• 2 months ago


00:00What's up, you guys? It is your girl Megan Good,
00:02and you are behind the scenes
00:03at my Ebony January 2025 cover shoot.
00:08It has definitely been a reinvention every decade.
00:12You know, I've always had the mentality of wanting to make sure
00:15that every season of my life is the best season of my life,
00:18whatever that looks like for me, whatever I want to accomplish,
00:21whatever I want to experience, intentionally learning.
00:24And so in this season of reinvention,
00:27there's such a freedom.
00:29I don't think I've ever felt this free in my life.
00:31I don't think I've ever had this kind of peace in my life.
00:34It is one of the best feelings in the world,
00:37and it makes me feel like I can take on anything,
00:40and it makes me proud to stand in my authenticity.
00:42It makes me proud to be who I am and how I know my heart.
00:46It makes me proud to have the people that I have in my life.
00:50The journey of the career, it makes me thankful for that,
00:52even the disappointments, even the closed doors,
00:55even the people who didn't believe in me.
00:58All of that builds your character.
01:00All of that allows you to either become bitter or become better,
01:04and I choose to become better every single time
01:06and to have joy in that.
01:08It's been a little over 30 years,
01:12and I feel like I'm just beginning.
01:14The best way to describe who Megan is now is,
01:19I think I've always been very self-aware in a lot of ways,
01:22in a way that I'm, quite frankly,
01:24I'm surprised that I am.
01:25I think that growing up as a child actor,
01:29even though I've never been unclear
01:31about who I am or what I want,
01:33there were feelings of guilt, like,
01:35should I want that, or is that okay,
01:37or am I going to be judged for that?
01:39Are people going to think that I'm someone different
01:40than I actually am because they don't have
01:43a full understanding of this or that?
01:45Going back to what I said earlier, in this season,
01:49as long as I am telling my truth and it's said and it's heard,
01:53whether people agree with it or not
01:55doesn't really matter to me.
01:56What matters is that I'm telling the truth
01:59and that I'm walking in my authenticity
02:00and that I'm proud of who I am.
02:02Harlem, thus far, has been one of,
02:07if not the best experience I've had
02:10in 30-plus years in this industry.
02:13When you talk about sisters, these girls,
02:15and Tracy, and me, these are my sisters.
02:19I love them.
02:20They love me, and it's an undeniable thing
02:23that you wouldn't even question from any of us.
02:26And to be able to live in this character of Camille
02:30and to be able to pull things out of myself
02:32that other people hadn't seen for me
02:34and didn't even know existed in me,
02:36and to be able to surprise people,
02:39even after this long in the business,
02:41is the most gratifying feeling.
02:43I have a real village of women who hold me down,
02:48who cover me, who pray for me, who show up for me,
02:51and not in the traditional way.
02:53They show up for me the way that I wanna be shown up for.
02:55We met at the Ebony Power 100 gala about two years ago.
03:06We had no idea two years later we'd be coming back engaged,
03:09but it's a big part of our love story.
03:12And yeah, everything shifted that day.
03:15Little did we know.
03:16When that person comes to you,
03:18understanding that the gift is
03:21that person making you better,
03:23the gift is that person loving you unconditionally,
03:25that true, true fullness of who you are,
03:29that's what we all deserve, and not settling for that.
03:32And also allowing someone to make your life better
03:38and to bring out the best in you
03:39and to hold up a mirror that actually makes you live up
03:42to the full quality of the purpose
03:45and the reason that you're put here on this earth
03:47and those things being conjoined,
03:50but expressing themselves differently and loving them,
03:52loving the fact that they express themselves differently.
03:54Cherish that and cherish yourself
03:56and don't settle for anything less
03:58than what you really want and what you really deserve.
04:01Baby, it's been a lot of fresh starts the last couple years,
04:04but this is the accumulation of that process,
04:09that personal process, that relationship process,
04:13that career process, that growth
04:18that has been absolutely insane,
04:20especially this past year.
04:22Everything that I've learned,
04:25everything that I've poured in
04:26and everything that's been poured into me
04:28has been transformational in a way
04:32that doesn't mirror any other season of my life.
04:34It's like it literally is a second act,
04:39but it's a second act with all the tools
04:43and all the information and all the things
04:45and all the fearlessness and all the freedom
04:48and all the self-love and all the,
04:50okay, this is what you're working on, here's what this is.
04:53Maybe you might wanna work on that a little bit more,
04:55but the really, really real want with yourself
05:00and even in that there is no shame
05:02or it's just like this is where you are and that's okay
05:06and that's a beautiful thing.
