• il y a 2 ans
Le Pacte Ultra Marin d’Investissement dans les Compétences pour la période 2019-2022 a été formalisé, en avril 2019, par la signature entre l’État et la Région d’un clausier qui porte la contribution financière globale de l’État à hauteur de 253 M€ en faveur du territoire réunionnais. Toutefois, en octobre 2019, la collectivité a pris la décision de ne pas poursuivre ces engagements. Depuis 2021, la nouvelle gouvernance s'est réengagée dans le Pacte à travers la signature d’une convention en mars 2022. Ainsi, la Région a réaffirmé, dans le respect de ses partenariats et de ses compétences, sa place de cheffe de file de la Formation Professionnelle des demandeurs d’emploi. De ce fait, la relance du Pacte et sa prorogation se maintient en 2023. Plus de précisions avec la vice-présidente de la Région Réunion en charge de la formation professionnelle, Karine Nabenesa :


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00:12 The positive impact that comes from all over the French region, and particularly from the Réunion region, comes to support an essential effort that is for the most disadvantaged, for the most distanced from employment, the brick that is often missing after school to go to work.
00:28 The Réunion region has decided to fully invest in this field and the State is providing significant support. This year, the Réunion region will receive 36 million euros, which has just been added to 25 million euros for the employment sector, so nearly 60 million euros, which will allow the machine to accelerate.
00:43 There is a very strong volunteerism in the region and the State is supporting this volunteerism. This is what we can celebrate today by signing this amendment to our Convention.
00:51 The Prime Minister, when she came here in May, confirmed at the request of the President of the Regional Council that this pact, which existed until 2023, would last beyond 2023, 2024, 2027.
01:01 So it will be true for the Réunion region, but it will be true for all the regions of France. And this is a mechanism that will continue because on this policy, as essential as professional training, we cannot do it separately.
01:12 Leaving the regions without support is not possible. The State comes to support the regions and I think that this mechanism is good for the Réunionese and the Réunionais.
01:20 So what will change? It will change for the Réunionese and the Réunionais. At a time when many parents are asking themselves the question of knowing, and in particular with the sub-course, what their children will do, will become, and especially those who have not had the chance to have what they wanted to do.
01:36 What we say is that we have worked to renew our training offer, to truly enrich and diversify it.
01:44 We are now able to offer and buy 10,000 training places for 2023. 10,000 training places, we hope, of quality in fields that we had not yet invested in and which allow, I think, everyone, especially in areas such as sport, digital, the web, cooking, plumbing, artificial intelligence, photovoltaics, and I don't know if there are better, to find answers and at least to say to ourselves, this year is not lost.
02:13 If we are really waiting for an answer in the sub-course or not, we can still train. What must also be said is that professional training is paid training.
02:24 This allows us to train, to be paid. The region, of course, supports it to lift the information barriers by making access, especially free buses, easier. All this to tell you that we strongly believe and we share the ambition, and we thank the state for the agreement to be able to do it, to be able to link, to make professional training a real link tool.
02:50 And then another way, another alternative possible when national education has not performed, in any case, has not provided an answer to all those who have left.
03:00 So that's the meaning we put behind professional training. We are focusing on a budget of more than 100 million euros and with the pact, indeed, the prefect has called, it is no less than 60 million euros for the year 2023 and that to develop the training offer everywhere.
