Tecuya Fire at 10 percent containment

  • last year
Fire crews are making progress fighting the Tecuya Fire, a fire near Frazier Park that fire officials say ignited around 8 a.m. on Wed, Aug 3.
00:00 All right, to us. Thank you. We begin this hour with an update on the tequila
00:03 fire, which officials say sparked up just before eight o'clock Wednesday
00:07 morning. The fire burning on tequila mountain in the Lake of the Woods area
00:11 at last check officials with the Los Padres National Forest were reporting
00:15 the fire about 10% contained covering about 50 acres. No evacuation orders or
00:21 warnings have been issued and there are no reports of any injuries or damage to
00:25 any structures. County fire officials say it has set up a system to support
00:29 incident command communications at the location of the fire. We'll have more
00:34 details about that online and with these recent wildfires happening around
00:39 current and across the Golden State County fire of course wants to remind
00:42 everyone the best defense is to make sure that your home is protected. Here
00:47 are some things to keep in mind. We talk about these all the time, increasing
00:51 your home's chance of surviving. Well, of course, all new homes have those
00:55 fire resistant building materials, but stress those for your new homes limit
00:59 the amount of flammable vegetation that's planted right next to the home.
01:03 Make sure to stay on top of that landscaping. Trim your tree branches,
01:07 keep them pruned as well as making sure that everything is watered so nothing
01:12 gets dried out. For more information and tips, visit Kern safe Kern fire safe.
01:18 Let's pop that up there one more Kern fire safe. There we go dot org.
