A level results day: Reaction to the exams

  • last year
People across Yorkshire share their views on A Level Results.
00:00 Well I sat my A-levels not very long ago and I was in the bunch who were doing it through
00:08 Covid so my A-levels, I didn't really experience A-levels like you should, we were doing it
00:13 from home, we had very small tests to do, we didn't really do A-levels so my results,
00:22 I feel like I got them quite easy because they were based off the work I'd done for
00:27 years, so for me it was a shame that I didn't get to show my potential but at the same time
00:32 I got the grades that I wanted, however this year, obviously I'm not part of the A-levels
00:38 scheme this year, my brother is though so he's got his results today, I think it's really
00:42 good, the college we both went to was really good, it's Huddersfield New College so that's
00:46 local, I felt really supported there but A-levels themselves, I don't know, I think, a bit controversial,
00:54 I think there's a lot of pressure nowadays on young people, especially at A-level, it's
01:02 overwhelming how much more content there is than nine GCSEs, different subjects, in three
01:07 there's so much more content to remember, I did law so I had to remember like 200 case
01:13 studies and there's just so much but at the same time it does test your knowledge, you
01:18 do get results, so I'm a bit 50/50 about it really but I suppose there are good things.
01:25 So I got three BTECs, no a BTEC which is the equivalent of three A-levels, I haven't really
01:37 used it to be honest but I think obviously it's that new experience, it's learning something
01:44 new for two years before it sort of sets you up for the world of work. I think to be honest
01:51 A-levels or BTECs, I think BTECs are so useful if you've got a skill that you're trying to
01:56 pursue, I personally have got A-levels, didn't get fantastic grades, still managed to get
02:01 to university but I think if it's something you're really passionate about and a subject
02:05 that you're interested in they can be really useful but if you do have a more hands-on
02:09 skill like music or you're into sewing or cooking there can be a lot more advantageous
02:19 avenues to go down that can give you that experience sooner that you may not get with
02:23 kind of just written word kind of learning.
