Some Bent Press practice with a 3" thick handle dumbbell of 81⅓lb CLEANED to the shoulder when possible followed by Brutus: 105lb & 2¾" handle thickness. This left is really starting to come around...LITERALLY! Getting that Torso to rotate to the left has improved DRAMATICALLY! It's going be performing as well as the right side! Remember, Jesus loves YOU!
"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." - Mark 9:23
#jesussaves #strongman_archaeology #oldtimestrongman #fyp #bentpress #brutus #torsomobility #globedumbbell #torsorotation #rotatorcuffstrength #qltraining #qlmobility #quadratuslumborum
"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." - Mark 9:23
#jesussaves #strongman_archaeology #oldtimestrongman #fyp #bentpress #brutus #torsomobility #globedumbbell #torsorotation #rotatorcuffstrength #qltraining #qlmobility #quadratuslumborum