• il y a 2 ans
Production : UPA
August 20, 1961


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:08 The Dick Tracy Show!
00:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29 Ok, chef. Je vais y aller tout de suite.
00:32 Dick Tracy appelant Joe Jitsu, appelant Joe Jitsu.
00:36 Salut, honorable Tracy.
00:38 Joe, une gang de crocs internationaux utilise un boomerang pour voler.
00:42 Les leaders sont pensés être Pruneface et Itchy.
00:45 Capturez la gang de boomerangs et emmenez-les.
00:47 Six, deux et même.
00:49 Over and out.
00:51 Arrêtez le banquier, Ching.
00:53 Je veux faire un petit renouvelage.
00:55 [Rire]
00:58 Oh, arrêtez de gratter et mettez vos mains sur la roue.
01:02 Arrêtez de gratter ou arrêtez de conduire.
01:06 Il faut que nous fassions quelque chose avec ce grattement.
01:08 Ça me fait un malheureux.
01:12 Voici le banquier.
01:13 Prenons le renouvelage.
01:16 Regardez-le de près, Itchy.
01:18 C'est un petit truc gentil que j'ai trouvé en Australie.
01:21 Je sais, je sais, boss.
01:23 Donnez-lui un coup de main.
01:25 [Sifflement]
01:25 [Bruit de moteur]
01:27 [Crissement de pneus]
01:29 [Bruit de moteur]
01:31 Vite, Itchy, sortons d'ici.
01:34 Un instant, s'il vous plaît.
01:35 Je regrette de vous dire que vous êtes tous en arrestation.
01:39 C'est un grand coup.
01:40 Je suis content de le faire,
01:42 mais je vais immédiatement retourner à la scène de crime.
01:46 [Bruit de moteur]
01:48 Oh, regardez-moi, Itchy.
01:52 Père, temps, je viens.
01:54 [Bruit de tir]
01:55 [Rire]
01:58 All right, copper, toss me that boomerang.
02:01 Most happy to oblige.
02:03 [Bruit de moteur]
02:05 Ha, ha, ha, ha, you missed me.
02:08 Poiroterie suggest rooking behind you.
02:11 [Bruit de moteur]
02:13 [Bruit de tir]
02:15 Come on, Itchy, we run that copper down.
02:19 Hold everything, please.
02:21 Joe Jitsu calling Dick Tracy.
02:24 Go ahead, Joe.
02:25 Are happy to report crooks are running head on into trouble.
02:29 Good work, Joe.
02:30 We're in the squad car now.
02:32 We'll be right over to pick you up as soon as you have the case sewed up.
02:35 Six to an even, over and out.
02:38 Are having lots of luck to find open manhole.
02:41 Now continue underground to intercept crooks.
02:45 Now that we are rid of that flatfoot,
02:48 we'll knock over Tiffony's jewelry store.
02:51 Ha, ha, Tiffony's.
02:54 Look, Itchy, the world famous Rajapur diamond right there in the window.
03:00 All right, prune face, make with a boomerang.
03:03 It's a slick trick if you pull it quick.
03:05 [Bruit de tir]
03:07 Look at that diamond.
03:09 It's a dazzler.
03:10 Phew, it's absolutely blinding.
03:14 Humbree suggest you hand over world famous Rajapur diamond.
03:18 Oh, yeah?
03:20 Come and get it.
03:22 [Bruit de tir]
03:25 Souvenir d'agrace from Hollywood finally come in very handy.
03:31 Oh, no, my eyes.
03:34 [Bruit de tir]
03:36 Oh, so sorry, friends.
03:38 Itchy, get our diamond.
03:40 I'll get the diamond, you get the cup.
03:43 Yikes, our diamond landed in this junk and it all looks alike.
03:47 I'll steal it all.
03:48 We can sort it out later.
03:50 Let's scram, prune face.
03:52 Heart in the name of the law.
03:54 [Bruit de tir]
03:56 What?
03:58 Oh, this case are having many ups and downs.
04:02 Quick, itchy, make for the car.
04:04 [Laughs]
04:06 Oh, he's really hung up this time.
04:10 It is very lucky that Joe Jitsu was once champion boomerang thrower at Osaka University.
04:17 Oh, so, yeah.
04:18 Still retain championship form.
04:21 [Bruit de tir]
04:22 Oh, need to recover your world famous diamond.
04:25 [Bruit de tir]
04:26 Great work, Joe.
04:27 I see you captured them with the goods.
04:29 Let's get prune face and itchy in the car.
04:31 Happy to do so, Mr. Tracy.
04:34 Remember criminal, ride boomerang.
04:36 Sometime appear to get away, but always brought back to face justice.
04:42 Sayonara.
04:44 [Musique]
