Southern and central QLD expect high fire risk this weekend

  • last year
Residents in southern and central QLD are being warned of warm temperature and gusty westerly winds combing together this weekend, making an early start to the fire season.


00:00 The areas of greatest concern are sort of south of the tropics, the southern half of
00:05 Queensland, particularly areas in the southeast corner as we start to see, it's interesting
00:12 last night we had some thunderstorms in the area but there is a southwesterly change coming
00:15 through that will bring lower humidity, bring lower temperatures, sorry, but also stronger
00:21 winds and we're already starting to see those in some parts of the state and it will come
00:25 through.
00:26 That in turn will drive up the fire danger through the day.
00:29 The most important things that families can do is to absolutely prepare themselves.
00:34 We've been working with all our partners to mitigate the risks going into the season but
00:38 you can't mitigate everywhere and of course that only reduces the risk, it doesn't eliminate
00:42 it.
00:43 So what we need from the families as a partner and community as a partner with ourselves
00:47 is what we need you to do is prepare your bushfire survival plan, do those little things
00:51 around the house that can help protect your property such as cleaning your gutters, maintaining
00:55 your yard and so on and also a key part of it is being very careful not to create any
01:00 ignitions, any fire, start any fires.
01:04 For example, last weekend we had a number where we picked up the cause of the fire being
01:09 simple things like slashing, mowing in long grass without any ability to put out a fire
01:13 if it starts or even welding and so on.
01:15 So we really ask people to be careful because regardless of the conditions, if we don't
01:19 have a fire start, that's the best outcome for everybody.
