The Dick Tracy show - ep. 009 - Racer chaser

  • l’année dernière
Production : UPA
February 26, 1961


00:00 [music]
00:07 The Dick Tracy Show!
00:11 [music]
00:25 [music]
00:29 Okay, Chief. I'll get on it right away.
00:32 Dick Tracy calling Joe Jitsu. Calling Joe Jitsu.
00:35 Go ahead, Freeze.
00:37 Stooge, Viller, and Mumbles have stolen the car favored to win today's charity race at Down's and Ups.
00:42 It's an imported pizza special.
00:44 Pizza special? Oh, that sounds like my dish.
00:48 Six to an even, over and out.
00:52 So, there goes the pizza special.
00:55 Sometime is most imperative. Officer of RAW have to break same.
00:59 [car alarm]
01:02 So sorry, Freeze.
01:05 Step on it, Mumbles. We're being tailed by that nosy detective Joe Jitsu.
01:10 [garbled speech]
01:14 Okay, okay. So you do the driving. I'll do the gunning.
01:18 [gunshots]
01:20 Oh, Outlaws have resorted to using firearms. Joe Jitsu prefer to use head.
01:26 [car alarm]
01:27 Freeze, don't worry. Joe have on protective helmet.
01:31 [gunshots]
01:33 [whistles]
01:34 Hmm, helmet getting thin.
01:37 Step on it, Mumbles. Squeeze the anchovies out of this pizza.
01:41 Raping results. Outlaws getting away.
01:44 Must capture crooks and return pizza special.
01:47 [car alarm]
01:50 [laughing]
01:57 Ha ha, that junior detective will never catch us.
02:01 Ha ha, this car is as good as ours.
02:04 [car alarm]
02:05 Huh? He's on our tail.
02:08 Get a boy, Mumbles. These railroad tracks will slow him up.
02:13 Especially when the express hits the tunnel.
02:18 [train whistle]
02:21 Oh, oh, guess this is just my lucky day.
02:33 Looks like there's only one way of getting rid of this cop, Mumbles.
02:37 Yeah, we'll just meet him head on.
02:39 [train whistle]
02:41 That's right, meet him head on.
02:44 Hmm, seem to be gaining on Outlaws much faster now.
02:51 [train whistle]
02:54 Hold everything, please.
02:57 Joe Jitsu calling Dick Tracy.
03:00 I read you, Joe. What's the report?
03:02 Honorable detective face to face with Outlaws. Outcome in doubt.
03:07 Best of luck, Joe. Keep me posted.
03:10 [train whistle]
03:12 Chicken!
03:14 Boy, did you goof that chance.
03:18 [laughing]
03:23 Say, you're right, Mumbles. We could have been clobbered.
03:27 [mumbling]
03:30 What? The racetrack?
03:33 As the car's near the finish line, still no sign of the...
03:40 What's this? It's the Pizza Special.
03:43 Quick, Sam, to the racetrack.
03:46 It's the Pizza Special out in front, followed closely by Joe Jitsu.
03:50 Joe Jitsu?
03:52 It isn't a ritterable peep.
03:55 And it's the Pizza Special first, Joe Jitsu second, and others last.
04:00 Come on, come on, Mumbles. Step on it. Let's get going.
04:07 [mumbling]
04:10 You want to wait for what prize?
04:13 Excuse, please. Must present first prize.
04:16 Hey! What the...
04:19 Well, Joe, I see you got your men and the Pizza Special.
04:23 Ah, yes, Mr. Tracy.
04:25 Stooge and Mumbles will think twice before heisting a car again.
04:29 Right, Mr. Tracy. Case remind Joe of old oriental saying.
04:35 Crooks caught steering racing cars soon wind up behind the bars.
04:41 Ratsavrak!
04:43 [music]
04:58 (roaring)
