FTS 16:30 10-08: Government of Ecuador declare state of emergency after the murder of Villavicencio

  • last year
In Ecuador, president Guillermo Lasso declared a 60-day state of emergency and the mobilization of the Armed Forces throughout the national territory, following the murder of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio//In Argentina, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, announced the suspension of the campaign closing events and expressed his solidarity with the relatives of a girl assaulted and murdered in the capital city// At least 36 people died as wildfires ravage Hawaii, after winds from hurricane Dora. teleSUR


00:00 In Ecuador, President Guillermo Lazo declared a 60-day state of emergency on the mobilization
00:11 of the armed forces throughout the national territory following the murder of presidential
00:16 candidate Fernando Villavicencio.
00:21 In Argentina, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, announced
00:27 suspension of the campaign closing events for the assault and murder of a girl in the
00:32 capital city.
00:39 At least 36 people died as wildfires ravaged Hawaii after winds from Hurricane Dora in
00:46 south whipped flames across the island.
00:55 Hello welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrero from the Tele Sur headquarters in Caracas,
00:59 Venezuela.
01:00 We begin with the news, stay with us.
01:15 In Ecuador, President Guillermo Lazo declared on Wednesday night a 60-day state of emergency
01:20 on the mobilization of the armed forces throughout the national territory following the assassination
01:24 of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio.
01:27 After concluding the emergency meeting for the security cabinet, the head of state declared
01:32 a decree late on Wednesday that measures that affect the entire national territory additionally
01:38 announced the deployment of military contingents and decreed a three-day mourning period to
01:44 honor the memory of the assassinated candidate.
01:47 At this moment, given the gravity of the events that have shocked Ecuador, I will proceed
01:55 to sign two decrees.
01:57 The first one declaring three days of national mourning to honor the memory of patriot Fernando
02:03 Villavicencio Valencia and the second decree declaring a state of emergency for 60 days.
02:09 The armed forces will mobilize throughout the national territory to ensure the safety
02:14 of citizens, the security of the country and the free and democratic elections on August
02:20 20th.
02:21 The president of the National Electoral Council, Diana Tamay, also attended the emergency meeting
02:27 ratified at the early general elections scheduled for August 20th and will not be suspended.
02:33 Ecuadorians, good evening.
02:36 As an electoral function and as a part of the Ecuadorian states, we repudiate and condemn
02:42 this criminal act and express our condolence to family, friends and the political movement.
02:48 We also communicate that the dates of election scheduled for August 20th remain unalterable
02:56 in complex with the constitutional and legal mandate as well as all the activities planned
03:02 in the electoral calendar approved by the plenary of the National Electoral Council.
03:10 The assassination of the Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio has raised
03:15 concern after one of the alleged perpetrators died inside the premises of the public prosecutor's
03:20 office.
03:22 The candidate's relative after the attack points out serious flaw in his security.
03:27 Later, coalition colleagues and a political analysis questioned the interpolice handling
03:32 of the investigation.
03:34 The candidate was shot inside a patrol car and sources close to him claim that no one
03:40 cleared the exit.
03:42 So far, the police confirmed six detainees by the main suspect of the crime who was arrested.
03:48 The defendant was not taken to a hospital but to a security local office under the administration
03:55 of the prosecutor's office where he died after he sustained several injuries.
04:05 A call of the late Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio questioned
04:23 the case.
04:41 The United States embassy in Haiti closed on Tuesday due to the shooting that took place
04:46 around the diplomatic headquarters in the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince.
04:50 The foreign ministry explained in a statement that the facilities will not provide services
04:55 to the public but will be limited to some operations.
04:59 The measures also include travel restrictions for the diplomatic mission personnel until
05:05 further notice.
05:06 In a statement reported by U.S. agencies, diplomatic staff informed that access might
05:13 have been in hire by the shooting in the vicinity of the diplomatic headquarters.
05:34 Welcome back to From the South.
05:51 In Argentina, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, announced
05:56 the suspension of the campaign, closing events, and expressed his solidarity with relatives
06:00 of a girl assaulted and murdered in the capital city.
06:04 Candidates from several political groups and movements in Argentina decided to suspend
06:08 their campaign events on Wednesday ahead of the primary elections due to the murder of
06:13 11-year-old Morena Dominguez, who was attacked as she was about to enter her school.
06:20 Among the candidates of Peronist Alliance Union por la Patria, who decided to suspend
06:25 their campaign event, are the ministry of economy and presidential precandidates Sergio
06:29 Maza, as well as the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, who is seeking
06:34 re-election.
06:35 Attracted protesters through objects at police in Lanús, south of the Argentine capital
06:49 Buenos Aires, after learning that an 11-year-old girl died after being tripped off her back
06:56 by an uninhabited way to go to school.
07:02 Go and walk the neighborhoods.
07:04 There is no electricity, no water, no sewage.
07:07 I have to buy water for my house.
07:09 I can't drink water.
07:11 The water comes out cloudy.
07:12 I get up early.
07:13 I have an 11-year-old daughter.
07:16 And when I found out about this murder, I became desperate because it could have been
07:20 any other child.
07:22 I am outraged.
07:24 What we want here is security, health, work, and all the rest.
07:29 Our Argentina is beautiful, but we don't have those things because every government
07:33 that comes and goes makes promises to us.
07:37 We are tired of promises because their species are beautiful.
07:41 They promise you security.
07:43 They promise you work.
07:44 They promise you everything, but then nothing happens.
07:48 We remain in the same situation.
07:52 The Colombian government announced that it launched the necessary inquiries into an accusation
07:57 made by the Attorney General Francisco Barbosa for an alleged attempt on his life.
08:03 Defense Minister Ivan Velasquez said they will look into the accusations made by the
08:07 Attorney General of an alleged meeting of the National Liberation Army in Venezuela
08:11 to plot against his life.
08:13 Meanwhile, the Venezuelan government has rejected this latest attempt to harm peace in Colombia
08:18 and has demanded an investigation into the accusations made by the Colombian Attorney
08:22 General about Venezuela and its use for terrorist purposes.
08:33 With regards to the information made public yesterday about a possible attempt against
08:38 the Attorney General, we have evaluated the information that we have with him and with
08:44 Deputy Attorney General Marta Mancera.
08:47 Initially, we naturally expressed our solidarity, the support of the national government, and
08:52 we state the government's willingness to provide the necessary protection to the Attorney General.
08:59 Still in Colombia, some analysts say that the statement by Attorney General Barbosa
09:04 of an alleged plot against his life is aimed at preliminarily deepening his talks.
09:13 I believe that the Prosecutor's Office has been playing a political role on the side
09:17 of the opposition, aiding or discrediting the government of President Gustavo Petro.
09:23 It is the Prosecutor's Office, the one that has committed a series of acts that are irresponsible.
09:29 They have used justice as a political instrument to serve the political objectives of the opposition.
09:35 The Uruguayan Institute of Meteorology, UNIMED, stated on Wednesday that the water deficit
09:56 remains despite the rains recorded in July.
09:59 The institute affirmed that the droughts that have been affecting the country for almost
10:03 three months are likely to continue.
10:07 The drought brought to minimum levels Paso Severino Dam, the source of drinking water
10:13 for Montevideo.
10:14 According to Silvia Ribeiro, Latin American director of the ETC, the Action Group of Erosion
10:21 Technology and Concentration, the government's measures are worsening the drought by handing
10:27 over part of the water purification to provide companies which will take water from wherever
10:34 it is most profitable for them, whether desolate or contaminated.
10:48 At least 36 people died as wildfires ravaged Hawaii after winds from Hurricane Dora in
10:55 the south brought flames across the island, destroying buildings and cars and residents
10:59 and scrambled to flee.
11:02 Wildfires fended by strong winds from Hurricane Dora and passing far to the south took the
11:06 outland of Maui by surprise, reducing cars, premises and historical buildings to rubble
11:13 and ashes.
11:15 Flames ravaged throughout the night, forcing people to dive into the ocean for safety.
11:20 "This looks like Baghdad or something."
11:31 La Haina residents offer testimonies regarding the sinister.
11:36 "The apartment complex is right above the aquatic center, so we thought we were okay,
11:43 but then the wind came, the gas stations blew up, everything caught fire by the brush, and
11:50 then we just had to evacuate."
11:54 Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, has become the world's most polluted city in August
11:58 10th, while ranking among the 10 most polluted cities globally since May.
12:03 During the past week, Jakarta and its surroundings, which from a mega-police of about 30 million
12:09 people, has added other heavily polluted cities for its concentration of particles known as
12:16 PM2.5, which penetrates airways and causes respiratory problems.
12:32 In western France, a silo of grain on Thursday caught fire near an industrial port.
12:38 The fire started at around 8 a.m. local time on a silo of the Compagnie Instica de l'Atlantique
12:46 in the city of La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast, as Broghazard France-Bleu reported.
12:52 The blaze spread quickly to three other silos and almost 105 fighters were deployed in the
12:57 area.
13:07 Stay tuned for more news.
13:33 Welcome back.
13:34 Beijing announced necessary countermeasures after Washington imposed new restrictions
13:39 on U.S. companies' investments in advanced technologies in China.
13:45 The Chinese foreign ministry described the restrictions as examples of economic coercion
13:51 and technological bullying.
13:54 The statements followed the signing of an executive order by President Joe Biden banning
13:59 U.S. companies from investing in the areas of semiconductors, quantum computing and artificial
14:06 intelligence.
14:07 On Thursday, in Tunisia, the Interior Ministry reported that the National Guard began to
14:20 evacuate migrants stranded on the Libyan border, following an agreement to share the responsibility.
14:27 Human rights organizations had previously warned that three groups of about 300 migrants
14:33 from sub-Saharan African countries were standing there in life-threatening conditions.
14:38 After Tunisia and Libya agreed to take in hundreds of migrants standing on their border,
14:44 many of them from more than a month, Tunisia's Interior Ministry spokesman noted that a group
14:50 of migrants were transferred to reception centers in the cities of Tatoukine and Marinine
14:56 and received health and psychological care with the help of the Tunisian Red Crescent.
15:09 West African leaders arrived in Egypt's capital, Abuja, on Thursday to participate in an extraordinary
15:14 summit on Egypt's issues.
15:17 The talks between the leaders of the economic community of West African states echoed as
15:21 come four days after the expiration of the demand to restore President Mohamed Basun
15:28 to office under the threat of possible use of force.
15:31 However, despite the ultimatum, Nigeria's military junta that emerged after the outstanding
15:36 of President Basun announced the formation of a government.
15:43 Today, we gather with a profound sense of urgency and firm determination, building upon
15:55 the commitment made during our first extraordinary summit on the grave political crisis befalling
16:04 our sister nation.
16:06 During that initial meeting, we voiced our solidarity with the people of Nigeria and
16:13 their democratically elected president, His Excellency Mohamed Basun, by condemning the
16:22 military takeover and the unjust detention of their democratically elected president
16:29 and other officials.
16:31 On Thursday, the leaders of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland in Egypt
16:38 appointed the new transitional government, inaugurated 21 ministers and Lila Semsen as
16:44 prime ministers.
16:45 The decree was signed by General Abdul Rahman Cheney, who is the head of the council after
16:52 the military coup.
16:53 The text stated, "The executive is made up of civilians and military figures.
16:58 In fact, Lamin Seimeu was a minister of economy in a previous government and has no military
17:04 ties."
17:05 The decree of this transitional government coincides with the meeting of the leaders
17:08 of the economic community of West African states, ECOWAS in Nigeria.
17:18 The President of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland, head of
17:22 state and head of government, today signed a decree appointing the members of the government.
17:28 The decree appoints the following prime minister, minister of the economy and finance, minister
17:35 Lamin Seine Ali Mahamane, minister of state, minister of national defense, General Salifu
17:41 Modi, minister of state, minister of the interior, public security and territorial administration,
17:49 General Mohamed Thumba.
17:52 We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find these and many other stories
17:55 on our website, at alastorianglish.net.
17:58 You can also join us on our socials, we're on Facebook and Twitter, and on Instagram
18:01 as well.
18:02 For Alastor English and From the South, I'm Ana Marrero.
18:04 Thank you for watching.
18:05 [music]
