• last year
00:00:00 [Music]
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00:01:50 The finest show we have ever held with nearly twice as many dogs benched as last year.
00:01:54 Refreshments are being served at the marquee at the west end of the grounds.
00:01:58 The fountains ready in ring number two.
00:02:00 Next event, number 729.
00:02:03 Talleys bred by exhibitors.
00:02:05 Have your dogs ready.
00:02:06 Quiet please during the judging.
00:02:08 Attention please.
00:02:09 Judging in ring one.
00:02:11 Event number 728.
00:02:13 Scottish Terriers, American bred dogs.
00:02:15 Great Danes in ring number two.
00:02:17 Great Scots in ring number one.
00:02:20 This is number 292.
00:02:22 Captain McTavish.
00:02:23 Shown by the owner, the well known fancier Mr. Kyle Alvance.
00:02:27 Whose kennel comprises some of the finest campaigners in America.
00:02:30 [Dogs barking]
00:02:33 That's fine.
00:02:34 Smile please.
00:02:36 Up to your right.
00:02:38 That's great.
00:02:40 Sorry boys, but these are not trophies.
00:02:43 [Laughter]
00:02:44 Hold it right there.
00:02:47 Thank you.
00:02:48 Thank you so much.
00:02:49 Can we go now?
00:02:50 I can stand one dog, but this petting them is getting on my nerves.
00:02:53 Don't be impatient darling.
00:02:55 We have plenty of time for dinner.
00:02:57 [Dogs barking]
00:03:14 Hold it like that.
00:03:15 Two and a half.
00:03:16 So.
00:03:17 Event number 728.
00:03:19 The Blue Ribbon won by Gillespie of Hetherstone.
00:03:22 John D. Devler is runner up and Midlothian gentleman receives the special.
00:03:27 Better luck next time Mr. Vance.
00:03:31 Don't be down hearted Captain.
00:03:32 You're still champion with me.
00:03:34 Maybe we'll have better luck in Italy huh?
00:03:36 Tough luck Vance.
00:03:37 I was hoping to have the pleasure of feeding you tomorrow.
00:03:39 Oh thank you very much Mr. Cole.
00:03:41 Perhaps you'll get a step of competition from Sir Thomas McDonald.
00:03:44 Perhaps.
00:03:47 Want to borrow Missy Maughan for a second?
00:03:49 It's late.
00:03:50 You know Mr. Hart you don't want to hand him to Bollie's dog?
00:03:52 Come along and protect him if you like.
00:03:54 [Dogs barking]
00:04:01 That's the nook Sir Thomas.
00:04:03 I wouldn't take off another whisk.
00:04:05 I think you're right Sandy.
00:04:07 Get ready.
00:04:08 Hold it.
00:04:09 Thanks.
00:04:10 Good day Gilly old laddy.
00:04:11 Hello Hilda.
00:04:12 Hello Tom.
00:04:13 Well what's the idea?
00:04:14 Thought we'd do a little private judging.
00:04:15 I don't imagine your uncle would particularly approve of it.
00:04:17 I'm sure he would.
00:04:19 Hold him a minute Sandy.
00:04:20 Let's take a good look at him.
00:04:21 Alright.
00:04:22 Come on I'll see.
00:04:23 Wipe your tail.
00:04:25 [Dogs barking]
00:04:32 Well?
00:04:33 What do you think?
00:04:34 I think it's a pretty close thing.
00:04:36 I'm not worried.
00:04:37 Eh Sandy?
00:04:38 I think you're very safe still.
00:04:40 Here we are sir.
00:04:42 What does that mean you think you're doing Hilda?
00:04:44 What?
00:04:45 How do you do?
00:04:46 I just wanted to prove that you're going to lose money to Tom when these two get into the ring tomorrow.
00:04:49 And have you proved it to your satisfaction?
00:04:51 So much so that I want you to loan me a thousand dollars to place on Gilly.
00:04:54 Hilda!
00:04:55 That's a cheek for you.
00:04:56 Wants to bet against me with a thousand dollars of my own money.
00:04:59 I wasn't asking you for your money.
00:05:01 I merely want you to loan me some of mine.
00:05:03 As long as I control the purse strings you're not going to do any betting against me.
00:05:07 You'll be grateful that I've saved a few thousand of your fortune someday.
00:05:11 But don't raise your hopes too high Hilda.
00:05:13 Bring that dog out here.
00:05:15 I shouldn't let him worry you my dear.
00:05:19 You know how I hate him Tom.
00:05:21 Things he's done to me.
00:05:23 I just, I just...
00:05:25 Dog.
00:05:26 Now let's see.
00:05:29 Where did I put that?
00:05:31 Ah.
00:05:32 There it is.
00:05:34 Unsolved murders.
00:05:35 Ha!
00:05:36 You know I almost forgot it.
00:05:38 I wouldn't have been able to sleep a wink tonight wondering who murdered who and why.
00:05:42 How any intelligent man can read that drivel is beyond me Brisbane.
00:05:46 What time does that Chicago train go?
00:05:47 Five o'clock.
00:05:49 Well it's four fifteen.
00:05:50 Oh you've got plenty of time.
00:05:51 Yes I know but I want to get out of here before Archer gets home.
00:05:56 Good afternoon sir.
00:05:57 Afternoon.
00:05:58 Is my brother at home?
00:05:59 Yes sir he's upstairs.
00:06:00 Tell him I want to see him.
00:06:01 Yes sir.
00:06:04 Your taxi's waiting sir.
00:06:05 All right there's a bag.
00:06:07 Did you get those reservations?
00:06:09 Yes sir.
00:06:10 And Mr. Archer told me to tell you he wants to see you sir.
00:06:13 Oh he did eh?
00:06:15 You tell him I don't want to see him.
00:06:17 Tell him I said so.
00:06:19 In those words sir.
00:06:20 Exactly.
00:06:21 Unless you can think of something stronger.
00:06:23 Yes sir.
00:06:25 Of course.
00:06:27 Of course it's none of my business Brisbane.
00:06:29 But I wouldn't talk that way in front of Gamble.
00:06:32 I don't trust him.
00:06:33 I just couldn't resist it.
00:06:35 I'd like to see the look on Archer's face when he tells him.
00:06:38 I wouldn't.
00:06:39 How the deuce can you stand it here?
00:06:41 Why there wouldn't be enough money in the world to compensate me for being Archer Coe's secretary.
00:06:46 Oh he's not as bad as all that.
00:06:48 Hey you better be getting along.
00:06:49 There's such a thing as carrying loyalty too far.
00:06:50 Don't forget I overheard a few of his choice remarks to you.
00:06:53 When you dared suggest that you were in love with Hilda and wanted to marry her.
00:06:58 I'm afraid you're taking Archer a little too seriously old man.
00:07:03 Did you deliver my message?
00:07:05 I thought it best to wait till you would take me away sir.
00:07:09 Do you mind dropping me off?
00:07:10 I have an engagement with Hilda for dinner.
00:07:12 Come ahead.
00:07:13 Come ahead.
00:07:14 All aboard.
00:07:18 Albany, Brisbane, Canterbury, Bridgeport, New London, New Haven, West Village, Providence, Boston.
00:07:30 Here's Sir Thomas MacDonald New.
00:07:40 What's the matter sir?
00:07:44 Something terrible has happened sir.
00:07:45 Gilly's gone.
00:07:46 What?
00:07:47 And I cannot find him.
00:07:48 They've taken him off the bench sir.
00:07:50 Well he couldn't have got loose.
00:07:51 He didn't break that lock himself either.
00:07:59 I haven't been away from that dog for 10 minutes all day sir.
00:08:02 I just went into the restaurant to get a wee sandwich and when I come back he was gone.
00:08:06 Sir Thomas.
00:08:07 Yes.
00:08:08 I think we found him sir.
00:08:10 Where?
00:08:11 Out in the alley sir.
00:08:12 This way sir.
00:08:20 Gilly.
00:08:25 I'm scared.
00:08:27 I'm scared.
00:08:28 I'll kill the man who did this.
00:08:34 Listen Tom you mustn't do anything until you're sure please.
00:08:43 I've got my own ideas.
00:08:44 Oh I know Uncle Archer's mean and cruel but I can't believe he'd do a thing like this.
00:08:49 [phone ringing]
00:08:58 Hello.
00:08:59 I'm sorry but Mr. Archer Coe isn't here.
00:09:03 Your dog did?
00:09:06 I'm terribly sorry.
00:09:08 I'll try to locate him at once.
00:09:17 [phone ringing]
00:09:20 Go away from me you.
00:09:23 [phone ringing]
00:09:25 Get out of here.
00:09:27 Get out.
00:09:29 I suspected it when I saw you together this afternoon.
00:09:32 You're nothing but a two-timing...
00:09:33 Get out of my apartment.
00:09:34 [dog barking]
00:09:37 Get out.
00:09:38 From now on it is your apartment.
00:09:40 All yours.
00:09:41 I'm getting out for good.
00:09:43 [dog barking]
00:09:54 Ah Mr. Coe.
00:09:56 My dear friend.
00:09:57 Yes I see you are.
00:09:59 Pardon me.
00:10:00 Yes.
00:10:01 Oh I am how do you say it?
00:10:02 Panto Allegri.
00:10:04 I came to see you.
00:10:05 I received a cable from Milan authorizing me to complete the deal for your Chinese collection.
00:10:09 I'm claiming the price of $117,000.
00:10:13 Means decorations and all that sort of thing from a very grateful government I suppose.
00:10:17 Oh no no no mentor.
00:10:18 But it's no good now of course.
00:10:19 I've changed my mind.
00:10:20 Oh but you have promised me you can't go back on your word.
00:10:22 What would I tell my people?
00:10:23 What would I say?
00:10:24 You pity you didn't think of this before.
00:10:26 You might have been a little more discreet eh Grassi?
00:10:28 But you have signed a contract with me.
00:10:29 Too bad for you.
00:10:30 It's still at my home.
00:10:31 In my safe.
00:10:32 Oh but you will most certainly destroy it.
00:10:35 Tonight.
00:10:36 I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:10:38 I'll destroy the famous Delafield.
00:10:40 For nothing.
00:10:42 [door opens]
00:10:45 [footsteps]
00:10:48 [footsteps]
00:10:50 Hey Leanne.
00:11:15 Out of the game eh?
00:11:17 I was led to believe that a cook's place was in the kitchen.
00:11:19 The next time I saw it.
00:11:20 I have been expecting my dismissal Mr. Cole.
00:11:22 We have served our purpose.
00:11:23 These priceless treasures and I.
00:11:26 I overheard Mr. Reed saying you were preparing to sell this whole collection.
00:11:30 You've been listening at the keyhole have you?
00:11:32 You cannot sell them Mr. Cole.
00:11:34 Do you think I would have dishonored my ancestors?
00:11:36 Perchard my soul?
00:11:37 Cheated my own countrymen to acquire these for you?
00:11:40 Had I not believed that you would reverence them as I do?
00:11:43 That's the worst of your race.
00:11:44 A pack of mawkish sentimentalists about your ancestors.
00:11:47 I don't need you tonight.
00:11:48 Go on.
00:11:49 Get out.
00:11:50 I would suggest you consider most carefully before you sell.
00:11:57 [doorbell rings]
00:12:01 [doorbell rings]
00:12:04 [doorbell rings]
00:12:07 [doorbell rings]
00:12:11 [doorbell rings]
00:12:12 [doorbell rings]
00:12:14 [doorbell rings]
00:12:17 [doorbell rings]
00:12:20 [doorbell rings]
00:12:23 [doorbell rings]
00:12:26 [door slams]
00:12:27 [doorbell rings]
00:12:30 [footsteps]
00:12:32 [knocking]
00:12:44 [knocking]
00:12:50 Mr. Cole.
00:12:52 [knocking]
00:12:55 Mr. Cole.
00:12:58 [knocking]
00:12:59 Breakfast, Mr. Cole.
00:13:02 Breakfast.
00:13:04 Mr. Reed.
00:13:19 Mr. Reed.
00:13:20 Mr. Reed.
00:13:21 What are they, Campbell?
00:13:23 Mr. Cole.
00:13:24 Mr. Archer, call in the police.
00:13:25 Mr. Cole.
00:13:26 Mr. Cole.
00:13:27 Mr. Archer, Cole has killed himself.
00:13:29 Killed himself?
00:13:30 When?
00:13:31 How?
00:13:32 He's sitting in there like, and the door's bolted.
00:13:34 You're positive?
00:13:35 Yes, sir.
00:13:36 In his bedroom.
00:13:37 Phone the police.
00:13:38 Yes, sir.
00:13:39 Hello?
00:13:49 Get me police headquarters, quick.
00:13:51 [phone rings]
00:13:52 Homicide, Sergeant Miller speaking.
00:13:57 Now, wait a minute.
00:13:58 Wait a minute, I don't get you.
00:13:59 Take it easy.
00:14:00 All right, let me get this.
00:14:01 I get it.
00:14:02 Suicide.
00:14:03 Suicide?
00:14:04 Wait a minute, you're not gonna run out on this hand.
00:14:07 Yep.
00:14:09 Who?
00:14:10 Archer Cole.
00:14:12 9080, 71st Street.
00:14:14 Okay, I got you.
00:14:16 Is that it, Sergeant?
00:14:17 Yeah.
00:14:18 Well, goodbye, Ernest.
00:14:20 Sergeant, easy you, cub.
00:14:22 Kick into that six-bit.
00:14:23 Oh, relax, will you?
00:14:25 Oh, yes, sir.
00:14:26 This is your case, Sergeant.
00:14:28 You better get the boys out.
00:14:29 9871st Street?
00:14:31 That's right.
00:14:32 All right, come on, stick.
00:14:33 No, Dr. Ray, Mr. Hurry, right out to 98 East 71st Street.
00:14:37 Did you say East, Sergeant?
00:14:39 East, yes.
00:14:40 I got it.
00:14:41 Billy Mayo, get me the city desk.
00:14:43 Calling car 18, car 18.
00:14:45 Times, Charlie Edler.
00:14:46 98 East 71st Street.
00:14:48 Last night, Archer Cole committed suicide.
00:14:50 Proceed immediately and call your station for instruction.
00:14:54 [Horn]
00:14:55 Aaron Warmer with lights-amounted wins for New York fraternities today and tomorrow.
00:15:03 And now for the latest news flash.
00:15:05 Archer Cole, the well-known sportsman and collector, committed suicide last night at his home, 98 East 71st Street.
00:15:12 His body was discovered by the butler at 8 this morning when he took up a breakfast tray.
00:15:16 No reason has been advanced for this action as Mr. Cole was in excellent health and had no financial trouble.
00:15:23 No news has been received for the truth of the action.
00:15:25 Is the land phone still connected?
00:15:30 Yes, sir.
00:15:31 But it will be disconnected in about two minutes, sir.
00:15:33 Let's see.
00:15:34 [Phone rings]
00:15:37 Hello?
00:15:40 Hello, Markham.
00:15:42 Hello, Vince.
00:15:44 I thought you were on your way to Italy.
00:15:46 I am.
00:15:47 I say, Markham, I just heard about Archer Cole.
00:15:51 Yes, too bad he had to bump himself off like that.
00:15:53 That's why I called you.
00:15:55 Are you sure that he did bump himself off?
00:15:57 Well, as Butler tells us, he's sitting in a locked room with a revolver in his hand and a bullet in his head.
00:16:02 I don't know what else you'd call it.
00:16:04 I don't want to butt into your affairs, but aren't you a bit hasty in jumping to that conclusion?
00:16:09 Hasty? Why?
00:16:10 Well, if you knew Archer Cole, you would know that suicide is almost a psychological impossibility for him.
00:16:16 Psychological bosh.
00:16:18 A two and two make four, don't they?
00:16:20 Well, how do you know you have two and two?
00:16:22 Somebody point out to you.
00:16:23 Oh, point out the Statue of Liberty.
00:16:25 Say, Vance.
00:16:26 Hello?
00:16:27 Hello?
00:16:28 The land phone has been disconnected, sir.
00:16:30 Oh.
00:16:32 Uh, will you have my luggage brought up?
00:16:38 Yes, sir.
00:16:39 Stewart.
00:16:40 Just have them send it ashore. I've decided not to sail.
00:16:43 Sir?
00:16:45 Vance, you've been right about a lot of cases in the past, but I can't help smiling at you getting off that boat and giving up a swell trip all because of a hunch.
00:16:53 As a matter of fact, Markham, more than a hunch.
00:16:56 Huh?
00:16:57 It just so happened that I talked with Archer Cole only yesterday.
00:17:01 What? Where?
00:17:02 The Long Island Kennel Club.
00:17:05 You know, I can't conceive of a man on the verge of suicide being very deeply concerned over winning a championship at a dog show, can you?
00:17:13 No. What do you mean?
00:17:14 Simply this.
00:17:15 As late as yesterday afternoon, Archer Cole was looking forward with the keenest anticipation to winning a blue ribbon from Sir Thomas McDonald today.
00:17:23 Sir Thomas McDonald?
00:17:24 Say, wasn't it his dog that was found dead last night?
00:17:27 Aye.
00:17:28 And Archer Cole found dead this morning.
00:17:30 You suppose there might be some connection there?
00:17:33 I don't know.
00:17:34 But if someone were to try to kill Captain McTavish, I'd probably turn murderer to myself and my captain.
00:17:40 [Whistle]
00:17:42 Hello, Mr. Markham.
00:17:45 I got your message to hold everything up. What's the idea?
00:17:48 Hello, Mr. Vance.
00:17:51 Good morning, Sergeant.
00:17:52 Well, it's been a long time.
00:17:53 Several years.
00:17:54 I might have known it would be you, the world champion troubleshooter.
00:17:58 Now, come on, boys. Come inside.
00:18:00 Well, Chief, this is another news-coding shot case.
00:18:05 Mr. Reed, the secretary.
00:18:07 This is Gamble, the butler.
00:18:09 Yes, sir.
00:18:10 Mr. Markham, the district attorney.
00:18:11 How do you do, sir?
00:18:12 And, uh, Mr. Vance.
00:18:14 How do you do?
00:18:15 Everything just as it was?
00:18:16 Well, they said they haven't touched anything.
00:18:18 We thought it best to leave everything intact, sir.
00:18:20 Good.
00:18:21 Where's the room?
00:18:22 Upstairs.
00:18:23 This way, please.
00:18:24 You, uh, been in Mr. Cole's service long?
00:18:32 About three months, sir.
00:18:33 And before that?
00:18:34 Well, uh, unfortunately, I was unemployed, sir.
00:18:37 This is it, sir.
00:18:38 Yep, he's there, all right.
00:18:44 Just like I told the police on the phone.
00:18:46 I tried the door, found it locked, looked through the keyhole, and there he was, dead.
00:18:50 I think this is a job for you, Sergeant.
00:18:54 Certainly, Mr. Vance.
00:19:01 Well, Hennessy, what are you standing there for, your health?
00:19:05 The mistake's deep.
00:19:06 All right.
00:19:07 Congratulations, Sergeant.
00:19:16 What is this, a bedroom or a museum?
00:19:20 More junk here than in a Chinese josh house.
00:19:23 I trust I did the right thing, sir, by not breaking down the door.
00:19:37 I realized I could be of no help to him.
00:19:39 Oh, he's been quite dead for hours.
00:19:41 Won't leave his health all if that's plain enough.
00:19:44 Certainly looks that way, Vance.
00:19:45 I'm afraid your trip was spoiled for nothing.
00:19:48 I think not, Markham.
00:19:49 This may prove far more interesting than a trip to Europe.
00:19:53 You carry a gun?
00:20:02 No, sir.
00:20:03 You?
00:20:04 Yes, sir, but only at night for the protection of the household.
00:20:08 Is that it?
00:20:09 Why, I...
00:20:10 Come on.
00:20:11 No, that was Mr. Archer's.
00:20:14 But he always kept it in the desk drawer downstairs.
00:20:17 I saw it yesterday morning as I was putting away some papers.
00:20:20 Oh, you did, eh?
00:20:21 Did Mr. Coe generally keep his windows locked?
00:20:24 Why, no, sir.
00:20:26 As a matter of fact, he was a great believer in fresh air.
00:20:28 Ah, indeed.
00:20:30 I wonder if these gentlemen would mind waiting downstairs.
00:20:33 Certainly not.
00:20:34 I'm sorry we had to damage your door.
00:20:36 That's quite all right.
00:20:37 It's evenly repaired.
00:20:38 I'll have it attended to at once, sir.
00:20:39 Hennessey, see that no one leaves the house without my permission.
00:20:42 All right.
00:20:45 It's as plain as a nose on your face.
00:20:48 This guy locked himself in here and blew out his brains.
00:20:51 I wish I could agree with you, Sergeant.
00:20:53 How the devil could it be anything but suicide?
00:20:56 It was all very well for you to theorize before we got here, Vance.
00:21:00 But now that you've seen this and there are no signs of a struggle...
00:21:04 And the door bolted on the inside and no means of entrance to the room.
00:21:08 Ah, no other means of entrance.
00:21:10 All right, you are, Sergeant.
00:21:12 But we can hardly call a second story window a means of entrance.
00:21:15 And nothing here that even a human fly could crawl up.
00:21:22 So why should Archico lock his window?
00:21:24 Particularly if he was a fresh air enthusiast.
00:21:27 I'm afraid your reasoning is not altogether convincing.
00:21:30 Well, perhaps so, but...
00:21:32 Doesn't it strike you as rather odd that a man should suddenly decide to commit suicide...
00:21:36 While changing from his street clothes to pajamas?
00:21:38 Well, why not? A man debating suicide might get partially undressed...
00:21:42 And walk up and down for hours trying to make up his mind.
00:21:44 Yes, he might walk up and down for hours, but not with one shoe half off.
00:21:49 No, Markham. Something stopped him as he was removing that shoe.
00:21:53 This was supposed to suggest suicide, but...
00:21:56 Someone miscalculated.
00:21:58 But you can't get away from that bolted door.
00:22:01 I wish I could.
00:22:03 The way you figured it out, the man was murdered.
00:22:05 As soon as the killer is gone, he gets up, goes and bolts the door...
00:22:09 Plants himself in a comfortable chair with a loaded gun in his hand to suggest suicide.
00:22:14 That's a swell theory.
00:22:17 Hello, Gamble.
00:22:23 What is this? What's happened?
00:22:25 Something terrible has happened, Miss Lake.
00:22:27 Hilda.
00:22:28 What is it, Raymond? What is it?
00:22:31 It's your uncle, Archie, Hilda. He killed himself last night.
00:22:34 Where?
00:22:36 They're upstairs.
00:22:38 Hey, don't touch that body, Miss.
00:22:52 Oh, Mr. Byrne.
00:22:55 How do you do, Miss Lake?
00:22:57 This is Mr. Markham, the district attorney. How do you do?
00:23:00 Miss Lake, he's Coe's niece.
00:23:02 I'm sorry, Miss Lake, but you mustn't touch anything until the medical examiner arrives.
00:23:06 It's against regulation.
00:23:08 Is it also against regulation to tell me what's happened?
00:23:10 We arrived only a few moments ago. We found your uncle as you see him.
00:23:14 It has every appearance of suicide.
00:23:17 I doubt it.
00:23:19 Do you know of anyone who would have reason to kill your uncle?
00:23:23 Yes. I had, for one.
00:23:27 Why, Miss Lake?
00:23:29 Because he stood in the way of everything I wanted.
00:23:31 He made my life miserable because he held the purse strings.
00:23:34 And because...
00:23:36 Because he was jealous of every man who came near me.
00:23:39 I was afraid of him.
00:23:41 Oh, the horrible nights I've spent in this house.
00:23:45 Are we to accept your comments as a confession of murder, Miss Lake?
00:23:51 Look here, Markham, that's ridiculous.
00:23:53 Please, Raymond. I think I can handle this situation myself.
00:23:57 When we found your uncle, Miss Lake,
00:23:59 the door was bolted from the inside.
00:24:02 Bolted inside?
00:24:05 Oh.
00:24:08 Maybe he did shoot himself.
00:24:11 Can't you make up your mind?
00:24:12 Do you know of anyone else who felt as you do about your uncle?
00:24:15 Practically everyone he came in contact with.
00:24:17 He was ruthless. He wanted his own way in everything.
00:24:20 I imagine there are plenty of Chinese who will be glad to know that his collecting days are over.
00:24:24 Ask our cook.
00:24:26 I shall.
00:24:28 Can you think of anyone else?
00:24:29 Well, Uncle Brisbane shared my feelings toward him, I'm sure.
00:24:32 Where is this Brisbane guy?
00:24:33 Maybe he decided to do something about it.
00:24:35 That's impossible.
00:24:37 He's on his way to Chicago. He left on the five o'clock train yesterday afternoon.
00:24:40 He'll be just about getting there by now.
00:24:43 Well, you'd probably like to wire him, wouldn't you?
00:24:46 Why, yes, of course.
00:24:48 Is that all?
00:24:50 - Before the present. - Yes.
00:24:56 Suppose we check up on Uncle Brisbane on that Chicago train.
00:24:59 Won't take me but a minute.
00:25:01 - Hello? - Come on, Sipkin.
00:25:09 Get your feet off the boss's desk and jump down to Grand Central.
00:25:12 All right, I get you.
00:25:19 I'll get it.
00:25:21 Yes, Mr. Heath.
00:25:33 Langham Hotel, Chicago?
00:25:35 Yes, sir, I'll brush the call.
00:25:37 Hold a while, please.
00:25:39 Oh, yes, Mr. Heath.
00:25:41 We're expecting Mr. Brisbane Coe this morning.
00:25:43 Oh, yes, he... he wired for a reservation last night.
00:25:46 Thank you. Goodbye.
00:25:48 Yes. He took the five o'clock train, all right.
00:25:51 Good.
00:25:53 You know, there's a few things I'd like to find out about this girl, Hilda Lake.
00:25:57 Why are you always trying to check up on me?
00:25:59 I'm not trying to check up on you, Hilda.
00:26:01 I want to help you.
00:26:03 You know how I feel about you.
00:26:05 You know that I love you.
00:26:07 But lately you seem to have changed.
00:26:09 Every time I want to speak to you about marriage, you evade me.
00:26:12 What's on your mind?
00:26:14 Oh, nothing, nothing.
00:26:16 You never said I'd marry you.
00:26:18 But I thought that now we...
00:26:20 Well, that... that I could take you away from here.
00:26:23 You might as well know now as later.
00:26:25 When all this is cleared up, I'm going to marry Tom McDonald.
00:26:29 Oh.
00:26:31 Try to understand, Raymond.
00:26:33 I'm sorry.
00:26:35 Oh, don't tell me. Come on, don't be a kid.
00:26:37 Why, oh, suicide, my eye.
00:26:39 Was the DEA in stealth and vans on the job?
00:26:41 It's suicide and that's that.
00:26:43 It's stealth suicide.
00:26:46 Hey, wait a minute.
00:26:49 Are you a reporter?
00:26:51 No, I'm Sir Thomson Gunnell.
00:26:53 I'd like to talk to the officer in charge here.
00:26:55 Oh, come on inside.
00:26:57 Tom!
00:27:02 Why didn't you stay away from here?
00:27:06 And leave you to face this thing alone?
00:27:08 But you promised me last night you wouldn't come here.
00:27:10 Won't you go, please? I can bluff it through.
00:27:12 I'm afraid the police are asking you questions.
00:27:14 I know all the answers.
00:27:15 Oh, but please go for my sake.
00:27:16 Let's forget about it, shall we?
00:27:18 It's too late now in any case. The police are guarding every entrance.
00:27:20 Wait a moment.
00:27:22 You can cross through that yard and get to your apartment.
00:27:24 No one will see you.
00:27:25 Take the first boat to England and I'll join you as soon as I can.
00:27:27 Watch out for those newspaper vans, Sir Thomas.
00:27:30 They're even deadlier than the police.
00:27:32 I had no intention of leaving.
00:27:34 Ah, good.
00:27:35 Oh, by the way, I was sorry to hear about the death of your dog last night.
00:27:38 Oh, thanks.
00:27:39 Well, I haven't had a chance to discuss it with Archer Cole, did you?
00:27:42 No.
00:27:43 If I had, I might have killed him.
00:27:45 Well, did you?
00:27:47 That's your problem.
00:27:49 [Indistinct chatter]
00:27:53 How about a statement now?
00:27:55 Oh, wait a minute.
00:27:56 I'm a doctor, not a magician.
00:27:58 [Laughter]
00:27:59 Go on, now. Scram.
00:28:01 [Indistinct chatter]
00:28:03 Hello, Dad.
00:28:04 Hello, Kelsey. Where have you been? Haven't seen you for a long time.
00:28:06 Working hard.
00:28:07 What kept you so long?
00:28:09 Did you walk all the way?
00:28:10 You always pick on me at mealtime.
00:28:12 I was in the middle of cakes and sausage.
00:28:14 What have you got?
00:28:16 Just plain suicide.
00:28:17 This guy locked himself in a room, bumped himself off.
00:28:20 Suicide? Then why didn't you let me finish my breakfast?
00:28:22 Hello, Doc.
00:28:23 Hello, Markham.
00:28:24 All you need is an order to remove the body.
00:28:26 If you told me that over the phone, I would have sent my assistant.
00:28:29 Mr. Markham told me to phone you personally.
00:28:31 Don't cry about it.
00:28:32 I'll give you the approximate hour of the death, if you want it.
00:28:35 That's been hard, I'll be doubt.
00:28:36 And the routine autopsy, we can do tomorrow.
00:28:39 It's just a case of suicide.
00:28:41 Why do you jump to that conclusion, Doctor?
00:28:44 I know a dead man when I see one.
00:28:47 Besides, the door was bolted.
00:28:48 I know, the door was bolted on the inside.
00:28:50 But what about the body? Hadn't you better have a look at it?
00:28:53 I was going to.
00:28:55 I'm a doctor, not a detective.
00:28:57 This man is dead with a bullet hole in his right temple.
00:29:00 He's holding a gun in his right hand.
00:29:02 Just the kind of wound that might have been self-inflicted.
00:29:05 The position is natural, and the door was locked on the inside.
00:29:09 Well, let me see.
00:29:13 That's strange.
00:29:15 Did you find something to disturb you, Doctor?
00:29:17 Plenty.
00:29:19 There's blood in his mouth.
00:29:20 And he's got a skull fracture from some club-like instrument.
00:29:24 What about the bullet wound in his temple? There's no blood there.
00:29:27 That's so.
00:29:33 Gentlemen.
00:29:35 When that bullet entered this man's head,
00:29:38 he had been dead for hours.
00:29:40 Can you place the time of his death?
00:29:44 I'd say from 8 to 12 hours ago.
00:29:47 Would you say that the revolver was placed in his hand before Rigor Mortis set in?
00:29:50 Yes.
00:29:51 Did he die from the effects of the blow on the head?
00:29:54 No. Probably rendering him unconscious for a while.
00:29:56 But that wouldn't have killed him. Not powerful enough.
00:29:59 The blow didn't kill him, the bullet didn't kill him, and yet he's dead.
00:30:02 Suppose we try to find out just what did kill him.
00:30:05 Glad you thought of that, Mr. Vance.
00:30:07 It's not a bad idea.
00:30:09 Perhaps I'd better take another look.
00:30:11 All right, boys. Let's pick up these clues before they get messed up here.
00:30:19 Hey, just a minute, Doc. Please.
00:30:22 Ready?
00:30:27 Give me a hand, Sergeant. Help me lift the body off the table.
00:30:31 Lift the body over on the table.
00:30:33 Lift him easy. Easy.
00:30:46 There he is. Now we're...
00:30:48 All right, boys. All right, then.
00:30:50 There couldn't have been much of a struggle.
00:30:53 His hair isn't even messed.
00:30:55 Maybe somebody slugged him and then combed his hair.
00:30:57 By George! Now I've got it.
00:31:00 Stabbed. Below the left shoulder blade.
00:31:04 Near the spine.
00:31:06 There's no external bleeding.
00:31:08 Internal hemorrhage, huh?
00:31:10 That's it.
00:31:12 What do you think of the suicide theory now, Sergeant?
00:31:14 Well, it's slightly complicated for him to shot, slug, and stab himself.
00:31:18 Particularly in the back.
00:31:20 Yes, very complicated.
00:31:22 - I'll mark him. - Yes.
00:31:24 You see, there's no hole in the back of his pajama jacket.
00:31:27 So he couldn't have been wearing that when he was stabbed.
00:31:29 But get this.
00:31:31 There's a hole in the back of his coat.
00:31:34 And another in his waistcoat. Bloodstained.
00:31:36 He must have been fully dressed when he was attacked.
00:31:38 That makes me out. I finished.
00:31:40 I suppose you want a quick autopsy.
00:31:42 Yes. Get that body down to the morgue as soon as possible.
00:31:45 - Good day, gentlemen. - Good day. Now.
00:31:47 Yes?
00:31:49 Do you think there's any possible chance of that being suicide?
00:31:52 - What? - All right, all right. Just a fair question, big boy.
00:31:55 Go on home and get your hot cakes and sausage.
00:31:57 You need the strength.
00:31:59 - That's it. - Yeah.
00:32:00 - I have it set this way. - Right.
00:32:02 - Any report on that wire? - Not yet, Sarge.
00:32:04 Send a wire to this guy, Morf from 98 East 71st Street, New York City.
00:32:13 And tell him, um...
00:32:15 "Brizz Bane Co. Not aboard this train.
00:32:18 "Wildness Conductor. Train number seven."
00:32:20 Sit down.
00:32:22 What time did Brizz Bane Co. leave for Chicago?
00:32:30 In time to catch the 5 o'clock train, sir.
00:32:33 How do you know he caught the 5 o'clock train?
00:32:35 I phoned for the reservation,
00:32:37 brought him his walking stick and overcoat,
00:32:39 and put his bag in the taxi.
00:32:41 Ah. Did you remain in the house all evening?
00:32:44 Why, no, sir. I went out about 6.30.
00:32:46 It was a servant's night off.
00:32:48 Everyone was out to dinner.
00:32:50 Did you notice anything unusual in Mr. Brizz Bane's manner when he left?
00:32:54 Oh, now that you mention it, he was distracted and...
00:32:57 and very irritable.
00:32:59 - You say you gave him his stick? - Yes, sir.
00:33:01 What kind of stick?
00:33:03 His favorite. An ivory-handled one.
00:33:05 He never went anywhere without it, sir.
00:33:07 You're quite sure he took that particular stick with him?
00:33:10 Positive. I handed it to him myself, sir.
00:33:12 Did you see him when he returned here last evening?
00:33:15 - Returned? - Yes.
00:33:16 I didn't know he had returned, sir.
00:33:18 Then whose ivory-handed stick is that hanging over that chair in the hall?
00:33:22 - I don't know, sir. I swear I don't know. - Sit down. Sit down.
00:33:24 Steady, Gamble. Steady.
00:33:26 Is this it?
00:33:30 Is it?
00:33:31 Yes, sir. I can't understand it.
00:33:33 I suppose you saw nothing of his bag.
00:33:35 Why, no, sir.
00:33:36 Well, if he brought his cane back here,
00:33:38 what did he do with his bag?
00:33:40 Ah, very good, Sergeant. That's just the point.
00:33:42 - He undoubtedly left it somewhere. - But where?
00:33:45 I should think the most logical place would be the checkroom at the Grand Central Station.
00:33:49 What kind of a bag was it?
00:33:51 Just an ordinary pigskin bag, sir, with his initials "BC" on it.
00:33:55 Is that it?
00:33:57 Yeah, that looks like it.
00:33:59 There's your police department receipt.
00:34:03 What time was this checked?
00:34:05 4.45.
00:34:07 - Thanks, pal. - Okay.
00:34:09 Well, here it is.
00:34:13 - Put it here. - Did you get time on the contents?
00:34:15 No. I brought it right up here.
00:34:17 I'll open it. Did you find out what time this was checked?
00:34:19 Yeah. There you are.
00:34:21 4.45.
00:34:24 He must have gone direct from the house to the station.
00:34:27 Did the attendant remember who left this?
00:34:29 No. He said there were so many of them, but most of the time he didn't even notice the people.
00:34:33 Well, his shaving kit, shirt, underwear, socks, collars, slippers.
00:34:40 Nothing in there that a man wouldn't ordinarily take with him on a short trip.
00:34:46 Except this, perhaps.
00:34:48 "Unsolved Murders."
00:34:50 That's a swell book to take to Chicago.
00:34:53 That's rather odd, isn't it?
00:34:55 Yes, more than that.
00:34:57 Gentlemen, the mist is beginning to rise.
00:34:59 I think I know at least a part of what happened here last night.
00:35:02 How about this?
00:35:04 Let's say that Brisbane Co. started for Chicago on a night when he knew that no one was going to be there.
00:35:09 He missed his train purposely, checked his bag at the station, and returned here to kill his brother.
00:35:15 To make a perfect alibi, he planned to take a later train to Chicago.
00:35:19 But something stopped him.
00:35:21 And something stopped Archer Cole before he could remove his shoes last night.
00:35:25 You see what I mean?
00:35:26 Those shoes of Archer's, that bag of Brisbane's, his stick hanging there in the hall.
00:35:29 It shouldn't have been there.
00:35:32 Wait just a minute.
00:35:35 Wait just a minute.
00:35:39 Oh, Gamble.
00:35:41 Where did Mr. Brisbane usually put his hat and overcoat when he came in?
00:35:44 He always hung them in the closet, sir.
00:35:46 Which closet?
00:35:47 This one.
00:35:50 Oh!
00:35:57 Mr. Brisbane!
00:36:04 Well, Mr. Vance.
00:36:06 Where are we now?
00:36:09 I should say somewhere in the middle of the Gobi Desert.
00:36:15 [phone rings]
00:36:18 Hello.
00:36:20 What?
00:36:21 Again?
00:36:23 I'm right in the middle of my lunch.
00:36:25 First you interview my breakfast, then you ruin my lunch.
00:36:28 Don't you boys ever eat?
00:36:29 No.
00:36:30 I'm on a diet.
00:36:31 Oh, all right.
00:36:34 [phone rings]
00:36:37 Hello.
00:36:38 All right, I'll attend to that later.
00:36:40 Get me the wagon and the fingerprint gang.
00:36:44 Just a minute, fellas.
00:36:49 One second.
00:36:50 Yes, sir.
00:36:51 Sonny, that's all.
00:36:54 All right, go ahead.
00:36:59 Here.
00:37:00 He's been dead for hours.
00:37:01 And me thinking all the time he was playing possum.
00:37:05 Well, there are too many people in the world anyway.
00:37:08 Mr. Vance, this is just ordinary junk.
00:37:11 I'm afraid so.
00:37:13 And I'd rather hope for something important.
00:37:15 Which one of the two victims died first, I think?
00:37:17 Archico, I think.
00:37:18 This one a little later.
00:37:19 And the weapon?
00:37:20 Same.
00:37:21 Sharp and narrow.
00:37:24 Check it.
00:37:25 Tag and list these.
00:37:26 I think I'd better fingerprint everything inside and outside here.
00:37:29 Right, fellas.
00:37:30 Hennessy.
00:37:31 Yes.
00:37:32 Look for a sharp and narrow weapon.
00:37:33 Right.
00:37:36 Found something?
00:37:37 That looks like fish and tackle.
00:37:38 It's tackle, all right, but not fishing.
00:37:41 Markham, we're dealing with a shrewd brain.
00:37:44 Technique for this crime was very cleverly worked out.
00:37:47 But something went wrong.
00:37:48 Sergeant, here's your order for the removal of the body.
00:37:51 Thanks, Doc.
00:37:52 So long.
00:37:53 I want food.
00:37:55 Well, nobody's stopping you.
00:37:56 And if you've got any more corpses, bring them out now, will you?
00:37:58 I can't be running up and down here all day.
00:38:00 What do you mean, running up and down all day?
00:38:02 With that swell car the city gave you.
00:38:05 Nothing upset, Doctor.
00:38:07 [door opens]
00:38:11 [door closes]
00:38:15 [door opens]
00:38:19 [door opens]
00:38:22 [door closes]
00:38:25 [door opens]
00:38:28 [door closes]
00:38:31 [door opens]
00:38:34 [door closes]
00:38:37 [door opens]
00:38:40 [footsteps]
00:38:43 [footsteps]
00:38:46 [Door closes]
00:38:58 [Silence]
00:39:14 Hiya, Captain.
00:39:16 Do you want me to take charge?
00:39:18 Well, if you hurry up and solve this case, maybe I can go home.
00:39:22 Come on.
00:39:24 [Laughter]
00:39:31 I can handle everything if I don't get too much interference.
00:39:34 Oh, Markham.
00:39:35 Yes?
00:39:36 You're just in time for a demonstration.
00:39:39 I think I can show you how Brisbane Co. used this fishing tackle.
00:39:44 He started for Chicago and then he provided an alibi.
00:39:47 He had other plans in this room.
00:39:49 Watch this.
00:39:51 Notice the bent pin which is hooked on the bolt handle?
00:39:55 This is attached to the string I am now pulling through the keyhole.
00:39:58 If you follow the string, you will see that it passes around a pin in the wall.
00:40:02 This acts as a pulley, and it's also attached to a string passing through the keyhole.
00:40:07 You see, the bolt is now being forced into its socket.
00:40:10 Upon my word.
00:40:12 I now pull the first string through the keyhole, and then the second string.
00:40:16 And with it comes the pin, leaving no evidence.
00:40:19 Now let me in.
00:40:22 It worked?
00:40:23 Yes, it worked.
00:40:24 Well, that explains that, then.
00:40:26 Very clever.
00:40:27 It could have been done that way, but if Brisbane killed Archer Co.,
00:40:31 who killed Brisbane and hung him in the closet?
00:40:34 Why did he do it?
00:40:36 That's what we want to find out, isn't it?
00:40:38 Exactly.
00:40:39 Yeah.
00:40:40 Gentlemen, two persons planned the murder of Archer Co.
00:40:44 Two?
00:40:45 What?
00:40:46 But their paths crossed.
00:40:47 Brisbane was one of them.
00:40:48 The other?
00:40:49 I've got it.
00:40:50 The Chinese cook.
00:40:51 They're full of those tricks.
00:40:52 Now get this.
00:40:53 Dr. DeRama said that Co. was struck over the head with a blunt instrument.
00:40:57 This poker would answer that description, wouldn't it?
00:41:00 Yes, and that certainly looks like dried blood.
00:41:03 It certainly does.
00:41:04 But what about those short, coarse hairs?
00:41:07 They don't look like Co.'s.
00:41:09 No.
00:41:10 Well, Mr. Vance, why didn't you find that when you looked in there this morning?
00:41:15 It wasn't in there this morning.
00:41:18 Besides, it doesn't belong in this room.
00:41:19 It belongs downstairs in the library.
00:41:23 Is that you, Captain?
00:41:36 What's the matter with you?
00:41:41 What is it, Captain?
00:41:46 What is it, Captain?
00:41:50 Is there something wrong down there?
00:42:03 Oh, good boy, Captain.
00:42:06 This dog's been struck a nasty blow.
00:42:09 That explains the coarse hairs on the poker.
00:42:12 Whose dog is this?
00:42:13 I don't know.
00:42:14 I mean, I've often seen it in the vacant lots.
00:42:17 Just tell the truth, Gamble.
00:42:19 Yes.
00:42:20 Why don't you?
00:42:22 It belongs to the lady next door, sir.
00:42:26 Hmm.
00:42:27 Uh, Hennessey, get that fellow to her bed as fast as you can, will you?
00:42:30 Yes.
00:42:36 Easy, easy, easy, easy.
00:42:42 Now, Gamble, let's have the name of the lady next door.
00:42:44 Doris Dellafield.
00:42:45 Yes, I'm Miss Dellafield.
00:42:48 Won't you sit down, gentlemen?
00:42:49 Thank you.
00:42:50 I'm sorry I didn't win you a trophy at the dog show.
00:42:52 You're quite a fancier, aren't you?
00:42:53 Yes, somewhat.
00:42:55 I'm interested in one of your dogs.
00:42:57 The Doberman.
00:42:58 You mean Figaro.
00:42:59 I wonder if I could have a look at him.
00:43:01 I'm terribly sorry.
00:43:02 You know, he slipped his leash last night and ran away.
00:43:05 I've notified the police.
00:43:06 My maid's been scouring the neighborhood trying to find him.
00:43:09 Well, did she inquire at Mr. Coe's house next door?
00:43:15 Well, I don't know.
00:43:17 You and Mr. Coe have been good friends, haven't you?
00:43:22 I know him.
00:43:23 Why?
00:43:25 Your dog was found in his house this morning, badly wounded.
00:43:29 What?
00:43:30 Have you any idea how he got there?
00:43:33 No.
00:43:34 Do you suppose he would follow someone into the house?
00:43:37 Well, I hardly think...
00:43:43 Now, what are you driving at?
00:43:46 Mr. Coe and his brother were murdered last night.
00:43:50 Murdered?
00:43:51 I was afraid that...
00:43:55 Just a moment.
00:43:57 Hello.
00:43:58 Is that Miss Doris Dullifield's apartment?
00:44:01 Would you please tell Miss Dullifield that we couldn't get the reservations for her and Mr. Graffy on A deck.
00:44:07 And ask her if B deck would be satisfactory.
00:44:09 Miss Dullifield will not be sailing.
00:44:12 You can cancel reservations for them both.
00:44:15 Do you mind telling me whom the other reservation was for?
00:44:19 I refuse to answer that question.
00:44:22 Would it be Mr. Graffy?
00:44:25 But I am Mr. Graffy.
00:44:27 And if I didn't cancel those reservations, who did?
00:44:29 What?
00:44:30 Miss Dullifield.
00:44:31 Oh, no, no, no, she didn't.
00:44:33 No, really, that's been a mistake.
00:44:35 As soon as I can find out about this, I'll call you back.
00:44:42 I don't think you'll find Miss Dullifield at home just now.
00:44:47 And as for the cancellation of your esteem ship reservations, we regret very much that it was necessary.
00:44:52 Who are you?
00:44:54 This is Mr. Markham, the district attorney.
00:44:57 I'm honored, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand.
00:45:00 It's about this.
00:45:02 As a matter of fact, Mr. Coe didn't commit suicide, he was murdered.
00:45:05 Murdered?
00:45:07 Would you mind coming along with us?
00:45:09 Just a little matter of comparing fingerprints.
00:45:14 No, not in the least.
00:45:17 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:20 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:24 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:27 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:30 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:33 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:36 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:39 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:42 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:45 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:48 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:51 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:53 I think that's all.
00:45:55 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:45:58 Found anything yet?
00:46:00 The one taken from the doorknob is too blurred for identification.
00:46:03 But this one is very clear.
00:46:05 It appears to be that of Liang, the Chinese cook.
00:46:39 Any luck?
00:46:41 No, not yet.
00:46:42 It must be here somewhere.
00:46:44 I'm positive that the dagger that killed Lacoste belongs in that sheath.
00:46:49 [INAUDIBLE]
00:46:52 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:46:55 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:46:58 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:47:01 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:47:04 Well?
00:47:05 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:47:08 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:47:10 That's strange.
00:47:11 What is?
00:47:12 The King of Aves is missing.
00:47:14 It's the most valuable in the whole collection.
00:47:16 That's all that's left of it.
00:47:18 If I'm not mistaken, that's blood.
00:47:20 Blood.
00:47:23 Markham, I'm coming more and more to the belief that Archico was killed in this room.
00:47:27 That poker, this dagger sheath, and the fragments, all here.
00:47:30 But Vance, do you mean to tell me that the dead man walked upstairs?
00:47:34 I'm not trying to tell you anything but the facts.
00:47:37 It's the most remarkable case in my experience.
00:47:40 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:47:43 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:47:45 Find anything, Cap?
00:47:48 Yes, sir.
00:47:49 Plenty.
00:47:50 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:47:57 Oh, Mr. Reed.
00:47:58 Yes, Mr. Vance.
00:47:59 Would you step in for a moment, please?
00:48:01 Why, certainly.
00:48:04 Oh, no thanks.
00:48:06 Did you notice that the Ting Yao was missing?
00:48:11 Missing?
00:48:12 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:48:16 Why, it was here yesterday evening.
00:48:18 At what time?
00:48:19 At about 6.30 or 7 o'clock.
00:48:22 I came back to talk to Mr. Cole.
00:48:24 About what?
00:48:26 Well, as a matter of fact, I--
00:48:28 I wanted to quit my job as his secretary.
00:48:30 Oh, you'd been having some difficulties with him?
00:48:33 It was rather a personal matter.
00:48:36 I wanted his permission to marry Miss Lake.
00:48:38 What did he say to that?
00:48:39 Hmm.
00:48:40 He ordered me out.
00:48:42 You went?
00:48:43 Yes.
00:48:44 Where?
00:48:45 I went to find Miss Lake.
00:48:46 I thought she was at the Kennel Club.
00:48:48 But I had a puncture here, so it was rather late when I got there.
00:48:51 She'd already left with Sir Thomas McDonald.
00:48:54 Then I came home and went directly to bed.
00:48:56 Did you hear anything or see anything when you came into the house?
00:48:59 No.
00:49:00 But after I'd been in bed for a while, I heard some noises downstairs.
00:49:04 I opened the door and looked down.
00:49:06 But it was only Liang, the Chinese cook, coming in.
00:49:09 Was he customarily noisy in entering the house?
00:49:13 Oh, as a matter of fact, it's the first time I ever heard him come in.
00:49:17 Indeed.
00:49:19 Well, I think we're all agreed.
00:49:21 Thank you.
00:49:22 If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
00:49:24 Right, right.
00:49:25 Good night.
00:49:26 Good night.
00:49:27 I think I'd check up on that Kennel Club alibi.
00:49:32 I will.
00:49:33 You might have those fragments check for fingerprints, if you will.
00:49:36 Yes.
00:49:37 Meanwhile, I'll do a little exploring in the kitchen.
00:49:40 Yeah, Mr. Vance, I thought...
00:49:56 Markham.
00:49:57 Yeah.
00:49:58 Mr. Liang, I believe.
00:50:04 You're the cook.
00:50:06 Me cook.
00:50:08 You can drop the pitch in English.
00:50:10 That isn't necessary with me.
00:50:12 Where did you go to school?
00:50:14 Columbia University.
00:50:15 Ah, that's considerable education for a cook, isn't it?
00:50:18 Mr. Koh employed me because I know a great deal about Chinese porcelain.
00:50:22 Ah, I see.
00:50:23 That's a very lovely piece of ting-yau, isn't it?
00:50:26 How did it get broken?
00:50:28 I don't know, sir.
00:50:30 I found the pieces in the wastebasket in the library.
00:50:32 You want me, Vance?
00:50:34 Oh, yes.
00:50:36 See that, Markham?
00:50:38 More blood spots on the inside.
00:50:40 Apparently, the murderer dropped the dagger in there to hide it.
00:50:42 But he dropped it too hard and the vase broke.
00:50:45 When did you find these pieces?
00:50:48 This morning.
00:50:49 This morning?
00:50:50 You're sure it wasn't last night about...
00:50:52 ...clock, better say?
00:50:54 No, sir.
00:50:55 I did not get in until after midnight.
00:50:57 I'm sure Mr. Reed or Mr. Gamble will tell you that.
00:51:01 What time did you find the poker?
00:51:03 The poker?
00:51:04 Yes, the poker.
00:51:06 The one you hid in the Chinese chest in Mr. Archer's room this afternoon.
00:51:09 But I don't know what you mean.
00:51:11 Oh, yes, you do.
00:51:13 I was behind the door in that room when you hid it.
00:51:15 Let me handle this, Mr. Vance.
00:51:17 Are you going to talk or do I have to beat you?
00:51:20 Wait.
00:51:21 I'll tell you the truth.
00:51:22 Oh, spit it out.
00:51:24 When I returned to my room here about 8 o'clock last night...
00:51:27 Ah, I thought so.
00:51:29 I heard angry muffled voices in the library.
00:51:32 Then a dull sound as of someone falling.
00:51:35 I stood at my door here and listened.
00:51:38 Then I heard footsteps cross the kitchen and go out the back door.
00:51:42 And then?
00:51:44 I walked up the corridor and everything was very quiet.
00:51:47 I opened the library door and looked in.
00:51:50 The furniture was overturned.
00:51:52 The poker was there.
00:51:54 The desk was disarranged.
00:51:56 And the valuable ten-year vase was broken.
00:51:59 I thought there must be something wrong.
00:52:02 So I went upstairs and looked into Mr. Coe's bedroom.
00:52:05 He was dead.
00:52:07 Fearing that I might be suspected...
00:52:09 I went back to the library and picked up the broken pieces of the vase.
00:52:13 And together with the poker, I took them to my room.
00:52:17 And knowing that you were alone in the house, you were afraid you might be suspected.
00:52:20 So you hid the weapons and left.
00:52:22 Yes, sir.
00:52:24 You returned to the house about midnight.
00:52:26 And purposely made a lot of noise so as to establish your alibi.
00:52:29 Is that right?
00:52:30 Yes, sir.
00:52:31 All right, then. Where did you put the dagger?
00:52:33 I did not find the dagger.
00:52:35 Don't give me that!
00:52:36 What did you do with it after you stuck it in Arthur Coe's back?
00:52:39 I've got it, Mr. Markham.
00:52:40 Yes, or fingerprint on this broken fragment belongs to the Italian, Eduardo Brasi.
00:52:45 Well, Mr. Vance.
00:52:49 Looks like somebody else miscalculated.
00:52:54 Yep, it fits.
00:52:56 That doesn't prove anything.
00:52:58 What about this?
00:53:00 Where did you get it?
00:53:06 It was in Arthur Coe's pocket.
00:53:08 What were you doing outside the drawing room window last night?
00:53:11 I... I wanted to be sure that he was alone.
00:53:14 Why?
00:53:15 For weeks we had been negotiating for the sale of his collection to the museum at Milan.
00:53:19 It meant everything to me.
00:53:21 He kept raising the price, but on Monday we came to an understanding.
00:53:25 And I came to the museum that I had succeeded.
00:53:27 And last night he turned me down because he saw me with Miss Dellafield.
00:53:32 Let me explain.
00:53:35 Arthur was extremely jealous of me.
00:53:37 Well, you can't blame him for that.
00:53:39 You went there to threaten him, didn't you?
00:53:41 Just had every right to do.
00:53:43 I told him I would use any means to make him fulfill his contract.
00:53:46 He laughed at me.
00:53:47 Said that he would smash every piece in his collection before he'd let me have it.
00:53:51 So you picked up the poker and did a little smashing on your own account, eh?
00:53:55 I did not.
00:53:56 Let me have that fragment, will you?
00:53:58 Thank you.
00:53:59 You know how that was broken?
00:54:01 King Yon-Bas?
00:54:03 With blood stains on the inside and your fingerprint on the outside.
00:54:07 I don't know.
00:54:08 Sergeant, I think you'd better book him.
00:54:10 Right.
00:54:11 Thank you.
00:54:13 Come on.
00:54:14 Let's get out of that monkey suit.
00:54:16 Let's get going.
00:54:17 Come on.
00:54:18 Don't worry.
00:54:19 I'm not running away.
00:54:20 You're telling me.
00:54:21 I suspected the Italian all along.
00:54:29 Exactly.
00:54:31 But why should Grassi also stab Brisbane?
00:54:34 And what about the Doberman?
00:54:36 You see, Markham, we have nearly all the pieces of the puzzle, but none of them seems to fit.
00:54:40 Here we are.
00:54:42 This isn't it.
00:54:43 This is the basement.
00:54:45 I know.
00:54:46 Come on.
00:54:47 I just want to see where this goes.
00:54:51 Good evening, sir.
00:55:16 Gamble.
00:55:17 By the way, how long have you been using that name?
00:55:22 All my life, sir.
00:55:24 DuBois checked Gamble's fingerprints at the identification bureau, and who do you think he turns out to be?
00:55:29 Not Gamble?
00:55:30 No.
00:55:31 Atlantic Eddie.
00:55:32 He used to work the boats on both sides of the ocean.
00:55:35 Honestly, Mr. Vance, I haven't turned a trick in five years.
00:55:37 That's all right, Eddie.
00:55:39 I just wanted to let you know that we're old pals.
00:55:41 Sir, someone slipped in the back door and went into one of the front rooms.
00:55:45 Well, Miss Stetherfield.
00:55:57 Don't be surprised, gentlemen.
00:55:59 I'm used to coming in here like this.
00:56:00 You seem to know your way around here pretty well.
00:56:03 As a district attorney, you're responsible for this case, aren't you?
00:56:06 That's right.
00:56:07 Well, I'm tired of detectives.
00:56:09 I'm tired of being spied on.
00:56:10 All you want to know is who killed Archer Coe, isn't it?
00:56:13 Naturally.
00:56:14 Well, I did.
00:56:15 What?
00:56:16 Yes.
00:56:17 And there isn't a jury on earth will convict me when they hear my story.
00:56:21 You don't believe me, do you?
00:56:24 You were wondering this afternoon how my dog, Big Arrow, could get into this house.
00:56:28 Well, he was following me.
00:56:30 He was defending me when he was struck.
00:56:33 Well, where did you kill Mr. Coe?
00:56:35 In his bedroom.
00:56:37 What kind of lipstick do you use?
00:56:39 Lipstick?
00:56:40 What's that got to do with it?
00:56:42 Is that yours?
00:56:44 Yes, that's mine.
00:56:48 While I was struggling with Archer, my bag dropped on the floor and everything spilled out.
00:56:52 Won't do, Miss Dellafield. It's an old trick.
00:56:57 It's not a trick.
00:56:58 I didn't realize that you were so fond of Mr. Grosse.
00:57:01 Mr. Grosse has nothing to do with it.
00:57:03 Take me down to the station.
00:57:04 I'll say nothing more until I get an attorney.
00:57:06 Help!
00:57:07 Help!
00:57:08 Help!
00:57:09 Help!
00:57:10 Help!
00:57:11 Hey, look.
00:57:38 Hey, look.
00:57:39 Hey, look.
00:57:40 This guy's been stabbed, Hennessy.
00:57:49 Is this it, Mr. Vance?
00:57:55 Yes, that's it.
00:57:56 Thank you very much.
00:57:58 First you spoil my breakfast.
00:58:02 Then you break up my lunch.
00:58:04 Now you pull me out of bed in the middle of the night.
00:58:06 And this fellow not even dead.
00:58:08 Why don't you put that in your report, Doc?
00:58:11 There was fingerprints that never pick up on that silk handle.
00:58:14 But it fits perfectly.
00:58:16 Where do you find it, Sergeant?
00:58:18 Under the bed.
00:58:19 Congratulations.
00:58:21 That's all right, Mr. Vance.
00:58:23 Three crimes with the same weapon, Markham.
00:58:26 Tom!
00:58:30 What is it?
00:58:31 What happened?
00:58:33 I don't know, dear.
00:58:35 Somebody stabbed me.
00:58:36 Is it serious, Doctor?
00:58:38 Oh, no.
00:58:39 I gave him three grains of sodium amido to quiet his nerves.
00:58:41 He'll be all right.
00:58:42 I'd like to rent a room here till they finish this case.
00:58:45 Poor darling.
00:58:50 I wish I hadn't got you mixed up in all this.
00:58:53 You shouldn't have come here.
00:58:54 Let me see this through alone.
00:58:56 I won't leave you.
00:58:58 Can't we get away from here?
00:59:00 We leave tomorrow.
00:59:01 Together.
00:59:02 Well, what do you think about it, Doc?
00:59:04 Well, the thrust punctured the median basilic vein and caused a hemorrhage.
00:59:08 Could the wound have been self-inflicted, Doctor?
00:59:11 I'm the city butcher, not the detective.
00:59:14 Don't bother me with any murders after three tomorrow.
00:59:17 I'm going to the World Series.
00:59:19 Hey, Doc.
00:59:20 Phone me the score between innings, will you?
00:59:22 Get these people out of this.
00:59:25 What are they waiting for?
00:59:26 We just want to ask you a few questions, Sir Thomas.
00:59:28 You say that when you were stabbed, you saw nothing, huh?
00:59:32 That's right.
00:59:33 It was dark.
00:59:34 I heard a noise and jumped out of bed.
00:59:37 Somebody threw a chair and just missed my head and struck the window.
00:59:41 I shouted for help and ran towards the door.
00:59:44 Then I felt a sharp pain in my arm as I lost consciousness.
00:59:48 Knife by a ghost.
00:59:50 That's a hot one.
00:59:51 I think he done it himself.
00:59:53 Oh, Dave.
00:59:54 That's not fair.
00:59:55 Do you know anything about that?
00:59:57 Where'd you find it?
00:59:59 Under your bed.
01:00:02 I never saw it before.
01:00:04 Yeah.
01:00:05 Like I never saw a pair of handcuffs.
01:00:08 You have no right to question him now in this condition.
01:00:10 Rather funny.
01:00:13 You see what I see in Archer Cove's room?
01:00:23 I have a suspicion that whoever killed McCombs came from this house.
01:00:31 Probably from this room.
01:00:33 Gentlemen, I think I can fit the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle together.
01:00:42 Here is East 71st Street.
01:00:46 This is the Coe house, the yard, and the apartment house next door.
01:00:51 Now let's have a look inside.
01:00:53 This is a McDonald's apartment.
01:00:56 Directly opposite is the window of Archer Cove's bedroom.
01:01:01 Underneath McDonald's apartment, the cozy little nest of Miss Dellafield and her temporary guest, Mr. Grassi.
01:01:08 This is the elevator.
01:01:10 And here are the stairs that lead directly to the back entrance.
01:01:13 From there, it's easy to reach the back entrance of the Coe house across the yard.
01:01:18 Now...
01:01:19 That's the front hall, and here's the library.
01:01:25 On Wednesday evening between 7.30 and 8 o'clock, Archer Cove was sitting alone in that room.
01:01:30 Now remember, it was the servant's night off.
01:01:34 The killer must have known this when he came in the back door.
01:01:39 He was so intent upon what he was planning to do, that he must have left the back door open.
01:01:45 Because from somewhere in that vacant lot came a dog.
01:01:50 A Doberman Pinscher.
01:01:52 Belonging to Doris Dellafield.
01:01:55 He saw the back door standing open and went in.
01:01:59 Meanwhile, the killer was moving along the hall toward the library.
01:02:03 Making absolutely sure that Archer Cove was alone.
01:02:07 He knew exactly where he was going, and exactly what he was going to do.
01:02:13 He came so silently that it must have startled Archer Cove.
01:02:17 When he looked up and saw him carefully closing the door.
01:02:21 It is my conjecture, gentlemen, that a terrible argument was at play here.
01:02:26 Archer Cove must have struck him.
01:02:28 And as he fell back, he picked up the poker as the first weapon that came into his hand.
01:02:33 He struck Archer Cove on the head.
01:02:35 Cove collapsed across the desk.
01:02:38 His hands groping in the drawer of the desk for his gun.
01:02:42 Then, in a blind rage of the moment, the killer saw a Chinese dagger.
01:02:48 He seized it and stabbed Archer Cove in the back.
01:02:51 Cove probably fell to the floor.
01:02:55 Meantime, our Doberman Pinscher was coming closer and closer.
01:03:00 Probably attracted by the sound of the struggle in the library.
01:03:03 As the killer opened the door to escape, he saw the Doberman Pinscher in the hall coming toward him.
01:03:09 He again picked up the poker as the dog entered the room.
01:03:12 He grew to the instinct of his breed.
01:03:14 The dog sensed an enemy.
01:03:17 He leaped.
01:03:18 The killer struck and the dog fell, badly wounded.
01:03:22 Now he tried to hide the dagger in the tin yard vase.
01:03:25 He dropped it too hard and the porcelain broke into bits.
01:03:28 He picked up the dagger again and went out the same way he came in.
01:03:33 Meanwhile, Cove slowly regained consciousness and pulled himself to his feet.
01:03:42 You remember, gentlemen, that Dr. Doreen has said Cove died of an internal hemorrhage.
01:03:47 That is the key to the whole situation.
01:03:50 Archer Cove, already a dying man, walked upstairs.
01:03:55 And what is even more terrible, he did not know that he had been stabbed.
01:03:59 He went to his room and, feeling a little faint probably,
01:04:03 he removed his coat and vest and hung them in the closet where we found them.
01:04:08 He put on his pajama top and went to the window and raised the shade.
01:04:13 Can you imagine the killer's emotions when, from some place in the apartment house,
01:04:20 across the vacant lot, he looked over and saw the man he thought he had killed
01:04:25 standing there at the window?
01:04:27 He knew then that he had to go back and complete his job to save himself.
01:04:34 Feeling very faint by now, Archer Cove went from the window to the chair beside his desk,
01:04:40 where he sat down.
01:04:42 There, he started to remove his shoes.
01:04:45 You remember just how we found him.
01:04:48 In the very act of removing them, before he could get one of them entirely off, he died.
01:04:55 I don't think he ever knew what killed him.
01:04:59 Now we come to the most awful part of the tragedy.
01:05:03 Brisbane Cove came back to the house with a cleverly worked out plan for killing his brother.
01:05:08 He also knew that it was the servant's night out and that he would not be disturbed.
01:05:13 He went down the hall to the library and from the drawer of the desk,
01:05:19 he took Archer Cove's own revolver and put it into his pocket.
01:05:23 Then, turning out the light on the desk, he went out of the room.
01:05:27 He hung his stick over the chair in the hall and tiptoed to the desk.
01:05:32 And tiptoed up the stairs and into Archer Cove's room.
01:05:36 He saw his brother sitting in his easy chair, apparently asleep.
01:05:42 I can see him tiptoe across the room.
01:05:45 And from somewhere just across the desk, he took out the revolver and with careful aim, he pulled the trigger.
01:05:57 Meantime, the killer, believing that he had only wounded Archer Cove,
01:06:02 came back by the same route to finish his job.
01:06:05 Then Brisbane closed the window, lowered the shade.
01:06:09 And returning to the body, he carefully placed the gun in Archer's hand, as though it had been suicide.
01:06:19 Then, he went to the door and with the two pieces of string, the pins and the darning needle,
01:06:27 he was able to bolt the door on the inside, just as I showed you.
01:06:32 A very clever device, gentlemen.
01:06:35 Which he had discovered in the book of unsolved murders, which we found in his suitcase.
01:06:41 And then, gentlemen, Brisbane went on down the stairs, little knowing what awaited him there.
01:06:49 The killer mistook Brisbane for Archer Cove and drove the dagger into Brisbane's back.
01:06:55 Then to hide the body, he dragged it into the closet.
01:07:01 I doubt if he even discovered his mistake until the next day.
01:07:05 That's great. But who did all that?
01:07:08 Well, you can search me. I'm going through it.
01:07:12 You can include me in that, Sergeant.
01:07:14 Haven't you got any ideas at all, Vance?
01:07:17 Markham, it's a maze of conflicting clues. Any one of seven people might have done it.
01:07:21 We couldn't convict seven people, Mr. Vance.
01:07:24 You couldn't convict one with the evidence you've got.
01:07:27 Gentlemen, I'm afraid we're completely stopped.
01:07:30 Lake.
01:07:35 I hate to admit it, but it looks that way.
01:07:38 Vance, in all the years we've worked together, I've never heard you say that before.
01:07:42 I know. I'm sorry, Markham.
01:07:45 Well, what are we going to do about it?
01:07:47 I don't know. Are you sure you checked up on all the alibis?
01:07:50 Every one of them.
01:07:51 And you've gone over the fingerprint situation with your boy?
01:07:54 Yes, sir.
01:07:55 Well, we've slipped up somewhere, Sergeant.
01:07:57 But there must be something that we can get our teeth into.
01:08:00 Markham, I suggest that you dismiss this case.
01:08:06 What? Dismiss it?
01:08:08 Yes, turn all the suspects loose.
01:08:10 I can just see all the newspapers in this town screaming for a new district attorney.
01:08:14 Well, we can probably cover you up all right, Mr. Markham.
01:08:17 I've said it was suicide all along.
01:08:19 Yes, I know. We could put that solution on it, but I hate to do it.
01:08:22 All right, Sergeant. Go ahead. Turn them loose.
01:08:25 Turn them loose?
01:08:26 Yes.
01:08:27 Well, Mr. Vance, this is once we're both stuck.
01:08:30 When you give up Vance, I'm sunk.
01:08:37 Oh, I haven't given up.
01:08:39 I have another idea.
01:08:41 Huh?
01:08:42 If it works, I'll have your killer for you in half an hour.
01:08:45 I'm going to arrange a little meeting with him now.
01:08:48 What? But you let me dismiss all the suspects.
01:08:50 That's just what I wanted you to do.
01:08:52 Hello?
01:09:03 Uh, this is Mr. Vance.
01:09:05 I hope I haven't disturbed you.
01:09:07 I wonder if you'd do me a little favor.
01:09:11 Mr. Markham?
01:09:12 Yes?
01:09:13 Can I see you a minute?
01:09:14 That suicide story might work all right for Archer, Cole,
01:09:18 but I forgot all about Brisbane.
01:09:20 Well, never mind about that now.
01:09:23 Just release the suspects, as I told you.
01:09:25 All right.
01:09:26 Yes?
01:09:30 That's right.
01:09:31 At 4.30.
01:09:33 Just get him into an argument.
01:09:35 Oh, I'll have him with me. I'm depending on his instinct.
01:09:40 All right. Thanks.
01:09:42 If we can catch him off his guard,
01:09:45 I think he'll give himself away.
01:09:47 Come on, Markham, we've got to get there before 4.25.
01:09:50 Mr. Vance.
01:09:52 They're in the library now.
01:09:55 Oh, darling, let me help you.
01:09:57 All right, Dorothy.
01:09:59 [typing]
01:10:01 Well, it's the first time we've used bloodhounds in police work
01:10:21 since I wore high-button shoes.
01:10:23 And red flannel underwear?
01:10:24 Oh, I always wear red flannel underwear.
01:10:26 So do I.
01:10:27 I want your bridal suite on the...
01:10:29 on the Coronier.
01:10:31 They're sailing at midnight.
01:10:33 That's right. Thank you.
01:10:34 Sailing at midnight?
01:10:36 Lady MacDonald,
01:10:38 is it the title that dazzles you so much?
01:10:41 Or is it the fortune she'll inherit that makes her so attractive, Sir Thomas?
01:10:44 Raymond, are you crazy?
01:10:46 It isn't the first time a fortune has bought a title.
01:10:48 It so happens I'm not in need of a fortune.
01:10:50 Possibly you are.
01:10:51 Raymond, you've no right to interfere this way.
01:10:52 No right? Well, I'll take that right.
01:10:54 You think you're both sailing at midnight?
01:10:56 Well, it won't work.
01:10:57 You're going all right, Sir Thomas.
01:10:58 But you're going alone.
01:10:59 Really?
01:11:00 Yes, and you're going now, all right?
01:11:01 [screams]
01:11:02 Raymond!
01:11:15 Ah, the folk again, huh?
01:11:21 [screams]
01:11:23 [panting]
01:11:24 Take him off!
01:11:27 Take him off!
01:11:28 No!
01:11:30 [screams]
01:11:34 Hey, wait up!
01:11:37 Wait up!
01:11:38 Here, hold him.
01:11:45 Why did you kill Hachiko?
01:11:47 Why did you kill him?
01:11:48 I didn't mean to kill him.
01:11:49 But you did, eh?
01:11:50 I told you I didn't mean to kill him.
01:11:51 He struck me when I told him I wanted to marry Hilda.
01:11:54 And I lost my head.
01:11:55 I hit him with a poker.
01:11:57 I don't remember anything after that.
01:11:59 What about Brisbane?
01:12:00 It was a terrible mistake.
01:12:02 And McDonald?
01:12:03 I still would kill him if I could.
01:12:05 There's your man, Sergeant.
01:12:09 You made a fatal mistake, Reed, when you reached for that poker.
01:12:12 Somebody swiped my bracelets.
01:12:14 You dropped them in the pantry.
01:12:16 Oh.
01:12:17 All right, Hennethy.
01:12:18 Leave down and book him.
01:12:19 I want to thank you very much for your cooperation.
01:12:22 Not at all.
01:12:23 It was Sir Thomas I telephoned from your office, Markham.
01:12:26 He very cleverly helped to stage this little scene.
01:12:29 We have to thank the dog for the rest.
01:12:31 Well, we did it again, Mr. Vance.
01:12:35 Congratulations, Sergeant.
01:12:36 Thank you.
01:12:37 I'll certainly mention you in my story to the papers.
01:12:40 Thank you.
01:12:41 Oh, that's all right, Mr. Vance.
01:12:43 [laughs]
01:12:44 [laughs]
01:12:45 [laughs]
01:12:46 [laughs]
01:12:47 [laughs]
01:12:48 [laughs]
01:12:49 [laughs]
01:12:51 [music]
01:13:00 [Gunshot]
01:13:02 [BLANK_AUDIO]