Beneath The Sphinx_ Lost Treasures And Untold Stories!

  • last year
Join us on an epic adventure into the ancient mysteries and lost treasures buried beneath the majestic Sphinx. Get ready to be amazed as we delve into the untold stories that have remained shrouded in secrecy for centuries!

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00:00 One of the most unexplored and mysterious places on Earth is located in plain sight.
00:06 It's one of the most majestic monuments of humankind.
00:10 The wonder of the ancient world hides a secret that scientists and archaeologists still can't solve.
00:17 This is the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt.
00:21 The huge sculpture of a lion with a human head was carved out of rock about four and a half thousand years ago.
00:29 Scientists still don't know the exact date of its creation and are also unaware of who built it and what for.
00:36 There are many assumptions and theories, but none of them has been confirmed.
00:41 Most people have seen this majestic sculpture either in photographs or in reality, but almost no one knows what's hidden underneath it.
00:49 The statue of the Sphinx was carved from a single piece of limestone.
00:55 It was painted. The remains of color pigment on the surface prove this.
00:59 In the distant past, the Sphinx looked much brighter and more colorful than what we see now.
01:05 But even after thousands of years, its greatness hasn't diminished.
01:09 And by the way, Sphinx is not the real name. It was invented by the Greeks about a hundred years or more after its creation.
01:17 Initially, the Egyptians called the statue Hor-Em-Aket.
01:23 There are many legends and theories saying the Sphinx is there for a reason.
01:27 It's like a watchdog that guards the tomb of the pharaoh and the secrets of ancient Egypt.
01:32 These legends become more plausible when archaeologists discover hidden entrances at the feet of the Sphinx.
01:39 They believe that these secret passages are the beginning of the tunnels leading to the halls with treasures.
01:46 You can find a lot of stories on the internet that claim the Sphinx hides the Hall of Records.
01:52 A repository filled with ancient and secret knowledge.
01:56 One of the main artifacts of this repository is supposed to be the records of the ancient mythical state of Atlantis.
02:04 According to legends, the entire library from this city was moved under the Sphinx.
02:10 The entrance to this library must be located next to the Sphinx's right paw.
02:15 Many archaeologists tried to find this entrance, but came away empty-handed.
02:22 Also, there are many images with detailed diagrams of the underground city that consists of a network of tunnels and chambers under the Sphinx.
02:31 Someone says there are structures as tall as 12-story buildings hiding underground, but there's no evidence of this.
02:38 Archaeologists, even after millennia, continue to explore the mysterious sculpture.
02:44 At the same time, many Egyptians don't want to learn more about the Sphinx.
02:49 They're terrified of awakening something supernatural.
02:52 In 1998, scientists discovered tunnels leading to empty caves under the Sphinx.
02:59 They found evidence of earlier excavations there.
03:03 It's quite possible that someone managed to find the treasures and take them away.
03:09 Some people believe Egyptians found some kind of artifact under the Sphinx that has the power of unknown advanced technologies.
03:18 The artifact is so powerful that it can change the course of history.
03:22 Of course, most theories are just fairy tales of conspiracy fans, but it's a confirmed fact that the Sphinx hides a system of caves and rooms.
03:32 There are so many rumors surrounding the Sphinx that it's impossible to understand what's true and what's false.
03:39 In any case, it's difficult and dangerous to study the sculpture because active excavations can destroy it.
03:47 And then the entrance to the underground rooms can get blocked by rocks and lost forever.
03:52 Also, further exploration requires a lot of money, and financing is not always easy to find.
03:59 But the main reason? It's too risky.
04:02 There's no guarantee that people will be able to get out of the underground labyrinths.
04:07 For these reasons, scientists and archaeologists have been exploring this majestic structure for so long.
04:14 Another famous architectural monument with a secret is Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.
04:20 Everyone admires the images of the U.S. President's faces carved into the rock,
04:25 but few people know that there's a secret room hidden behind the head of Abraham Lincoln.
04:32 The architect of Mount Rushmore wanted to carve slabs on the rock with the record of the main stages of the country's history.
04:41 But his plan was too complicated to carry out.
04:44 Then he was offered to implement it on a much smaller scale, to build a secret room inside the mountain.
04:52 The idea was to save this knowledge so that future generations will always remember the history of their country.
04:59 Unfortunately, the architect didn't have time to finish his work.
05:04 The construction stopped for several decades.
05:08 But in the late 90s, the project was resumed.
05:11 Porcelain enamel panels depicting the history of the U.S. were placed in the room.
05:16 It's possible that these plates will be stored there forever.
05:20 But people can't see them, at least for now.
05:24 The room is inaccessible to tourists, as it's too difficult to get inside.
05:29 Another secret room is located in the Empire State Building.
05:35 To be more precise, it's not even a room, but a place where you can take cool photos.
05:39 Almost all tourists gather on the observation deck of the 86th floor to enjoy a stunning view of Manhattan.
05:47 But there's another deck with panoramic windows on the 102nd floor.
05:52 There are way fewer people there, because almost no one knows about that place.
05:56 Fortunately, access to this deck is open to everyone.
06:01 You probably won't have to wait in line for a long time to take a photo.
06:05 You'll feel special, because you're in such a secret place where there are almost no people.
06:10 But the coolest place is even higher, on the 103rd floor.
06:15 This is a spacious observation deck where celebrities get their photographs taken.
06:20 It's not a public place, but if you know the right people, you can get there.
06:25 There are almost no security measures on the site.
06:30 Only a low ledge between you and an abyss.
06:33 That's why crowds of people are forbidden from coming here.
06:36 It's not so easy to get there, and you're unlikely to succeed without a guide.
06:42 First, you need to choose the right elevator that will take you there.
06:46 Then, you'll go through several engineering rooms filled with pipes, electrical panels, and other technical stuff.
06:53 The final part of your way is a set of stairs inside a tiny corridor.
06:59 And here you are, at the top of New York.
07:02 Now we're in Paris. See the Eiffel Tower?
07:07 Inside it, there are restaurants and observation decks.
07:11 But if you try hard, you can find a secret apartment.
07:15 Now it's a museum, but it was built so that people could live in it.
07:20 The architect of the tower, Gustave Eiffel, created this apartment in 1889 for himself.
07:27 It's almost at the very top of the Eiffel Tower.
07:29 Imagine what a beautiful view he observed every day.
07:33 He was the first and only tenant. No one else could gain access to this place.
07:38 When the architect passed away, the apartment remained empty for a long time.
07:44 Only recently, they restored it and turned it into a museum.
07:48 Inside, the epoch of the last century is recreated.
07:52 They even put wax figures of Gustave Eiffel.
07:56 His daughter and the American inventor, Thomas Edison, inside the room.
08:00 This place is filled with an endless stream of passengers, office workers running late,
08:07 visitors from other cities, noise and train whistles.
08:11 At Grand Central Station in New York, among all these sounds,
08:15 you can hear the sound of a ball hitting a racket, if you're in the right place.
08:20 A real tennis court is hidden inside New York Central Station.
08:25 It belongs to a tennis club that arranges corporate games for employees of many companies.
08:30 The club was opened in the 60s.
08:33 Now we're moving to London. Charring Cross Road.
08:38 It isn't easy to find one secret place here.
08:41 To do this, you need to look carefully at your feet.
08:44 Do you see these sewer grates in the asphalt?
08:47 Inside them, you can notice two signs with the name "Little Compton Street".
08:53 Yeah, there's another street right below you.
08:56 It disappeared from all maps at the end of the 19th century.
09:00 Charring Cross Road was built over it.
09:03 The identification signs that you see are part of old engineering tunnels.
09:09 There's another interesting place in London.
09:12 It's located in the southeast corner of Trafalgar Square.
09:16 At first glance, it looks like a thick lamppost, but there are too many tourists walking around.
09:22 You come closer and realize that one person can easily fit inside the post.
09:27 The lamppost belongs not to an electrician, but to a police officer.
09:32 Yeah, this is the smallest police station in the world.
09:36 It was built in the 1930s and used as a watch post.
09:41 Officers had to sit there one by one and watch Trafalgar Square.
09:45 That always attracted a lot of pickpockets and all kinds of other criminals.
09:50 Imagine working seven days a week on a large-scale construction site.
09:54 You, along with thousands of others, carry millions of stone blocks
09:59 and put them on top of each other according to a complex system.
10:03 You work without modern construction equipment.
10:06 You have no air conditioning or constant access to water.
10:10 It's so hot outside that you can fry eggs on the road.
10:14 You've been building the pyramid of the city.
10:18 You've been building the pyramid for decades.
10:20 And now, when it's finally done, you enjoy the result of the colossal work of thousands of people.
10:27 You're looking at a giant cultural monument of global value that will freeze in time
10:33 and amaze people for tens of thousands of years.
10:36 A few thousand years have passed.
10:40 People in the 21st century see the pyramids and are like, "Wow, I can't believe humans have built this."
10:47 Yeah, the people who built the pyramids wouldn't have appreciated such a theory.
10:51 But actually, there are reasons to believe that people built it using some fantastic technology.
10:59 From the outside, it seems the great pyramids are just big triangles of stone.
11:04 People just put some heavy blocks on top of each other and that's it.
11:08 In fact, the design seems too perfect to be true.
11:14 The pyramid consists of more than two million blocks.
11:17 They lay so close to each other and are so even that you couldn't squeeze even a thin sheet of paper between them.
11:23 Scientists still can't figure out the exact technology for building the Egyptian pyramids.
11:28 One of the biggest and most famous is the Great Pyramid of Giza.
11:34 This huge construction, well-known all over the world, has one big secret.
11:39 There should be a capstone on top of the pyramid.
11:43 It's a triangular-shaped stone block, a small pyramid on top of a huge one.
11:48 It's also called a "pyramidion."
11:51 The builders of ancient Egypt made it out of granite and limestone and covered it with gold.
11:58 No records or old drawings prove that there was a pyramidion at the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
12:04 But there's another ancient Egyptian structure with such a triangle, the Red Pyramid.
12:11 It was built before the Great One, and its capstone has survived to this day.
12:15 Archaeologists have found and reconstructed it.
12:18 But where could the capstone of the Great Pyramid be?
12:22 It's a mystery that still has no answer.
12:25 Some are sure that some thieves have stolen it from the top.
12:30 Maybe they just climbed up and pushed the pyramidion down.
12:34 It makes perfect sense.
12:38 The capstone was probably the most valuable element of the pyramid.
12:41 Many scientists and archaeologists still don't know its exact purpose.
12:45 Some believe that this peak, covered with gold, glorified the pharaohs.
12:50 The capstone reflected moonlight at night and illuminated the entire space around it.
12:56 During the day, the capstone reflected sunlight with its shiny surface.
13:02 You could have noticed it from afar.
13:05 The top of the pyramid was a kind of guiding star for lost travelers.
13:09 All other stone blocks of the pyramid consist of limestone.
13:15 People polished them to make them look shiny.
13:18 In the past, they were even glowing and reflected light.
13:22 You could see glowing pyramids from space, although they looked like tiny lights.
13:29 Over thousands of years, winds, sandstorms, and rains have changed the pyramids' appearance.
13:35 If people had taken care of them all this time,
13:38 they would have looked like something out of science fiction movies,
13:41 or the pyramids from Las Vegas.
13:43 But unfortunately, we will never see their original appearance.
13:47 Some archaeologists and scientists believe that the capstone could absorb the sun's energy
13:55 and distribute it evenly throughout the pyramid.
13:58 But no one knows precisely why the Egyptians needed this technology.
14:01 There's a theory that pyramids are ancient energy systems.
14:05 The pharaohs applied this energy to use some unique technologies
14:09 that were more advanced than all the achievements of the 21st century.
14:13 And the triangular shape of the pyramids was ideal for boosting this electromagnetic energy.
14:19 In theory, solar radiation, or electromagnetic forces,
14:26 circulated at the top of the pyramid, filled the inner rooms,
14:29 and then went down the walls to the base.
14:32 Any surface distortion could prevent the flow from spreading.
14:35 So, they had to create a perfectly smooth surface.
14:38 That's why they installed the blocks,
14:41 so that nobody could squeeze a needle or razor blade between them.
14:44 Many people believe in this theory because they built the pyramids from limestone.
14:50 This material can hold energy inside itself.
14:54 In the inner part, they created granite deposits to cause air ionization,
14:58 that is, to create an electric charge.
15:01 They also dug channels under the pyramid for water to transmit electricity.
15:07 And at the top, they put a gold capstone, the best conductor of electricity.
15:13 So, this is how you get a great power generator.
15:17 Different cultures used similar technologies to create electricity all over the world.
15:23 But these are all theories.
15:25 If it had been working, humanity would have used these technologies today.
15:29 There are mentions of the metal industry, chemistry, engineering, physics, mathematics,
15:37 and astronomy in some ancient records.
15:40 Most scientists don't believe in all these things.
15:43 We know the detailed stages of the technology's development in different cultures.
15:49 In the 21st century, scientists, historians, and anthropologists can track the evolution of all modern devices.
15:56 If people had created some technological inventions in ancient times,
16:00 the history of the world would have looked different.
16:03 Perhaps all the achievements of antiquity could have been wiped off the face of the earth by global cataclysms.
16:10 And it can happen to us.
16:12 Just imagine how people would dig up a laptop in 5,000 years.
16:17 Perhaps they wouldn't understand what kind of device it is.
16:20 Another Egyptian wonder surrounded by mystery is the statue of the Sphinx.
16:27 The Egyptians carved it out of a single massive piece of limestone about 4.5 thousand years ago.
16:34 But scientists still don't know the exact date of its construction or who built it.
16:41 People painted the Sphinx in different colors, so it looked much brighter and more vivid in the distant past.
16:47 It was shining just like the Great Pyramids.
16:50 Anyway, time hasn't only changed its appearance, but its name, too.
16:55 Initially, the Egyptians called it Horemeket.
16:58 The Greeks renamed it the Sphinx about a few hundred years after it had been built.
17:03 The Sphinx emphasized the greatness of the rulers of Egypt.
17:09 It also performed a symbolic function of a watchdog guarding the tomb of the pharaoh and the paths leading to it.
17:15 This version sounds realistic, since archaeologists have discovered many secret entrances at the foot of the Sphinx.
17:22 Perhaps these rooms and intricate tunnels lead to underground halls with treasures.
17:28 And treasures don't always mean gold and jewelry.
17:32 According to legends and theories, the Sphinx guards the Hall of Records, the storage of all humankind's knowledge.
17:39 The information about the ancient mythical state of Atlantis could be there.
17:43 You can find many detailed maps of the internal dungeons of the Sphinx on the internet.
17:49 They show structures 12 stories deep under the statue.
17:53 It looks like a small city filled with gold, scrolls of knowledge, and various ancient artifacts.
18:01 But don't believe all these maps. These are just theories.
18:04 Several thousand years have passed, but people have very little information about it.
18:09 Archaeologists know that there are still many strange and exciting things about the Sphinx that are still undiscovered.
18:16 Some locals are afraid to research because they believe they can awaken something terrible from the underground depths.
18:23 Therefore, it's mostly scientists from other countries who conduct the excavations.
18:30 In 1998, scientists discovered strange tunnels leading to empty rooms under the Sphinx.
18:36 They realized that some people tried to get there through tunnels in the past.
18:40 And maybe those people took all the treasures that were there.
18:44 One of the legends says that some powerful artifact lays beneath the Sphinx.
18:50 Its technology can change the whole world.
18:53 But the locals are hiding it because it can damage the planet.
18:58 Some believe that you can find evidence of unknown technologies painted on the granite walls in the pharaoh's tombs.
19:04 But most likely, these paintings and signs tell us the myths and legends of ancient Egypt.
19:10 But what if Egyptian symbols and drawings are detailed instructions for using ancient technologies?
19:17 What if the locals that lived at that time thought, "Hmm, people in the future won't be able to get energy themselves.
19:25 Let's leave some detailed instructions for them."
19:28 Anyway, there are many riddles and theories.
19:32 In reality, the search for answers is a dangerous undertaking since it's not easy to get into the underground halls.
19:39 Excavations can ruin the structure of the entire Sphinx.
19:43 Any person inside the tunnels may get lost and never be able to find their way back.
19:48 Besides, it costs a lot of money.
19:53 Now what would be awesome is if people could invent some device that could scan underground areas and show their detailed models.
20:00 models.
