Post box allows grieving relatives to send messages to lost loved ones
00:00 Hi, I'm Danny Corr, I'm the Breedment Service Manager for Operations here at Peterborough
00:04 Crematorium and I'd like to introduce you to our beehive of memories, our hive of memories.
00:11 What it is, it's a focal point for visitors to the crematorium on anniversaries or on birthdays.
00:18 If they want to place a card or a letter to their loved one, they can place it into the beehive.
00:25 It's been a proven fact that getting your thoughts and your words and your memories
00:30 down on paper is very therapeutic and it helps with the grieving process. So having a focal
00:36 point of actually placing those cards and letters helps further with that process.
00:42 The idea came about when the crematorium in Nottinghamshire came up with a similar scheme
00:48 called the Heavenly Post Box. It was very popular, it was in the national press and we got a lot of
00:54 enquiries about it. So we thought well what can we do here at Peterborough and as we've got an
01:00 abundance of wildlife, we thought we'd come up with the beehive theme which ties in nicely with
01:06 our values. For a small donation we can provide paper impregnated with wildflower seeds so when
01:14 the post box is emptied, the flower seeds can be planted, grow wildflowers which will obviously
01:21 help and encourage more wildlife. Of course you can also use normal paper and card to send a
01:27 message and a letter to your loved one.