• il y a 2 ans
00:00 This rancho belong to Don Tefi de la Scrooge del Minio Tortura de la Quack.
00:03 Junior, he hates poor people.
00:06 [laughs]
00:08 So, interlopers upon my vast and abundant rancho.
00:13 I've told you peons a thousand times not to starve on my property.
00:18 It lowers the value.
00:20 Please accept our humblest apologies, Senor El Grande.
00:23 We had no wish to offend.
00:25 [gunshot]
00:25 Speak when you're spoken to.
00:27 Ha! Such impudence.
00:30 You force me to declare war on poverty.
00:33 Prepare to defend yourselves.
00:35 If my cousin Speedy Gonzales was here...
00:38 [gunshot]
00:38 I'll make the smart cracks around here.
00:41 And don't give me that Speedy Gonzales stuff.
00:44 He's just a myth.
00:45 Yee-haw!
00:47 [horse whinnying]
00:49 [gunshot]
00:51 [horse whinnying]
00:53 [gunshot]
00:54 Here is your big mouth, Senor Docs.
00:56 [music]
00:58 [squeak]
01:00 All right, you little squirt.
01:01 Make me lose face, will ya?
01:03 I demand the satisfaction of a duel.
01:06 A duel?
01:07 I never fight a duel before.
01:09 How you do it?
01:10 In the grand manner, amigo.
01:12 No such a great stuff like puny pistolas.
01:15 The grand manner.
01:17 [music]
01:28 You got to use brains when you fight a war.
01:30 Plan lots of top secret tragedies.
01:33 Aha!
01:34 So the little scum is scheming.
01:36 I'll just take a peek over his shoulder.
01:38 [music]
01:42 Hey! It's no fair to spy!
01:44 That's cheating!
01:45 [horn honking]
01:46 [laughing]
01:49 I'm going to get you for that!
01:50 That's just going to double the agony!
01:52 [music]
01:54 [gunshot]
01:55 Holy frijoles!
01:57 [horn honking]
02:03 [music]
02:09 Uh-oh.
02:10 [music]
02:12 Yee-haw! Yee-haw! Underly, underly, yee-haw!
02:15 Underly, underly, yee-haw, yee-haw!
02:17 [music]
02:28 Well, what do you want?
02:29 It's your cannonball, senor.
02:31 [music]
02:33 [explosion]
02:34 Cannonballs are very expensive.
02:35 They shouldn't be wasted.
02:37 [music]
02:39 Hey, rodent!
02:40 Here's one across your bow!
02:42 But that's not fair!
02:44 I got no cannonballs!
02:46 [laughing]
02:47 He hasn't got any cannonballs.
02:49 [laughing]
02:51 Well, now isn't that a pity?
02:52 Don't worry, little chum!
02:54 I've got plenty of them!
02:55 I'll keep sending them over to ya!
02:57 [laughing]
02:58 [explosion]
03:00 [music]
03:02 [knocking]
03:04 What is it now?
03:06 Amigo, I come to borrow cannonball.
03:08 Oh, sure, sure!
03:10 I can let you have one.
03:12 Right in the tiffer!
03:14 Gracias!
03:16 I return it to you pretty soon.
03:18 Come back with my cannonball!
03:19 Come back! Come back!
03:20 You hear? Open up! Open up!
03:22 Give me back my cannonball!
03:24 [music]
03:25 Okay, Indian giver!
03:27 [music]
03:29 [explosion]
03:31 [music]
03:33 [explosion]
03:35 [music]
03:36 Oh, you changed your mind!
03:37 Gracias!
03:39 You're not welcome!
03:41 [music]
03:43 [music]
03:53 There! I've mined the entire area!
03:56 And only I know where they are!
03:58 That means two of us!
04:00 Give me back that shard!
04:02 How am I gonna get back?
04:04 I won't know where the mines are!
04:06 That's okay! I'll tell you where they are!
04:08 You promise?
04:10 Crossing my heart, I tell you!
04:12 Well, okay!
04:14 There's one!
04:16 There's another one there!
04:18 That's one too!
04:20 That's where another one is!
04:22 What do you mean you don't know where they are?
04:24 You haven't missed one yet!
04:26 Oh, shut up!
04:28 [music]
04:30 [music]
04:32 Hey, señor ducks!
04:34 I'm giving up!
04:36 You've had enough, eh?
04:38 See, I'm tired from all these war games.
04:40 I go home and eat some supper.
04:42 Besides, it looked like rain.
