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In this video we help you get ready for the week ahead ... we have a crazy week ahead including Tesla, Netflix, Taiwan Semi, Goldman Sachs all reporting earnings, and that's just a small piece!
00:00 Tesla stock is up more than 80% this year and it's about to report massive earnings
00:07 numbers this week.
00:08 I'm Gav Blacksper from Wolf Financial.
00:10 I'm here with Evan from Stock Market News.
00:12 We're going to cover that and everything else you need to know to be a profitable investor
00:16 this week.
00:17 Let's get right into it.
00:19 Starting off with earnings season.
00:21 Let me turn it over to you, Evan, to cover what we're looking at here.
00:23 Yes, sir.
00:24 We have the earnings calendar in front of us and earnings season is now in full swing.
00:29 We have a lot of massive companies reporting this week.
00:33 Big three that stand out to me, Netflix, Tesla, and Taiwan Semiconductor.
00:37 Tesla definitely being the biggest one, but there are a lot, a lot of names on here to
00:42 focus at.
00:43 I'm looking at Monday Wolf, Charles Schwab.
00:46 I know that's a name that you've been focused on.
00:48 Are you excited for those earnings tomorrow morning?
00:50 Yeah, I think this is a make or break moment.
00:52 We saw JP Morgan come out with blow out of the water earnings.
00:56 Huge numbers.
00:57 Stock went up 7% on Friday.
00:58 I'm excited to see what Charles Schwab can do on Monday.
01:01 If it's anything like that, that would really get the stock moving in the right direction.
01:05 It's been struggling.
01:06 The price action has been weird.
01:07 There's been a lot of positive catalysts that it has not capitalized on, but earnings is
01:12 the make or break moment.
01:13 So yeah, keeping my eyes closely on that going into Monday morning.
01:16 And I do currently have a position.
01:18 Definitely a lot to watch out for there.
01:20 And you can see earlier in the week and just in general, there are a lot of financials
01:24 going.
01:25 We have big tech names at the top that will get a lot of attention, but we have names
01:29 like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.
01:33 We have regional banks names like Schwab, like we were just talking about, US Bank,
01:36 and so many more.
01:37 So this will be a very, very big week for the financials.
01:41 We also have names like Lockheed Martin, which will move all the defense stocks.
01:45 Johnson and Johnson will move a lot of healthcare.
01:47 I also see Blackstone on there.
01:50 That one should be very, very interesting for people.
01:52 I know their whole real estate business has been in focus recently, so we'll see how that
01:57 develops.
01:58 But overall, just will be a very, very busy week.
02:01 A lot of financials they are carrying.
02:03 Wolf, how many companies are reporting this week in the S&P 500?
02:07 Believe that we have 55 companies reporting this week in the S&P 500, and then next week,
02:13 142 companies reporting in S&P 500.
02:16 So pretty big weeks.
02:18 These are the biggest weeks of the quarter, right?
02:20 Yeah.
02:21 So roughly half the S&P 500 is reporting earnings this week or next week.
02:25 And we can come back to this calendar in a little bit, but we did throw up a couple of
02:31 the expectations for some of the biggest earnings coming up.
02:34 So you can go in and see some of those.
02:36 So again, it is just far left is the ticker, then company name, then the time that you
02:40 should expect the numbers.
02:41 That's not the earnings call.
02:42 That's the time of the release.
02:43 Then you have the EPS estimate, which is non-GAAP, and then the revenue estimate.
02:48 So you can see all these, the big banks and defense names and Johnson & Johnson, et cetera,
02:53 going Tuesday before the open.
02:55 The largest revenue expected there is Bank of America, 25.57 billion.
03:00 And I'm also very, very fascinated by Netflix after the close on Tuesday.
03:05 I am a fan of the way they do their earnings call.
03:07 They normally have a prerecorded video that gets posted to YouTube with an analyst asking
03:12 questions.
03:13 Very clean, very nice for someone who reads a lot of earnings calls.
03:18 So definitely watching out for Netflix as well.
03:20 And then moving over to Wednesday.
03:23 Wednesday is definitely the peak of the week, although Thursday morning might be giving
03:27 them a run for their money.
03:29 But we have the earnings estimates for the next, on the next page, Wolf, we got Morgan
03:33 Stanley, ASML, Baker Hughes, et cetera.
03:36 This one will be a very, very busy morning.
03:39 I'm definitely focused on Morgan Stanley, but I know ASML gets a lot of coverage as
03:44 well.
03:45 James Wolf, or anything that you look at here besides Morgan Stanley and ASML.
03:50 I know Morgan Stanley is one of the six holdings in the big bank ETF, big B, but are any of
03:55 the others tickers something that you watch?
03:57 Maybe NASDAQ?
03:58 Yeah, not too many of these.
04:00 I feel like the NASDAQ ticker actually doesn't get looked at that often.
04:03 Alibank is something that comes off here and there.
04:06 I think USB is a little bit interesting.
04:09 But one thing real quick, if people are enjoying these videos, it's super, super important
04:13 in the YouTube algorithm, the like and the comment.
04:16 If you have anything to comment, any stocks that you're watching this week, or if you
04:20 have earning expectations, do tell us below.
04:22 And if you plan on playing earnings through options or trades, do let us know.
04:26 But of course, any likes on this video do go a really long way.
04:30 So not too many here.
04:31 I think you kind of covered the main ones with MS and ASML, at least when it comes to
04:35 Fintwit.
04:36 Those are the central figures, in my opinion.
04:40 I guess we can keep it rolling a little bit further here into the Wednesday section, which
04:47 I know is the biggest day of the week.
04:48 You want to cover this?
04:49 Yeah, Wednesday afternoon, we were just covering the morning there.
04:52 And now we're looking at the afternoon here.
04:54 We have Tesla, IBM, Lam Research, but Tesla is definitely by far the biggest one.
05:00 Actually, I should read out Las Vegas Sands and Kinder Morgan, not small companies either.
05:04 But all eyes will definitely be on Tesla on this one.
05:07 IBM will get some coverage.
05:09 It's an old, boring stock.
05:10 So it's not going to make any massive milestones, but we'll see on that one.
05:15 And then Lam Research is a semiconductor company that I know a lot of people are interested
05:18 in, but we're kind of digging around outside that Tesla earnings.
05:22 I know Tesla is a little bit different than some of these other companies, and some companies
05:26 do do this.
05:27 You want to go to the next slide?
05:28 They actually do release their delivery information before the earnings call.
05:32 So we kind of know how the numbers are going to go.
05:34 We don't know margin.
05:36 We don't know some other stuff.
05:37 We don't know revenue, like exactly what it's going to be, but we have a good reference
05:42 to what it will be coming in at.
05:43 So Tesla earnings are maybe a little bit more easy to predict what the numbers are going
05:47 to be, but we never know what they're going to say going forward.
05:50 We never know what forward guidance or anything like that is going to look like, or any conversations
05:55 or new products that might come up.
05:56 So a lot to focus on.
05:58 Tesla earnings call starts at 5.30 Eastern on Wednesday.
06:01 We're going to be live on Spaces for that listening in, so make sure you join us.
06:05 And I think that's pretty decent for the earnings.
06:09 The other big one that I did want to include and give you guys the estimates for was Taiwan
06:15 Semiconductor, which I know is a very, very large name a lot of people are focused on.
06:19 Taiwan Semiconductor, Wall Street is expecting EPS of $1.21, and then revenue of $17 billion.
06:27 Numbers are expected to be released at 6 a.m. Eastern on Thursday morning.
06:30 And then American Express as well, 7 a.m. Eastern, expect to release on Thursday, $2.70
06:36 for EPS, $14.04 billion for revenue.
06:39 So those are the numbers that they will be matched against.
06:42 But that is pretty decent coverage of all the major earnings for the week.
06:47 Now we're going to look over at the macro calendar, which is pretty busy as well.
06:51 We don't have that massive headline event, CPI, FOMC, or whatever, but a lot of smaller
06:57 stuff on here.
06:58 And then we also do have a couple Fed presidents going as well.
07:02 Wolf, anything standing out to you?
07:05 Nothing too major here.
07:06 Maybe probably just the Fed presidents I think would be the biggest thing, right?
07:09 The Beige Book coming out.
07:10 But just knowing that every time these Fed presidents speak, especially Barkin, I think,
07:16 Williams lately, those ones have been definitely paid attention to and they've been market
07:20 moving people.
07:21 I am just happy that they are not early in the day.
07:23 So as you can see here, Barkin's not speaking until 12.45 p.m.
07:27 Michelle Bowman not until 1 p.m. and on Wednesday not until after hours, which I like better
07:31 than when they speak at like 10, 11 a.m.
07:35 Let them speak at lower volume areas of the market.
07:37 That's my opinion.
07:41 And I know that we have that latter part of the week.
07:44 This is probably the one part that also stands out to me, just more jobless claims.
07:47 I would be getting those on the regular, taking a look at PMI.
07:51 And then of course, just wow, like Waller, Mester, you know, just a bunch of them speaking
07:55 Bostick.
07:56 Wow.
07:57 Thursday is just jam packed, as you could see with Fed president.
08:00 So a lot to pay attention to there.
08:02 And then I also was just can say with Tesla, I think it's all eyes on Tesla at the moment
08:06 with Elon Musk and everything that he's been doing lately to hear from him on the call
08:11 as he continues to talk about balancing Tesla, Twitter and a lot more items going on in life.
08:15 So that'll be a huge part of it.
08:17 I think we made it through, though, a majority of the pieces.
08:20 Any final thoughts you want to end off with here, Evan?
08:24 Yeah, I agree.
08:25 It's going to be a very, very interesting week.
08:27 A lot to look forward to.
08:29 We do have earnings season in full swing.
08:31 We mentioned this a little bit.
08:32 The week after this one will be even bigger.
08:35 So we're excited.
08:37 We're looking forward to if you enjoy this video, make sure to like, subscribe and leave
08:40 a comment below and make sure you're joining us this week for Spaces.
08:45 We're going to be live talking about all this stuff as everything comes out.
08:48 We're going to be live for pretty much every single one of these major after hours earnings.
08:52 So a lot to look forward.
08:54 We appreciate all of you.
08:56 Take care, everybody.
08:57 See you in the next one.
