Third Malón for Peace continues in Argentina

  • last year
The destination of this mobilization will be to reach the capital, Buenos Aires, on the 1st. next August, when Pachamama Day is celebrated. teleSUR


00:00 On Wednesday, the indigenous organizations of the Jujuy territory were in the capital
00:04 of Salta and were received by the native peoples of that province.
00:08 The third Malón de la Paz, marching towards the city of Buenos Aires, has already passed
00:13 through Salta and Catamarca.
00:15 And this Thursday, it enters Tucumán, one of the stops on its way to the capital of
00:20 the country to demand that the Supreme Court of Justice declare the reform of the provincial
00:25 constitution unconstitutional and that the National Congress pass a law on indigenous
00:30 communities' property and federal intervention in the province.
00:34 The indigenous organizations of the Jujuy territory were in the capital of Salta yesterday
00:39 and were received by the native peoples of the province.
00:42 A delegation went to Santa María Catamarca to meet with the Aguita communities and the
00:49 rest of the marchers moved on to Tucumán.
