Top 10 Criminal Minds Unsubs with the Most Tragic Backstories

  • last year
These "Criminal Minds" unsubs will break your heart with these backstories. For this list, we’ll be looking at the BAU’s unknown subjects who have the saddest origins.


00:00 "I got rules. So, you gonna be a good boy?"
00:06 Welcome to Ms. Mojo,
00:07 and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 criminal minds unsubs
00:11 with the most tragic backstories.
00:13 "What she made you watch, what she let men do to you, and it makes me so...
00:20 It's just... not fair."
00:24 For this list, we're looking at the BAU's unknown subjects who have the saddest origins.
00:29 Since some of these backstories reveal key plot points,
00:32 a spoiler warning is now in effect.
00:34 Which unsub did you sympathize with the most?
00:37 Let us know in the comments.
00:39 Number 10. William Taylor.
00:41 Fresh off a double shift,
00:43 Salvage Yard owner William Taylor picked up his 5-year-old daughter Tatiana
00:46 after a dance recital and drove home.
00:49 "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.
00:56 Please don't take my sunshine away."
01:00 Because he was so sleep-deprived from working long hours,
01:03 he pulled over for a quick nap.
01:05 But he underestimated his exhaustion,
01:08 and ended up sleeping for hours instead of minutes.
01:10 When he awoke, Tatiana was gone.
01:13 "I can't imagine a parent's worst nightmare. There's your trigger."
01:16 "He's torturing them for answers about his daughter's abduction."
01:19 "In his mind, he believes his victims were involved."
01:22 He later recalled a mysterious man approaching him that night,
01:25 but people thought he had imagined the encounter due to his sleep-deprived state.
01:29 When her body was discovered a week later,
01:31 William began abducting men,
01:33 torturing them for days before ultimately killing them.
01:36 Losing a child and not knowing what happened would make anyone snap.
01:40 Unfortunately, the result of this was only more horrific tragedy.
01:44 "I mean, up until the very end,
01:45 he was adamant that a guy with a skull tattoo abducted his daughter."
01:48 "Well, the unsub with a ghost in his mind is always dangerous."
01:53 "Unless it wasn't all in his mind."
01:55 Number 9. Johnny McHale
01:56 "He made me watch."
01:58 "It can help you if we can tell the court that you told us where Glen Hill is."
02:04 "He made me watch."
02:05 This season 3 episode follows the BAU as they investigate a case of vigilante justice in Los Angeles.
02:11 It ultimately leads them to Johnny McHale,
02:13 a local comic book artist suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder,
02:17 who blacks out during his vengeful killing spree.
02:20 Six months prior, one of the best nights of his life turned into the worst.
02:24 "Vicky?"
02:25 "Johnny."
02:28 "Answer him, baby. A man asked you a question."
02:32 "We don't want any trouble, guys."
02:34 "Don't much matter what you want."
02:35 A gang attacked him and his pregnant fiancé, Vicky,
02:38 who he had just proposed to minutes before.
02:41 Johnny was forced to witness the torturous death,
02:43 and barely survived the incident himself.
02:46 Even the team acknowledges that he's one of the rare unsubs
02:49 that only became a killer due to an awful traumatic experience.
02:52 "He's the first unsub I've worked who wasn't a bad guy, you know?"
02:56 "Six months ago, Johnny McHale was just a regular person."
03:01 Number 8. Desi Gutierrez
03:04 Growing up, Desi Gutierrez endured emotional and psychological abuse,
03:08 as well as severe neglect from her young mother, Laura.
03:11 She would cruelly tell her daughter that she was ugly and unwanted,
03:14 locking her in a small shed full of snakes for hours on end.
03:18 When Desi was 10, a "changed" Laura had her sister, Tina,
03:22 who, unlike Desi, was loved and cared for.
03:25 "Laura talks about her rise to the top,
03:27 and how proud she is of her daughter, Tina.
03:29 Desi is not mentioned in the article at all."
03:32 As an adult, Desi became obsessed with snake-like body modification,
03:36 even going as far as to split her tongue.
03:38 She inflicts similar mods on unwitting women
03:41 after they're bitten by one of her venomous snakes.
03:43 "You said you wish I was never born!
03:48 And I was an ugly little girl, inside and out."
03:53 In the end, Desi kidnaps her sister and mother,
03:57 the true objects of her hate.
03:59 She dies before enacting her full revenge,
04:01 but we'd say she made her point.
04:03 "They think she's perfect.
04:05 The perfect woman, the perfect mother!
04:07 They don't know what she's capable of."
04:11 Number 7. Vincent Rowlings
04:14 After witnessing and videotaping his mother die at the hands of his father,
04:18 young Vincent Rowlings grew up to be a killer himself.
04:20 "I saw my mom die too.
04:22 And like my father, I did some bad things."
04:28 He stayed with his mom for almost a day,
04:30 and grew up re-watching the footage of her murder over and over,
04:34 which was only bound to cause severe psychological distress.
04:37 Vincent also has obsessive-compulsive disorder,
04:40 so he can't keep himself from acting on the compulsion to kill.
04:43 "He sent us this film as his way of reaching out.
04:45 He may be ambivalent, but his OCD won't let him stop.
04:48 If he sees a heavy police presence and he's not done, he'll run."
04:52 He shows remorse by sending messages to the police at the crime scenes,
04:56 wanting someone to finally stop him.
04:58 When he unintentionally kills one of his victims in front of her young son,
05:01 Vincent feels a connection to him,
05:03 since they now share a rare thing in common.
05:06 "You're gonna hear bad things about me.
05:08 But you can never, ever wish to die, Stan.
05:13 Because you're special."
05:18 Number 6. Tobias Hankel
05:21 Season 2 introduced one of Criminal Mind's most memorable unsubs.
05:25 "We may have one unsub suffering from a delusion that he's actually an archangel.
05:29 Maybe that first phone call was not two people, but one."
05:33 After his mother left, Tobias Hankel was raised by his father,
05:36 who had become violent and used religion as a means of abuse.
05:40 As Tobias got older, he became reliant on Dilaudid to cope.
05:43 Things only worsened when his father got sick,
05:46 and in order to put a merciful end to his suffering,
05:49 he had his son assist him in dying.
05:51 Tobias then developed a dissociative identity disorder
05:54 with two alternate personalities,
05:56 his father and an archangel named Raphael.
05:59 "I tried to warn everyone.
06:00 Just relax, Mr. Hankel, all right?"
06:02 "Shoot him."
06:02 "I don't want to."
06:04 "I said, shoot him, you weakling.
06:09 He's a Satan."
06:10 When the BAU catches up with him,
06:11 he's a serial killer who finds his victims through hacking,
06:15 choosing people he deems sinners.
06:17 What Tobias does to Reed is unforgivable,
06:19 but we can't help sympathizing with him after knowing his past.
06:22 "Tobias."
06:24 "There he is."
06:24 "You didn't look good to see my mom again."
06:30 "I'm sorry."
06:32 Number 5.
06:34 Paul Weston.
06:35 "Tell her she's beautiful."
06:36 "I am, aren't I?"
06:39 "You're an abomination!"
06:41 "I'm a great teacher."
06:42 "You're doing it wrong!"
06:44 "I'm gonna make you a real man."
06:46 Paul Weston realized he was attracted to boys at a young age,
06:49 and when he came out to his father John,
06:51 he was sent to a conversion camp.
06:53 In addition to the camp's deplorable techniques,
06:56 John hired a female sex worker in a deranged attempt
06:59 to force his son to try to change his sexual orientation.
07:03 "Who is suffering from an identity crisis."
07:05 "This man can accept his same-sex desires,
07:07 but he can't fight them either.
07:09 He's most likely been repressing all sexual urges for quite some time."
07:14 Years later, he's still haunted by what was done to him
07:17 and the religious rhetoric condemning gayness.
07:19 He kills the men he sleeps with because he's ashamed,
07:22 and he kills the women he tries to be attracted to
07:25 who remind him of the sex worker.
07:26 Given his trauma and deep-seated self-hate,
07:29 it's hard not to feel sorry for Paul,
07:31 as well as the other young victims of the camp.
07:34 "He's the one that got us into that camp.
07:36 Commits to your parents to let that woman do this to us."
07:39 "Then you want to make him pay."
07:40 Number 4. James and Marcus Wells.
07:43 "You have no idea who James is.
07:44 He raised us.
07:46 He worked two jobs just to put Tom through school.
07:50 You don't know him.
07:51 You don't know me."
07:53 James and Marcus Wells go on a killing spree in Washington, D.C.,
07:58 murdering random people with machetes every 27 minutes.
08:02 This series of attacks begins a day after the funeral of their younger brother Tom,
08:06 who was shot and killed outside of a nightclub.
08:08 Three victims into the spree, Marcus is caught by the team,
08:12 and they discover what happened to trigger their violent rage.
08:15 "Oh, geez, this is awful.
08:16 They called 911 nine times,
08:19 and for whatever reason, it took the ambulance 27 minutes to get there.
08:23 Tom was pronounced dead at the scene."
08:25 After Tom was shot, James and Marcus called 911 several times,
08:29 but by the time the ambulance arrived 27 minutes later, he had already passed away.
08:34 Tom had a bright future ahead of him.
08:36 His untimely death is heartbreaking, and we sympathize with the Wells brothers.
08:40 "We waited 27 minutes, and no one came.
08:44 No one.
08:46 Do you know what that's like?
08:48 Huh?
08:49 To be powerless?"
08:52 But causing more senseless deaths is unjustifiable.
08:55 Number three, Charles Johnson.
08:57 "What did they do to you that night?"
08:59 After a drainage pipe explosion unearths skeletal remains in a backyard,
09:04 the BAU interviews the homeowners, an African-American family of three.
09:09 As Rossi interrogates the Johnson family patriarch,
09:11 he uncovers a dark history rooted in racism.
09:14 When he was in high school,
09:15 Charles was attacked and castrated by a group of teenage Klan members.
09:19 One of their sisters falsely accused him of sexual assault,
09:23 and didn't reveal the truth until decades later.
09:25 "Audrey Collins changed.
09:27 Dear Charles, this is Audrey Collins.
09:31 Years ago I told a lie and destroyed you."
09:34 Considering the extensive physical and mental damage that was done,
09:38 Charles didn't accept her deathbed confession,
09:40 and eventually killed some of the men who attacked him, or their relatives.
09:44 "For revenge?
09:45 No, I killed out of hate.
09:46 Hate grew in me that night.
09:51 And hate vowed to pay them all back."
09:55 The lie scarred Charles in every way imaginable,
09:59 taking away his dreams of leading a healthy life with a big family.
10:02 "Have you told Lyle that he's not your biological son?"
10:06 "No.
10:06 You better not.
10:08 Please."
10:12 Number 2.
10:13 Shelly Chamberlain.
10:14 On her son's sixth birthday,
10:16 Shelly Chamberlain was driving when fleeing robber Hanley Waters
10:19 crashed into her vehicle.
10:21 "No, honey, honey, I'm driving.
10:23 No, I'm not kidding, Damien."
10:24 "You're being mean, mama."
10:26 "I'm driving.
10:27 Don't kick my seat when I'm driving."
10:28 She watched her son die in the backseat,
10:34 assuring him in vain that help would come soon.
10:37 After his death, Shelly and her husband Don divorced,
10:40 leaving her to grieve on her own.
10:42 On the anniversary of the accident,
10:43 the news mentions a police officer who also died that day,
10:47 but Shelly's son's death is forgotten.
10:49 "Explains why she went on her spree today.
10:51 All the good and bad memories are hitting her at once."
10:53 "And to add salt to it all,
10:55 the fallen policeman was the only one who got any attention.
10:57 Damien was like a footnote."
11:00 Her anger and pain lead her to steal a gun
11:02 and go around the area killing and injuring anyone in her way.
11:06 This devastating episode ends with her and Don
11:09 at their son's favorite restaurant,
11:10 expressing their regrets and reliving the awful day that destroyed their lives.
11:15 "And it was, it was the last thing he heard."
11:19 "That's your regret.
11:22 That's not what he remembers."
11:25 Before we unveil our top pick,
11:27 here are some honorable mentions.
11:29 Darlene Beckett, a grieving mother whose daughter
11:31 was assaulted and murdered by a group of men.
11:34 "You cut my baby."
11:35 "That was my idea too."
11:39 "Oh my God!"
11:41 "Oh my God!"
11:42 "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!"
11:45 Rodney Harris, a victim of Carl Buford who goes on a spree
11:51 killing men he thinks abuse young boys.
11:53 "But it brought you back to what Buford did to you, didn't it?
11:56 Look, I know exactly what you're feeling because I've been there."
12:01 "How I'm feeling?"
12:02 Sarah Jean Mason, married a sadistic serial killer,
12:06 forced to give up her son, then executed on death row.
12:09 "I am standing here because of choices I made.
12:12 Don't let my son be Jacob's last victim."
12:18 Nathan Harris, a teenager seeking help to stop his violent urges.
12:23 "I know I'm crazy."
12:24 "Did I say that?"
12:27 "No, but what do you call pictures in your head that you can't make go away?"
12:34 Sarah Damlin, the men who sexually assaulted her were let off,
12:39 and only one person believed her.
12:40 "What are you waiting for?"
12:44 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get
12:48 notified about our latest videos.
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12:58 Number 1.
13:01 Samantha Malcolm
13:02 Many unsubs on Criminal Minds have suffered traumatic childhoods,
13:05 and poor Samantha Malcolm is one of them.
13:07 "He's a good father, he loves me."
13:09 "I know that he probably forced you to say those things,
13:13 and he punished you if you got it wrong, sent you to the room with the lightning."
13:17 "Yeah."
13:19 Her mother died when she was young, and her father, Dr. Arthur Malcolm,
13:23 had her undergo electroshock therapy to treat her depression.
13:27 However, the depression stemmed from the sexual abuse she was suffering at his hands,
13:31 and the extreme treatment was to keep Samantha from telling anyone.
13:35 He would apologize with gifts, including a set of special dolls,
13:39 and as an adult, Samantha is devastated when he gives them away.
13:43 "You submitted her to electroshock treatment to make sure she stayed quiet."
13:45 "This is outrageous."
13:47 "And then, out of guilt, you bought her toys,
13:49 more specifically, you bought her a line of dolls."
13:52 She replaces the dolls with real-life women who ultimately die
13:55 under the horrific conditions she keeps them in.
13:57 Experiencing trauma isn't an excuse for murder,
14:00 but with the severe psychological effects of ECT and years of anti-psychotic medication,
14:05 well, Garcia said it best.
14:07 "Okay guys, I just got Samantha Malcolm's medical records in.
14:10 Oh my god, she was doomed.
14:13 Like, Emily Bronte doomed.
14:15 Like, Shakespeare doomed.
14:16 Like, Red Shirted Ensign in Star Trek doomed."
14:19 [Music]
