, she might get away.
00:23:56 I'll buy you the popcorn.
00:23:58 [fire crackling]
00:24:10 [sizzling]
00:24:12 [screaming]
00:24:14 No!
00:24:16 No!
00:24:18 No!
00:24:20 I can't!
00:24:23 Hear me!
00:24:27 [screaming]
00:24:36 Bottom line, you're a brain with an educated nose,
00:24:39 and there's no other canine in your class.
00:24:41 She's dressed like a solo wearing a knit cap.
00:24:45 [sizzling]
00:24:48 [sizzling]
00:24:51 [sizzling]
00:24:55 [sizzling]
00:24:58 [sizzling]
00:25:27 Where's the kid?
00:25:28 He's spending the night with Johnny Lambert.
00:25:31 [sizzling]
00:25:34 [sizzling]
00:25:52 [gunshot]
00:25:56 [gunshot]
00:25:59 [screaming]
00:26:02 [screaming]
00:26:12 Oh!
00:26:22 Please!
00:26:25 Help me, now!
00:26:28 [gunshots]
00:26:29 Get up!
00:26:31 Not yet, Johnny!
00:26:34 [gunshot]
00:26:35 [screaming]
00:26:37 You have it, Johnny?
00:26:40 Run!
00:26:42 Look what I found.
00:26:44 [panting]
00:26:46 Hey.
00:26:48 [groaning]
00:26:50 Okay, which way did she go?
00:26:54 To the right.
00:26:57 Come on.
00:26:59 That's it for tonight.
00:27:07 Shut her down.
00:27:10 [chattering]
00:27:14 [sizzling]
00:27:18 [sizzling]
00:27:22 [sizzling]
00:27:26 [sizzling]
00:27:30 [sizzling]
00:27:33 That stupid broad.
00:27:58 She's in there where the screamers hold up.
00:28:01 They're not in there now. She's alone.
00:28:05 Screamers.
00:28:07 Damn it.
00:28:08 Now, when the hell am I gonna nail her in there?
00:28:11 Simple. Stop shaking like a leaf and go do it.
00:28:25 Are you sure it's clean?
00:28:28 Albert, have I ever lied to you?
00:28:33 [whistling]
00:28:37 [whistling]
00:28:40 [whistling]
00:28:43 [whistling]
00:28:45 [whistling]
00:29:12 [whistling]
00:29:16 [whistling]
00:29:19 [whistling]
00:29:21 [whistling]
00:29:24 [humming]
00:29:27 [humming]
00:29:29 [humming]
00:29:48 [humming]
00:29:50 [humming]
00:29:52 [humming]
00:29:54 [humming]
00:29:56 [humming]
00:29:58 [humming]
00:30:00 [humming]
00:30:02 [humming]
00:30:04 [humming]
00:30:07 [humming]
00:30:10 [humming]
00:30:12 [humming]
00:30:15 [humming]
00:30:18 [humming]
00:30:20 [humming]
00:30:23 [humming]
00:30:25 [humming]
00:30:34 [humming]
00:30:47 [humming]
00:30:49 [alarm ringing]
00:31:04 [screaming]
00:31:10 [screaming]
00:31:12 I'm gonna go over there, and I'm gonna get one of them mats.
00:31:23 You make one move off there, and I'll shoot your leg right out from under you.
00:31:26 And you'll still get it, except you'll be without a leg.
00:31:29 [water dripping]
00:31:31 [bell ringing]
00:31:57 Well, what are you looking at?
00:31:59 What's your name?
00:32:01 Vic.
00:32:04 Vic what?
00:32:06 Just Vic.
00:32:08 Well, then what are your mother's and father's names?
00:32:10 [laughing]
00:32:12 Boy, are you a dumb broad.
00:32:16 [gunshot]
00:32:18 I told you to stop looking at me like that, or I'll bust your teeth out.
00:32:27 Now get that stuff off.
00:32:29 What's your name?
00:32:52 Quilla June Holmes.
00:32:56 That's a weird name.
00:32:57 It's not. My mother says it's not that unusual back in Oklahoma.
00:33:01 Know where your folks come from?
00:33:04 Before the war.
00:33:08 They must be pretty old by now.
00:33:10 They are, but they're okay, I guess.
00:33:23 I guess we better...
00:33:26 Now what?
00:33:30 Rover pack 23 strong. We got the buildings surrounded.
00:33:32 Great. Some other mutt must have smelled her in the theater.
00:33:35 Who are you talking to?
00:33:36 Him.
00:33:37 The dog?
00:33:38 Give him the girl.
00:33:40 We dig in and stand them off.
00:33:42 They don't know about us. Just give them the girl. Let's get out of here.
00:33:44 We stay. Now you got any helpful suggestions?
00:33:47 Yes. Pull up your pants, Romeo.
00:33:51 Now would you listen to reason?
00:33:53 There's too many of them for us. You're gonna get us all shot up.
00:33:56 You damn fool.
00:34:00 One way out of here. Boxed in. There's no good.
00:34:05 Out there in the big room. That's the place.
00:34:10 Hello.
00:34:11 What? Oh, Jesus.
00:34:13 They'll probably come down the ladder.
00:34:15 What's the matter? Did you talk to strangers?
00:34:17 Shut up, will you? I can see you're gonna be a great help.
00:34:20 Do you understand me?
00:34:22 If we can get one down, take his heat and that'll give up a little bit.
00:34:25 Shut up!
00:34:27 Somebody's gotta keep an eye out for Scraper.
00:34:30 I want to walk out of here.
00:34:32 I went in just last time.
00:34:34 Last time?
00:34:36 You got a Scraper?
00:34:38 Scraper?
00:34:40 Hell.
00:34:42 Come on. We're waiting for you.
00:34:44 Come on. We're waiting for you.
00:34:47 Your lovely odds were up against something.
00:34:59 You were right. Let's set up for him.
00:35:01 And I'm right about this simpering female.
00:35:03 Forget that. Now how do you figure the fight?
00:35:06 Gee, you would too if you figured the Sturr Scrapers.
00:35:14 Go on. We'll back you up.
00:35:16 Yeah.
00:35:19 Screamer's shooting.
00:35:21 What the hell?
00:35:23 I can't be here much longer.
00:35:33 I'll make a stand.
00:35:46 I'll make a stand.
00:35:48 Change targets!
00:36:15 He's moving again!
00:36:17 Get off me!
00:36:23 Get away!
00:36:25 Please, please, please!
00:36:27 No!
00:36:29 No!
00:36:31 Where'd she go?
00:36:58 I don't know.
00:37:00 Good or bad first?
00:37:07 Bad.
00:37:09 All right. They didn't come down the ladder as I anticipated.
00:37:11 And since they found other ways in, we've lost the element of surprise.
00:37:15 There's no way we can handle them.
00:37:17 Any good?
00:37:19 Let the seven dwarfs have Snow White and we can get out of here with all our parts.
00:37:22 Over my dead body.
00:37:25 They're working on that right now.
00:37:28 Screamers.
00:37:30 Where? I don't hear 'em.
00:37:32 What would everyone do if they heard one right now?
00:37:35 Run like a son of a bitch.
00:37:37 It's worth a try.
00:37:43 It hurts.
00:37:46 You hear that?
00:37:49 Screamers!
00:37:52 I'm sorry.
00:37:54 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:37:56 I'm sorry.
00:37:58 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:00 I'm sorry.
00:38:02 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:04 I'm sorry.
00:38:06 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:08 I'm sorry.
00:38:10 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:12 I'm sorry.
00:38:14 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:16 I'm sorry.
00:38:18 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:20 I'm sorry.
00:38:22 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:24 I'm sorry.
00:38:26 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:28 I'm sorry.
00:38:30 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:32 I'm sorry.
00:38:34 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:36 I'm sorry.
00:38:38 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:40 I'm sorry.
00:38:42 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:44 I'm sorry.
00:38:46 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:48 I'm sorry.
00:38:50 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:52 I'm sorry.
00:38:54 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:38:56 I'm sorry.
00:38:58 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:39:00 I'm sorry.
00:39:02 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:39:04 I'm sorry.
00:39:06 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:39:08 I'm sorry.
00:39:10 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:39:12 I'm sorry.
00:39:14 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:39:16 I'm sorry.
00:39:18 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:39:20 I'm sorry.
00:39:22 I didn't mean to scare you.
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00:44:14 I'm sorry.
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00:44:18 I'm sorry.
00:44:20 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:22 I'm sorry.
00:44:24 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:26 I'm sorry.
00:44:28 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:30 I'm sorry.
00:44:32 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:34 I'm sorry.
00:44:36 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:38 I'm sorry.
00:44:40 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:42 I'm sorry.
00:44:44 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:46 I'm sorry.
00:44:48 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:50 I'm sorry.
00:44:52 I didn't mean to scare you.
00:44:54 I'm sorry.
00:44:56 Hmm.
00:45:20 Hmm.
00:45:22 It's long enough for the final missiles to leave their silos on both sides.
00:45:26 Let's see.
00:45:28 That was in 2006.
00:45:30 2007.
00:45:32 Uh, 2007. It only lasted five days.
00:45:34 You're awfully smart to know all that history.
00:45:38 Well, blood helps.
00:45:42 A little.
00:45:44 Haven't you ever been down under?
00:45:46 No.
00:45:48 It's very nice.
00:45:50 I heard how nice.
00:45:52 From a solo-rated one.
00:45:54 Well, it's very nice and you like it.
00:45:56 Bullshit.
00:45:58 That's very crude.
00:46:00 I'm very crude.
00:46:02 Not all the time.
00:46:06 Listen, ass, I grabbed you and I drug you down here.
00:46:08 So what's so good about me?
00:46:10 I didn't mind.
00:46:16 You want to do it again?
00:46:18 I've never seen no chick like you before.
00:46:24 Hey, I'm the one that's supposed to want to do it.
00:46:28 Once more into the breach, dear friend.
00:46:44 Copula.
00:46:46 Something that connects.
00:46:48 Copulate from the Latin copulatus.
00:46:50 To engage in...
00:46:52 Honey.
00:46:54 It's good to just watch you.
00:46:56 While your waist falls in,
00:46:58 your hips out.
00:47:00 To have you right in my hands.
00:47:02 I just want to talk.
00:47:06 I'm not going to keep pretending I am asleep, Albert.
00:47:08 Oh, boy, you're a bloody mess.
00:47:10 You're not exactly a rose garden yourself.
00:47:24 Can we get out of here yet?
00:47:28 It seems clear.
00:47:32 I'd better go have a look.
00:47:34 You think you can handle it in your condition?
00:47:36 Can I handle it in my condition?
00:47:38 I can handle several hours on the rack
00:47:40 to extricate myself from this disgusting display.
00:47:42 Blood.
00:47:50 Sacrifice is too great.
00:47:52 Now I throw myself gladly into the very jaws of the screaming crystal of death.
00:47:54 I throw myself gladly into the very jaws of the screaming crystal of death.
00:47:56 I don't think he likes me very much.
00:48:14 Blood?
00:48:18 Yeah.
00:48:20 Oh, he just feels bad.
00:48:22 He told me so.
00:48:24 He did, really?
00:48:26 That's nice.
00:48:28 I think he's cute.
00:48:30 How did he do it?
00:48:34 What?
00:48:36 Talk to him.
00:48:38 I don't know. We never thought about it.
00:48:40 Just talk.
00:48:42 Well, how come I can't hear him?
00:48:44 Oh, he said something one time.
00:48:50 I suppose we had a feeling for each other or something.
00:48:52 What do you mean? Like love?
00:48:58 I guess.
00:49:00 I don't know.
00:49:02 He said we thought alike.
00:49:04 I don't know.
00:49:06 Well, anyway.
00:49:18 I think we should go to a nice little place.
00:49:20 And we'll spend a lot of time together alone.
00:49:22 We'll do whatever we feel like doing.
00:49:26 And when Blood comes to visit, he can have his own room.
00:49:30 What are you talking about?
00:49:36 Well, I exactly think he's going to fit in down under.
00:49:38 No way.
00:49:40 I know. That's what I said.
00:49:42 No, I mean, no way I'm going down there.
00:49:44 Why?
00:49:46 I'm going to be there.
00:49:48 No, you're not.
00:49:50 We'll make it up here, the three of us.
00:49:52 Vic, now, I live there.
00:49:54 If you love me...
00:49:56 I don't care!
00:49:58 Come out of here right now.
00:50:02 Vic, we need to talk.
00:50:04 Uh...
00:50:14 What the hell's lumbering you?
00:50:16 Your headlong plunge into stupidity.
00:50:18 Last night was inexcusable.
00:50:20 Leaving her for the pack, that would have been an intelligent thing to do.
00:50:22 I wanted her.
00:50:26 Yeah, I know you wanted her about a half a hundred times.
00:50:28 Why are we still hanging around?
00:50:30 I want her some more.
00:50:32 Well, listen, my friend, I want to get rid of this pain in my side, and I want to get away from here.
00:50:34 The screamers could come back any time, you know.
00:50:36 Oh, what the hell are you worried about that for?
00:50:40 We can handle all that.
00:50:42 It just don't mean she can't go with us.
00:50:44 Go with us? Are you out of your small mind?
00:50:46 What good is she?
00:50:48 It's all we can do to feed ourselves, as it is.
00:50:50 You know you're starting to sound like a goddamn poodle.
00:50:52 You're starting to sound like a jackass.
00:50:54 Sorry.
00:51:02 Come on.
00:51:06 Hey.
00:51:10 You're going to be 50th, you and me?
00:51:12 I mean, hell, I owe you.
00:51:14 Don't try that hackneyed ruse on me.
00:51:16 Oh, come on.
00:51:18 I just meant like that time that...
00:51:20 That old screamer made a grab for me.
00:51:22 You know, that righteous stone green he was, too.
00:51:24 All glowing like a fungus, oozing in eyelashes.
00:51:28 Boy.
00:51:32 Made a grab for me, and you went for him.
00:51:36 Could have been burned bad, too.
00:51:38 Take that.
00:51:40 And die.
00:51:42 That would have been all of it for you.
00:51:44 Right?
00:51:46 Now get the dramatic catch out of your voice
00:51:48 and tell me how she's going to carry her share of the load up here.
00:51:50 Tell me how we're going to fight her.
00:51:52 All right, okay, okay. Just don't hang her.
00:51:54 Harangue, not hang her.
00:51:56 I don't care whatever the hell it is.
00:51:58 Just knock off the crap and we can forget the whole stinkin'...
00:52:00 Maybe we should, you simple, dumb putz.
00:52:02 What the hell's a putz? What's a putz?
00:52:04 Is that something bad?
00:52:06 Boy, I'll tell you, you better watch your stinkin' mouth
00:52:08 or I'm going to kick you in the butt!
00:52:10 Definitely a putz.
00:52:26 (door opens)
00:52:28 (door closes)
00:52:30 (grunts)
00:52:34 (laughs)
00:52:36 Don't mean she can't go with us.
00:52:38 I told you she was no good.
00:52:40 Okay, okay.
00:52:42 I just don't like being made to feel guilty.
00:52:44 I'm going to do right by you.
00:52:46 I'd hardly recommend that,
00:52:48 considering there are several very knowledgeable solos around town
00:52:50 who'd be delighted to work with an accomplished female provider like myself.
00:52:52 I also don't want to be a burden on you.
00:52:54 I don't like being a provider like myself.
00:52:56 I also don't like being threatened.
00:52:58 It's not a threat, it's a fact.
00:53:00 No, that's a good way to get that other leg broke.
00:53:02 Don't take your petty frustrations out of me, Albert.
00:53:04 I locate females, I don't guarantee their behavior.
00:53:06 What the hell's that?
00:53:08 How should I know?
00:53:10 Well, smell it.
00:53:12 It's probably ID of some kind she used to get out of the Down Under.
00:53:14 Oh, now we're in a big hurry, huh?
00:53:16 Now, you'd listen to me last night instead of...
00:53:18 Wait a minute.
00:53:20 You're not thinking of following that...
00:53:22 You listen to me, Albert.
00:53:24 You'll get killed out there.
00:53:26 Albert!
00:53:28 Albert, you come back here.
00:53:30 You idiot, you can't go down there.
00:53:32 You listen to me.
00:53:34 Just because some sleazy female knocked you in the head
00:53:36 and bruised your ego,
00:53:38 there's no reason to become a jealous juvenile.
00:53:40 You stop this instant, Albert.
00:53:42 Vic, egg sucker.
00:53:44 Oh, all right.
00:53:46 Vic, please, now...
00:53:48 Please stop a minute, please.
00:53:50 Please.
00:53:52 I don't know what to say to her.
00:54:02 I don't know how to make you understand.
00:54:04 You're not thinking clearly.
00:54:06 You can't go down there and ever hope to come back.
00:54:08 She knows it.
00:54:10 Down Under's hate solos.
00:54:12 Enough rover packs have raided down there and raped their women
00:54:14 and stolen their food.
00:54:16 They'll have their defenses up and they'll catch you and they'll kill you.
00:54:18 How the hell do you care?
00:54:20 You're always saying you'd be better off without me anyway.
00:54:22 Oh, forget about her, Vic.
00:54:24 Let her go.
00:54:26 Let's look for over the hill.
00:54:28 If you're tired of me,
00:54:30 find another partner somewhere.
00:54:32 But whatever you do,
00:54:34 don't follow her down there.
00:54:36 I got to, blood.
00:54:38 I got to.
00:54:40 Hasn't it occurred to you
00:54:42 how convenient this whole operation has been?
00:54:44 How easy she was to spot and follow
00:54:46 and how she cooperated.
00:54:48 Just think about it, Vic.
00:54:50 Instead of walking right into their hands,
00:54:52 God knows what they'll do with you.
00:54:54 We've been together a long time,
00:55:10 good and bad, but...
00:55:12 this could be the worst.
00:55:14 I'm scared.
00:55:16 I'm scared you won't come back
00:55:18 and I'll have to find some rover to take me on.
00:55:20 You know most rovers are in packs now.
00:55:22 I'm not that young anymore.
00:55:24 And I'll miss you, Vic.
00:55:26 I'll really miss you.
00:55:38 I'll really miss you.
00:55:40 Well...
00:55:46 I'll try to get back as quick as I can.
00:55:50 Will you wait?
00:55:54 For a while.
00:55:56 Then over the hill.
00:55:58 [Birds chirping]
00:56:00 Take care of yourself.
00:56:14 I'll do my best.
00:56:16 I'll catch up with you.
00:56:18 Sure.
00:56:22 [Birds chirping]
00:56:24 So long, partner.
00:56:48 [Bell rings]
00:56:50 [Bell rings]
00:56:52 [Birds chirping]
00:56:54 [Bell rings]
00:56:56 [Bell rings]
00:56:58 [Birds chirping]
00:57:00 [Bell rings]
00:57:14 [Birds chirping]
00:57:24 [Helicopter whirring]
00:57:26 [Helicopter whirring]
00:57:28 [Helicopter whirring]
00:57:38 [Helicopter whirring]
00:57:48 [Helicopter whirring]
00:57:50 [Helicopter whirring]
00:58:16 [Helicopter whirring]
00:58:18 [Helicopter whirring]
00:58:28 [Helicopter whirring]
00:58:36 [Helicopter whirring]
00:58:38 [Gunshot]
00:59:00 [Gunshot]
00:59:02 [Gunshot]
00:59:04 [Gunshot]
00:59:10 [Explosion]
00:59:12 [Roaring]
00:59:14 [Roaring]
00:59:16 And with these terrifying sounds of primeval savagery, we close the committee's presentation of sound tours into the past.
00:59:26 Today, Chapter 3, "Africa, the Dark Continent." Tomorrow, Chapter 4, "Alaska."
00:59:36 [Music]
00:59:46 [Music]
00:59:56 [Music]
01:00:06 [Music]
01:00:08 We often despise what is post-pacifist. Another helpful hint from the committee's almanac.
01:00:20 [Music]
01:00:42 [Music]
01:00:52 [Music]
01:01:02 [Music]
01:01:12 [Music]
01:01:32 [Music]
01:01:34 [Music]
01:01:36 [Music]
01:01:38 [Music]
01:01:48 [Music]
01:01:58 [Music]
01:02:08 [Music]
01:02:18 [Music]
01:02:28 [Music]
01:02:33 Be resolved, therefore, that Mrs. Eunice Long has been declared the blue ribbon winner of the annual Topeka Canning Festival,
01:02:41 and that throughout the year of our Lord, one art three, all preserved peaches, be they cans and/or jars, shall bear her likeness and the inscription, "Topeka Queen."
01:02:52 [Applause]
01:02:55 Michael Green, reference. Hydroponic Laboratory, number 173.
01:03:02 Danny and Gerda MacBurnett.
01:03:04 Saturation of nutrient solution. Repeat, Green, reference.
01:03:13 The best the architects could do.
01:03:16 Pencil.
01:03:18 Why are they here?
01:03:25 Lack of respect, wrong attitude, failure to obey authority.
01:03:29 Lectures?
01:03:30 Three.
01:03:31 Cut and dried, then.
01:03:32 I say so.
01:03:34 That'll do it.
01:03:36 Fanny and Gerda MacBurnett.
01:03:47 Any reason to be easy?
01:03:49 No, when we put this in, then we'll add that.
01:03:57 We find it almost impossible to believe that you have ignored several warnings by us to conform to the rules that are vital to the continued growth and well-being of our beloved Topeka, which you did.
01:04:10 Defiance of this committee, duly elected and ordained by the people, will not be tolerated.
01:04:16 The farm, both of them.
01:04:19 Now, how'd the last farms go, Miss?
01:04:22 Ah, cancer, I think. No, no, no, let me see. I have it down here.
01:04:28 Let's see. Oh, no, it was an accident with farm machinery.
01:04:32 That's what it was. Larry and Linda Lacey, March 17 of this year.
01:04:37 Let's make these, uh, heart attacks.
01:04:42 Yeah, uh, read from the committee, doc will do the eulogy.
01:04:46 Services is like side method, as usual. And may God have mercy on your soul.
01:04:53 Outside show.
01:04:55 Now that's the way to build a continued growth.
01:04:58 Another helpful young lady.
01:05:00 Well, as you...
01:05:01 Honey! Oh, come to papa.
01:05:05 Oh, sure is pleasing to see you back home again.
01:05:12 Didn't have any trouble, huh? Everything went all right. Did you have any trouble, Anne?
01:05:15 No, sir.
01:05:16 Oh, that's fine, fine.
01:05:19 Sure did yourself proud, missy.
01:05:21 The committee won't forget it, no sirree.
01:05:24 Then I'll be put on the committee right away, like we talked about.
01:05:27 Hmm, don't you worry about it, little girl. Soon as there's an opening.
01:05:32 Mr. Craddock, I would prefer not to wait.
01:05:36 After all, I did bring Vic down here exactly like you told me to.
01:05:39 Now you just be patient, villageew.
01:05:42 Have fun with young folks your own age. Think about getting married, making a home.
01:05:47 Your time will come.
01:05:49 I'd rather be just like you, Miss Smith, and not wait.
01:05:54 Ah, don't you worry, little girl.
01:05:56 I don't see why you just...
01:05:58 That'll be all. That'll be all.
01:06:00 That young lady is going to be trouble.
01:06:09 Always has been. Any reason for a change?
01:06:13 Maybe you should have gone to three.
01:06:15 A little childish plotting doesn't bother me none.
01:06:19 As long as it stays little.
01:06:21 Mez, see that she's one of the recipients.
01:06:28 Then marry her off to Hiram and Edna's boy. What's his name?
01:06:31 Charles.
01:06:32 Charlie, yeah.
01:06:33 If that don't cool her ambitions, farm her out.
01:06:37 Horse manure.
01:06:39 I knew I'd want her on that committee.
01:06:43 Stupid, stinking old rotter, Lou.
01:06:46 A liar will not be believed.
01:06:49 I am Ritalin.
01:06:51 Another helper for the meek.
01:06:56 From the community of Almanac.
01:06:59 That is the only reason I went along with their dumb plan.
01:07:03 I'm going.
01:07:04 America, the land of the free, was the world's greatest agricultural...
01:07:18 Promise.
01:07:19 ...capable not only of feeding its own hard-working...
01:07:22 They hid it.
01:07:24 Then they tried to shoot me off without a body. At least I pushed.
01:07:26 Well, you shouldn't have.
01:07:28 I mean, they're going to be watching us now.
01:07:30 Gary, I don't care.
01:07:32 I am so sick and tired.
01:07:34 The farm.
01:07:35 ...who accepted our Christian desire to aid our brothers across the seas.
01:07:41 You're right.
01:07:43 I do care.
01:07:45 Okay.
01:07:48 I'm going to smile.
01:07:50 And I'm going to curtsy.
01:07:52 The right time to all the right people, 'cause it ain't going to be much longer.
01:07:56 The song of David will not wait, even for you, Quilladun Holmes.
01:08:00 That is your class.
01:08:02 Yes, Mrs. Kammack.
01:08:04 Oh, pity me.
01:08:06 I'm sorry. I'll be right there, ma'am.
01:08:08 See you later.
01:08:28 He and Vic were in the park together. I... I turned my back for justice.
01:08:31 No.
01:08:33 What did you and Vic talk about?
01:08:47 Come on. We want to know.
01:08:49 Well, Luke.
01:08:51 I'm still a little confused.
01:08:56 Yeah, good.
01:08:58 Now, how about it, boy?
01:09:03 I mean, we're going to find out anyway, so...
01:09:06 Why don't you just tell us and it'll make it easier on all of us, huh?
01:09:10 What do you say? Huh?
01:09:12 How about it, boy?
01:09:16 The farm, immediately.
01:09:21 "Grandfather Conrad's recipe for rhubarb and marmalade."
01:09:26 Let me go!
01:09:28 "And lemon juice."
01:09:31 Ah. What did the exam show?
01:09:34 Well, the usual cold virus.
01:09:36 A little high blood pressure to be expected under these conditions.
01:09:39 No infection. He's, uh, well-developed.
01:09:43 Reasonably well-nourished.
01:09:45 Intelligent average. Emotional response is simplistic.
01:09:49 Most marked finding is his overtly aggressive behavior.
01:09:53 In other words, he's extremely physical, uh, as you may have noticed.
01:09:58 Heh. Well done, son.
01:10:00 Suck wind, wet brain.
01:10:02 Better be nice, boy.
01:10:04 I hope all you stinking kids are hair-lit.
01:10:07 Michael.
01:10:08 All right.
01:10:10 Glad to be of any help.
01:10:15 Along with, uh, many other, uh, organisms...
01:10:19 that somehow managed to stay alive up above...
01:10:23 you have been studied, observed...
01:10:26 unobtrusively, of course.
01:10:28 Living habits, common sense, tenacity, physical prowess.
01:10:34 Out of the many, you have been chosen...
01:10:40 to be let down here by Quilla June...
01:10:44 to be the recipient of an honor.
01:10:46 You know, she's a scumbag!
01:10:48 You watch your foul mouth, boy.
01:10:50 When anybody on the committee speaks, you just keep still and listen.
01:10:55 Hey, how'd you like to have a rifle rammed up your butt?
01:10:58 Michael!
01:10:59 All right, all right.
01:11:01 You show respect, boy.
01:11:03 So I was saying...
01:11:05 to be the recipient of an honor...
01:11:07 that occurs but once in several decades.
01:11:11 Uh, Mez, uh...
01:11:14 let me have the original elders' proclamation, will you?
01:11:18 Fruit of your loins will enable the productive citizenry of Topeka...
01:11:24 to overcome metabolic changes...
01:11:26 resulting from lengthy subterranean living...
01:11:29 allow it to keep its leadership...
01:11:31 and the drive to remake this sinful world in God's own image.
01:11:35 You see, we've been underground too long.
01:11:38 Our women can't get pregnant.
01:11:40 Every once in a while, we need new blood.
01:11:43 We need a new man.
01:11:46 We are never so happy...
01:11:50 nor so unhappy...
01:11:51 New man.
01:11:52 as we imagine.
01:11:54 Another helpful hint for living...
01:11:56 from the committee's...
01:11:58 Special kind of man.
01:12:00 [ Spits ]
01:12:02 [ Laughs ]
01:12:04 You mean you want me to knock up your broad?
01:12:10 [ Laughs ]
01:12:12 You talked me into it. Line 'em up!
01:12:20 You first, honey.
01:12:22 Take your hands off me.
01:12:24 [ Laughs ]
01:12:28 [ Laughs ]
01:12:30 Guide them together, we beseech thee...
01:12:36 in the way of righteousness and peace, that...
01:12:39 loving and serving thee with one heart and mind...
01:12:42 all the days of their life...
01:12:44 they may be abundantly enriched with the tokens...
01:12:47 of thy everlasting favor.
01:12:50 Amen.
01:12:52 By authority vested in me by the committee...
01:12:55 I hereby pronounce you husband and wife...
01:12:57 according to the ordinances and the laws...
01:12:59 of the state of Topeka.
01:13:01 What God has joined together...
01:13:03 let no man put asunder.
01:13:05 Amen.
01:13:06 A man should never be ashamed...
01:13:09 to own he has been in the wrong...
01:13:12 which is but saying that he is wiser today...
01:13:15 than he was yesterday.
01:13:17 Another helpful hint for living...
01:13:20 from the committee's almanac.
01:13:23 [ Indistinct conversations ]
01:13:26 Miss, you would have a little something...
01:13:28 to help the well-used throat.
01:13:30 And be sure to get both parents to sign right here.
01:13:33 Now let's see, Brother Hatton.
01:13:35 Michael, amber reference.
01:13:39 Air intake fan, number 12, shaft 17B...
01:13:44 indicates heat buildup.
01:13:46 Repeat, amber reference.
01:13:50 Shh.
01:13:53 [ Indistinct conversations ]
01:13:56 Chapter 1, verse 22, "Mayor."
01:14:11 God bless them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply."
01:14:14 God bless them.
01:14:16 [ Indistinct conversations ]
01:14:20 [ Indistinct conversations ]
01:14:23 You almost asked yourself out of this honor, young lady.
01:14:28 Sir?
01:14:29 The committee.
01:14:32 Oh, well, I'm sure the committee knows best.
01:14:35 Where are your parents?
01:14:37 Uh, Miss, Miss said it would be all right.
01:14:40 They must have come down with something...
01:14:42 'cause they're sure not feeling well.
01:14:44 Shall we keep the schedule, dearly beloved?
01:14:46 Brother Hatton.
01:14:47 Here, get...
01:14:48 Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to say...
01:14:51 Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. Are you all right?
01:14:56 He made me do it. You gotta understand.
01:14:58 He made me do it. I'm so sorry.
01:15:00 Don't you give me that "I'm sorry" bullshit.
01:15:07 You're as crazy as the rest of these damn nuts.
01:15:09 Keep your voice down!
01:15:11 Maybe they're stupid, but they're not dumb like you.
01:15:15 Oh, no?
01:15:16 They bring me down here to make babies,
01:15:18 and then hook me up with a stupid machine that's real smart.
01:15:21 Population control is a bit, in case you haven't heard of it.
01:15:24 35 girls are in pregnancy, and then you're killed, you understand?
01:15:28 You're idiots, like you running around the place.
01:15:31 So, you wiggle-jumbled my butt and tease me down here to their big welcome.
01:15:35 I had to. They said they'd kill me if I did.
01:15:38 Listen!
01:15:39 Next. Next, please.
01:15:41 Now, ladies, I want you to be sure to put your name here.
01:15:45 Your name goes here.
01:15:47 And there's another thing I want you to make very sure of
01:15:50 on this most solemn enjoyment.
01:15:52 I'm gonna run to Pika.
01:15:54 You and me, and maybe some others.
01:16:01 We'll be the committee.
01:16:03 We'll do anything we want, anytime we want.
01:16:06 We'll have them bow and scrape for a change.
01:16:09 Just by springing me?
01:16:11 Yeah.
01:16:12 And getting rid of the committee.
01:16:14 Take it.
01:16:15 Okay, where's my heat?
01:16:19 Huh?
01:16:20 My guns. Where's my guns?
01:16:22 In the committee office.
01:16:24 I got it figured.
01:16:31 Okay.
01:16:32 Right out this door to the right is Michael.
01:16:35 There's a crowd there. If we run through the crowd...
01:16:37 Oh, come on, glue, all right? To the right again.
01:16:39 Big doors. Through the doors, we have help outside.
01:16:43 (siren blaring)
01:16:45 (screaming)
01:16:47 Get out of the way!
01:16:49 (siren blaring)
01:16:51 (screaming)
01:16:53 (siren blaring)
01:16:55 Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
01:16:57 (siren blaring)
01:16:59 (siren blaring)
01:17:01 (siren blaring)
01:17:03 (siren blaring)
01:17:05 (siren blaring)
01:17:07 (siren blaring)
01:17:09 (gunshots)
01:17:12 The guns are to the right.
01:17:14 What happened?
01:17:17 How'd it come out?
01:17:19 They folded like I said they would.
01:17:20 Hey, listen, Michael's got to be first.
01:17:22 And dead Doc Wilson, or we're all in trouble.
01:17:25 And then the faint thunder became an uproar.
01:17:30 The winds changed to a great vibration.
01:17:33 Then Lou, then Nance, then Doc.
01:17:37 But kill Lou first, 'cause he's the important one.
01:17:39 Where are you going? The church is this way.
01:17:41 Hey, we've got to get them with it together.
01:17:43 Where are you going?
01:17:44 I'm getting the hell out of here.
01:17:45 I want to see blood again.
01:17:46 I want to get in a good, straightforward fight
01:17:48 with some son of a bitch over a can of beans.
01:17:50 I've got to get back in the dirt so I feel clean.
01:17:52 Wait a minute.
01:17:53 Helping you is put aside for the old man.
01:17:55 You've got to help us.
01:17:56 Good luck, baby.
01:17:57 Say please.
01:17:58 You dirty, filthy, stinking, rotten animal.
01:18:01 You stupid animal.
01:18:02 You think I let you slobber all over me
01:18:05 and paw me so that you could walk out now?
01:18:07 I didn't bring you down here so they could use you.
01:18:10 I brought you down here so I could use you.
01:18:12 And you better kill them, then I don't care what you do.
01:18:15 [screaming]
01:18:18 Please.
01:18:19 No, no, please, darling.
01:18:21 Please help me.
01:18:22 I love you.
01:18:23 I love you.
01:18:24 I only said that because you believe me.
01:18:26 Please.
01:18:27 For 12-inch skillets, preferably of the nonstick variety,
01:18:32 fry the bacon until brown, but not too crisp.
01:18:37 Then set it aside to drain.
01:18:40 Pour off all the two tablespoons--
01:18:42 I don't understand you.
01:18:43 All you can think about is going back up there and about your dog.
01:18:47 It's like all the time we spent together didn't mean anything to you.
01:18:51 But don't be a no-frown.
01:18:53 Vic, I don't see what's wrong with staying down here and running the committee.
01:18:58 Add the corned beef.
01:18:59 There they are.
01:19:00 Kill me, Vic, and everything down here is ours.
01:19:03 Two tablespoons of chopped parsley and green.
01:19:08 Mix together gently.
01:19:10 There's plenty of food for us to kick around.
01:19:12 We can do whatever we please.
01:19:13 And add salt and freshly ground pepper.
01:19:16 Kill him, Vic, now.
01:19:18 Red reference.
01:19:19 Repeat.
01:19:20 Red reference.
01:19:23 For us.
01:19:25 The committee.
01:19:28 Do it.
01:19:29 The committee.
01:19:30 Sending an extraordinary session.
01:19:33 1137 AM.
01:19:35 For a year of our Lord, one ought, three all present.
01:19:42 Bestow upon the committee, thy servants of the seal,
01:19:45 thine approval and thy fatherly benediction,
01:19:48 granting unto them grace to fulfill with pure and steadfast affection
01:19:52 the ordinance of the Lord, to speak again.
01:19:56 Amen.
01:19:58 You have ignored several warnings by us to conform to the rules of the White License.
01:20:03 Continue to grow through well-being.
01:20:05 We are beloved to be compliant.
01:20:07 Collected and ordained by the people, cannot be tolerated.
01:20:11 Quilla June.
01:20:12 Quilla June Hall.
01:20:14 Number 2644.
01:20:16 Lack of respect, wrong attitude, failure to obey authority.
01:20:19 How say you when and all?
01:20:21 Aye.
01:20:22 Aye.
01:20:23 Aye.
01:20:24 The farm immediately.
01:20:25 Gary.
01:20:26 Gary Leroy Franklin, number 2598.
01:20:30 Lack of respect, wrong attitude, failure to obey authority.
01:20:33 How say you when and all?
01:20:35 Aye.
01:20:36 Aye.
01:20:37 Aye.
01:20:38 Farm immediately.
01:20:39 Richard.
01:20:41 Richard Benright, number 2601.
01:20:45 All right.
01:20:47 Vic, I'll show you the way out. Let's get out of here.
01:20:51 Vic.
01:20:52 Farm immediately.
01:20:53 I'll show you the way out. All right. I'll show you the way out.
01:20:55 Kenneth.
01:20:56 Please, let's just get out of here.
01:20:58 I'll take care of you in blood.
01:21:00 I'll do anything you want to do.
01:21:02 Vic, remember in the boiler room.
01:21:04 Wrong attitude, failure to obey authority.
01:21:06 How say you when and all?
01:21:08 Aye.
01:21:09 Aye.
01:21:10 First thing that boy's ever done.
01:21:12 That's shame.
01:21:17 Vic, please, let's get out of here.
01:21:19 Say, farm immediately.
01:21:22 Farm immediately.
01:21:23 Have my God have mercy on your soul.
01:21:26 Keep the bacon fat reserved in the skillet.
01:21:30 Add the hash.
01:21:32 And with a spatula, spread it evenly in the pan.
01:21:34 And add it down.
01:21:37 Cook uncovered over moderate heat for 30-40 minutes.
01:21:42 And occasionally to prevent the hash from sticking.
01:21:46 As it cooks, remove any excess fat from the top or sides.
01:21:51 With a spoon, score all the basters.
01:21:53 Kill him.
01:21:54 Kill him.
01:21:56 [GUN COCKING]
01:21:58 [GRUNTING]
01:22:00 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:02 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:04 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:06 Kill him.
01:22:07 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:09 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:12 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:15 Let's get on, Mike.
01:22:17 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:18 Doc?
01:22:19 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:20 Of the 35 proposed recipients, 10 have been serviced.
01:22:24 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:26 We need another donor, of course.
01:22:28 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:32 You're going to kill him, Vic.
01:22:33 Put the search program back in effect.
01:22:35 [SIREN]
01:22:37 [SIREN]
01:22:40 [INAUDIBLE]
01:22:41 That's the boy's name.
01:22:42 Concentrate on the rest of the list.
01:22:44 Whichever one we pick, make sure we have better security.
01:22:49 Then place a large round platter over the skillet,
01:22:52 and gripping platter and skillet firmly together,
01:22:55 put the hash on top.
01:22:57 [GUN COCKING]
01:22:59 [GUN COCKING]
01:23:01 If any of the hash has been eaten,
01:23:03 then lift it off without touching it, and place sprinkled
01:23:09 with the remaining chopped parsley,
01:23:12 and serve with poached eggs, if desired.
01:23:16 [GUN COCKING]
01:23:19 [INAUDIBLE]
01:23:22 Come on.
01:23:23 Come on.
01:23:24 Come on.
01:23:25 [GUN COCKING]
01:23:28 Hurry.
01:23:29 [GUN COCKING]
01:23:33 One cup.
01:23:34 Geist.
01:23:35 Geist.
01:23:36 Let's get another Michael out of the warehouse.
01:23:40 This time, make sure the engineering department
01:23:42 wipes that smile off his face.
01:23:44 Four tables.
01:23:45 Finely chopped fresh parsley.
01:23:49 One quarter cup heavy cream.
01:23:52 Salt. And freshly ground black pepper.
01:23:59 [GUNSHOT]
01:24:01 [EXPLOSION]
01:24:04 Oh.
01:24:11 [PANTING]
01:24:15 [PANTING]
01:24:18 Blood?
01:24:24 Blood?
01:24:25 You kept me down there too long.
01:24:33 Come on, Vic.
01:24:34 Please, let's go.
01:24:35 Over the hill.
01:24:37 That's where he went.
01:24:38 And we need him.
01:24:40 Well, let's catch up with him.
01:24:42 I don't know where it is.
01:24:45 If Blood knows, why didn't he tell you?
01:24:47 Vic.
01:24:48 Blood?
01:24:55 Vic.
01:24:57 Blood?
01:24:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:25:02 Blood.
01:25:21 Hello, partner.
01:25:23 Blood, we made it back.
01:25:24 Who's your new tailor, Albert?
01:25:26 [LAUGHING]
01:25:29 How long has it been since you ate?
01:25:37 Well, I grabbed a lizard yesterday.
01:25:41 Maybe it was the day before.
01:25:42 I can't seem to remember.
01:25:44 It's not funny.
01:25:46 Well, we've got to leg it into town and get you something to eat fast.
01:25:49 No.
01:25:50 Fellini's taken everything over and slaughtered every soul who wouldn't join him.
01:25:55 The whole town's under their control, and you can't get any food there.
01:25:59 You can't even go back at all.
01:26:02 OK, just take it easy.
01:26:03 I can't take it any other way.
01:26:05 I'm almost gone.
01:26:06 You better just leave.
01:26:07 Find somewhere you can stay alive.
01:26:09 How about over the hill, Tiger?
01:26:14 I can't make it to where I am now.
01:26:17 But you might be able to.
01:26:23 He needs food and he needs medicine.
01:26:25 We've got to get it fast, because we can't make it without him.
01:26:29 We're too late, darling.
01:26:32 There's nothing we can do about it now.
01:26:35 Vic, we've got to get out of here.
01:26:52 We're going to be together.
01:26:53 He'd want us to be together.
01:26:55 Now, I love you.
01:27:04 If you love me, you'll come on too.
01:27:16 [Bell tolls]
01:27:18 You haven't eaten a bite.
01:27:34 I'm not hungry.
01:27:42 I really appreciate this.
01:27:45 Well, let's press on.
01:27:53 Now, where were you?
01:27:58 Oh, yes, in the hospital.
01:28:00 Oh, blood, come on.
01:28:02 You know, if they just let you have your own way with a blushing bride...
01:28:05 That's just...
01:28:06 ...instead of hooking you up to a machine, you'd probably never come back up.
01:28:10 [Coughing]
01:28:12 You sure you had enough to eat?
01:28:17 Oh, yeah.
01:28:19 I'm satiated.
01:28:21 What?
01:28:22 Nothing. I just said I'm full.
01:28:24 But after we walk all day, you'll probably have to cook up what's left.
01:28:28 She said she loved me.
01:28:32 Well, hell, it wasn't my fault she picked me to get all wet brain over.
01:28:39 Well, I'd say she certainly had marvelous judgment, Albert, if not...
01:28:43 ...particularly good taste.
01:28:46 [Laughing]
01:28:48 Particularly good taste.
01:28:50 [Laughing]
01:28:52 A boy and his dog can go walking.
01:29:07 A boy and his dog sometimes talk to each other.
01:29:13 A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log.
01:29:20 But a dog knows his boy can go running.
01:29:25 A boy and his dog can go fishing.
01:29:35 A boy can teach a dog to bring a dish in when he's hungry.
01:29:41 A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log.
01:29:48 But a dog knows his boy can go running.
01:29:53 [Music]
01:29:56 [Music]
01:29:59 [Music]
01:30:01 [Music]
01:30:03 [Music]
01:30:05 [Music]
01:30:07 [Music]
01:30:10 [Music]
01:30:12 [Music]
01:30:14 [Music]
01:30:17 [Music]
01:30:20 [Music]
01:30:23 [Music]
01:30:26 [Music]
01:30:29 [Music]
01:30:31 [Music]
01:30:33 [BLANK_AUDIO]


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