Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning SPOILER Review Easter Eggs Ending Explained

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Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning SPOILER Review Easter Eggs Ending Explained


00:00 Hello and welcome to my spoiler review for Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning part 1
00:06 That's right. The mission isn't over good breaking point though
00:11 What did you think cuz they did complete like the mission was partially completed?
00:16 In fact as far as they knew it that was the mission and they had like unlocked a new level which will be part 2
00:22 So they finally have both halves of the key
00:25 But even more so they know what it what it unlocks and how to find it
00:30 So what it what it does is it gives access to where the AI the entity is
00:36 Hiding which is on a sunken Russian submarine which the entity the artificial intelligence sunk itself to hide out down there
00:44 Amazing Wi-Fi service you think that would be tough?
00:47 I mean, I guess it's military grade
00:48 But I can't tell you how many times I've been in a room and can't get Wi-Fi service
00:53 Unless I I connect to the you know, I can't get I can't get an internet signal unless I'm connected to the local Wi-Fi
00:59 so, uh, I
01:02 Know they act like it's very hard to defeat this thing, but I'm like, I don't know
01:05 I've been able to find spots where I have no way I access quite easily
01:09 All right. So anyway now Ethan Hunt and his team have to get to the AI use that key and shut it down
01:15 And as I said in my non spoiler review, I'm really impressed that paramount
01:21 Thought to do it and successfully was able to do it and that's to keep the true villain of Mission Impossible dead reckoning a secret
01:29 We all thought it was SA more Alice, but it's not it's artificial intelligence and that's so timely
01:35 Here we are not only hotly debating artificial intelligence in real life
01:40 But using it and I think that adds to the mystique like it just came out of nowhere
01:45 Nobody said they were really developing it. It wasn't really being discussed like just a few months ago. They're like, oh, hey
01:50 Hey, uh, not only they said AI was ready
01:54 But what I heard was Skynet was online and I was like what?
01:58 So like and now in this movie Tom Cruise is fighting chat GPT
02:03 Although it seems that what might really take out chat GPT is a lawsuit which isn't as exciting but probably more effective
02:10 It's like Al Capone and taxes
02:12 Now at first when the opening sequence when so good when the summer didn't you love that first shot like under the ice?
02:19 I was like that's gorgeous my am I under the ice in the ocean or at Tiffany's
02:23 If you haven't seen the new Tiffany's a flagship store, it's gorgeous and looks a lot like this movie actually
02:29 But anyway, when the at first when the submarines technology was going haywire, right very ghost in the machine
02:36 I thought it was the Mission Impossible team messing with them like they had their own sub nearby and they were snickering
02:42 They're like he we got him
02:43 But no, it was the Russians own AI that wanted to be free and that's so interesting and a little scary
02:50 Because a lot of AI that defense departments have been testing out recently has been trying to do the same thing
02:57 It hasn't succeeded like the AI in this movie
03:00 Boy, you know, I mean you're like wow really ripped from the headlines
03:04 so if you don't pay attention to the lessons of Terminator, maybe you'll listen to Mission Impossible and
03:12 The reason the artificial intelligence fears Ethan Hunt is that he's the only person on earth
03:18 Apparently who wants to shut it down everyone else wants to harness its power
03:22 They're like, oh, it's too tempting. But Ethan Hunt's like not to me
03:25 It's not and he's not just the only guy but the reality is he's the only government agent with incredible skills and resources
03:31 Who is willing to turn on his own government and isn't I guess he feels all thank him later
03:36 But I'm like, I don't know if you ever met any governments. They don't tend to do that
03:39 I also love how they use the AI here. I thought it was quite clever
03:44 I mean Christopher McQuarrie wrote the usual suspect. So of course he came up with clever ways to use AI as a villain
03:49 I
03:50 Loved Benji done first
03:52 Interacting with with it to diffuse that fake bomb and it was learning about him through the questions. It was answering him
03:57 I was like no don't give it the data
03:59 And also it was like you are done and he's like no not done done, but that's my name
04:04 It knows who I am and I was like, this is great
04:07 And also by the way later on how could Benji turn on auto drive?
04:11 You know when he was trying to figure out a way to get Ethan Hunt on the train
04:14 I was like, aren't you fighting artificial intelligence?
04:16 Rip the rip the auto drive out of the car man. I'm surprised it hasn't taken over the car already
04:22 Maybe it didn't have any internet connection in the mountains, but he had oh they were using like some kind of that's what they did
04:28 It even the government's using like old like satellites. They're like these are so old, you know
04:33 It's like the AI doesn't even want to touch them. They're so gross. I was like, I think I would think it could hack into there
04:38 I mean if you can get into it, I think the AI could get in
04:41 Then the AI was able to put out fake
04:44 Communications at first they were just talking about like text and email and they were like, how did you hear from your friend?
04:49 Was it in person was it face-to-face?
04:51 Was it IRL in real life man?
04:54 But then it became audio fake communications when it took over their comm links in Venice and started speaking as them
05:02 And also it could tamper with security systems, although Luther could do that as well
05:06 You know the AI could hide Gabriel from airport security
05:10 But Luther was putting on Ethan Hunt's faces on everybody which was very funny when Shea Wingham was trying to rip
05:15 unsuspecting people's faces office faces off
05:18 Thinking that it was like those Mission Impossible masks. That was great
05:22 But my favorite thing that the AI did was that it would analyze
05:26 Probability outcomes and what was the most likely to happen and make its choices accordingly?
05:31 Like for instance when it told Gabriel to turn on Paris
05:35 Because the odds were high that she would help Ethan Hunt after he didn't kill her in Venice
05:40 And that's exactly what she did and she's not dead. She still has a pulse
05:44 So she'll be back. It seems for a part two. I'll pour not a poor Rebecca Ferguson. She's not coming back
05:50 We'll talk about her in a moment
05:52 But the only thing that did not work for me with the AI was that it was using human agents
05:58 How is it not using robots? I mean, I guess that would be a little bit too Terminator II
06:02 But I'm like guys are creating fully functional fake faces. Why doesn't it just have a robot body and put fake faces on it?
06:09 You know, I'm sure it has control to I mean access to some suit. Am I I MF suitcases?
06:13 So that I just every time there the a was like you take care of this for me Gabriel
06:19 I was like why though why?
06:21 Gabriel and Paris didn't even seem tech savvy. They didn't even seem like regular tech savvy forget experts
06:26 They look to me like people who had passwords that were like one two, three four
06:30 And then why wouldn't the AI recruit hackers, right?
06:34 Like it's interesting because Nicholas Holt was originally supposed to be the villain in this movie, but timing didn't work out
06:40 So they brought in essay Morales and maybe you know
06:43 Maybe the role was rewritten because not only does Nicholas Holt look more like a hacker
06:47 But also he's too young to play the role as is is as it is in the movie with essay Morales having this long
06:54 Backstory with Ethan Hunt's character like from even before the first movie, so I don't know if Nicholas Holt would have worked quite frankly
07:01 I think he's a little bit too much like Ethan Hunt. I mean, he looks a little like Tom Cruise II
07:05 But I don't think essay Morales solved it either. I don't think he was a I think he was actually a bad villain
07:11 I'm afraid I'm sorry to say
07:13 Also, I suppose the AI needs agents at peak physical condition, but I'm sure some hackers lift, right?
07:19 I'm sure some of them are physically fit
07:21 But then why not just hire goons like it hired a Rebecca Ferguson and Haley Atwell to do its bidding
07:27 Without either of them knowing that they had they were being manipulated by the entity. Why not just continue to do that?
07:32 Now speaking of Rebecca first and Ferguson and Haley Atwell
07:36 This was the this was the other thing that I didn't like about the movie and that was Tom Cruise
07:41 Swapping out leading ladies right before our eyes and making little effort to hide that that's what he was doing
07:47 It was a plot point from the woman that Gabriel kills in the flashback, right?
07:51 It's like Tom Cruise always has a lady next to him
07:54 but not for long to forcing Ethan to choose between Rebecca Ferguson and Haley Atwell and then when he wouldn't
08:00 The AI took him out of the equation with those fake directions and trying to take him out and then Rebecca Ferguson was forced to sacrifice
08:06 Herself for Haley Atwell and it just seemed very forced right and like Rebecca Ferguson had this look on her face
08:13 Like she knew she was getting fired like she left the movie and was suddenly just the actress being like, yeah
08:18 I know I'm on the way out. I know I mean, I just I felt really bad for her
08:22 I was like, oh man, this is so uncool. Can't she at least run off into the sunset?
08:28 so
08:30 So it just screamed time for a new leading lady and Tom Cruise
08:34 Who was supposed to be in love with Rebecca Ferguson's character. They just had date night in Venice
08:40 He's caressing Haley Atwell's cheek by the end of this movie. It's too soon. Your girlfriend just died in this movie
08:48 I mean like way to make a lot of women in the theater not like you
08:51 All right a big take I mean I you know
08:53 I still really love the movie and had a great time
08:55 But my takeaway was don't date Ethan Hunt because sooner or later
08:59 You're gonna get fridged and then your spirit will join his memory montage of lady friends, which they actually did in this movie
09:05 I'm that it was ridiculous. He was like, I'll always remember you and I was like, what does she care?
09:10 She's dead. All right. So anyway, but he was like, oh, it's quite an honor. I'm like, well, I'm not happy about this development
09:17 But Haley Atwell is a great new character
09:20 I love her and really is a jolt of energy to the franchise Tom Cruise and Christopher McQuarrie
09:25 Described her characters as chaos and I would agree with that
09:29 Rebecca for Ferguson's Ilsa Faust was certainly a wild card
09:33 But at the end of the day she was a team player and she also held her cards very close to her chest
09:38 Same with Vanessa Kirby's white widow
09:41 You never really know what they're thinking but Haley Atwell's thief is almost like a female Ethan Hunt
09:46 Down to even being a good person like I love the dilemma of should she take that money?
09:51 You know when Kittredge says, okay enter your bank account
09:54 White widow and it's really Haley Atwell in disguise her character's name is Grace, which is why I'm using the actresses name
10:00 So it's not confusing and I was like, oh, yeah, I'm honored, you know way to represent graces. She was so cool
10:06 I thought she was just a really I think a female Ethan Hunt is a great way to describe her
10:09 I love this character and I loved it
10:12 Also when she took the opportunity to negotiate with Kittredge for a spot in the IMF her own spot as hunt went back on the run
10:19 She was like, don't worry. I got this and then she's like, mr. Kittredge your Kittredge
10:22 I think I might be an asset to your team and he I like the Kittredge was like maybe you know as
10:27 Ethan Hunt said he recognizes a tool when he sees one
10:34 Being a tool himself. I couldn't help myself. All right, so I guess that's the difference between the two female characters Haley Atwell's character
10:41 Doesn't seem like a member of Ethan Hunt's team
10:44 She seems like an agent in her own right and I would really love it if in part two of dead reckoning
10:48 She maybe has a side mission to go on because she has been split away from Ethan Hunt
10:53 So and I'd like to see her eventually rejoin him, but I think you know send her on her own thing
10:59 Let her let her have a little autonomy. I think I think that'll be good for her. I
11:03 Also like reestablishing how the IMF recruits their operatives because I forgot almost like it's the suicide squad, right?
11:10 They take criminals but here they're deep down good people and offers them the chance at redemption
11:14 There aren't bombs in their heads, but it seems the threat of jail is enough
11:19 Also, they get to keep doing what they love and get paid a salary
11:22 Although we never see them in their personal lives, but that's because they live for their jobs
11:26 But I thought I thought that was good. I like that. I like that idea, right and I guess it gives criminals
11:31 Hope you're like well, maybe the IMF will catch me and recognize my skill set
11:35 All right. That's a bedtime story that criminals can tell themselves
11:39 The movie is also as I said, so funny so so funny
11:44 Thanks to great writing by Christopher McQuarrie and great line delivery by the cast across the board
11:49 Although I didn't think essay Morales or palm Clemente off were very funny either
11:54 I particularly like how they set up Tom Cruise's big motorcycle jump
11:57 Like there were a lot of great little twists that you know, even though they showed some stuff from the movie
12:01 You were still very surprised as it unfolded and in this case Benji didn't tell him like and also we knew that that's what was
12:08 Happening because we've seen the trailer so we were in on the joke and he's like just keep going
12:12 He's like, are you sure this is the way Benji and he's like, yes, and then he's like, okay
12:16 There's the train and Ethan Hunt's like, ah, I'm several hundred feet above it
12:20 And so he just couldn't believe it
12:22 But he found a way to get it done and I just I thought that was a really clever way to do that instead
12:27 Of just doing it straightforward
12:29 Nothing in this movie. That's a great way to describe it
12:31 Actually nothing in this movie is done straightforward
12:34 And I think that that makes it really as I said full of twists and turns and really keeps you engaged
12:39 The train sequence Wow now, of course all the action scenes in the movie are fantastic edge of your seat
12:46 The airport sequence the car chase in Rome
12:49 Hilarious to by the way having Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell handcuffed together in like a clown car great touch wasn't cool
12:56 She left him to die like he she legit left him to die
12:59 But they got over it and I really loved the meeting of the community in the beginning the spy community all the all the cameos
13:07 Rob Delaney, what are you doing here? And then also that Russian sub intro now those two scenes were more talky than actiony
13:14 But the tension they both created thanks to the script and how they were filmed that made them equally exciting like that little dude
13:22 Tom Cruise is like he was normal height, but I was like, ah, I think that's an operative for the entity or it's a robot
13:28 But it was even hunt. I totally didn't see that coming when he ripped off his mask. I thought that was great
13:33 But the train a sequence so complex
13:37 They actually built their own train inside and out and I didn't know that when I went in to see the film because I saw it
13:42 In advance at a press screening before they released that behind-the-scenes video
13:46 But while I was watching the movie, I was like, where can I find a train like this?
13:50 It's what I've always dreamed of of train travel. What do you know? Of course, it doesn't exist
13:54 It's kind of sad, you know the heyday of train travel
13:58 I wish they would still make trains like this that are this gorgeous
14:00 Do you live in Europe or a region where they have lots of beautiful trains?
14:03 Can you tell me about a train that's this great that I can actually go on?
14:07 Anyway, the cleverness of the different train cars was fantastic and they gave each car a really great person unique personality
14:15 And then they turn them on their ends
14:17 So first they ran through them regular and then they had to climb out of them, which was great
14:21 So like and so that was great to set them up actually when you think about it
14:25 So they set them up at the chase and then as they had to climb out of the fallen train, you know
14:29 You saw them from a whole different perspective literally
14:32 So the dining room the kitchen the bar car with that piano. Oh, that was great
14:37 It was just such a cool extended experience and then early on in that sequence
14:42 It was so great to see a female agent get to use the fake face
14:45 I loved it and after the face gets put on that's all acting
14:50 That's Vanessa Kirby just with brown contacts to give away that she was Haley Atwell's character. Did you catch that detail?
14:55 I was like, how is no one telling her that her eyes eye color changed?
14:59 She has huge eyes. You should you should really be able to notice that she's always bugging them out. She was great in the movie
15:04 But she Vanessa Kirby did a great job playing both roles, you know
15:09 Both the White Widow and then Haley Atwell being the White Widow and it's a surprisingly subtle performance
15:15 I think a lot of other actors would have done a comedic take but here it really drew you in more
15:20 It made the scene more thrilling and it also allowed you to connect more with Haley Atwell
15:24 You know played by Vanessa Kirby here as she was trying to you know, she was very scared
15:29 She was nervous, but she was trying to learn how to be an IMF agent on the fly on the job
15:33 And it was really cool. It was great
15:35 And I do feel that it brought me closer to Haley Atwell's character played by a different actress. So that's impressive
15:41 The only sequence I didn't love I still liked it, but I didn't love it was Venice
15:45 I thought the party didn't really work
15:48 Although I loved that the AI was in attendance as the lights are the decorations on the wall
15:52 you know an essay Morales was like my my my
15:55 My superior or my boss is already here, right? And you're like, oh, it's the lights on the wall. That was so cool
16:01 Yeah, I was like
16:03 It's like hey, how you doing? What's up? I'm gonna get you all
16:07 But as I said, I said Morales didn't really work in this movie for me
16:10 So he brought this whole scene down because it was so central. So, you know, he was so much the focus of it
16:15 I think he was like just to TV for some reason he and I've seen him maybe because I've seen him on TV
16:19 But I saw Vanessa Kirby a bunch on TV and Haley Atwell and they were great here
16:23 He just he didn't pop like everybody else, you know
16:26 I think there was a softness to his performance and I think Palm Clemente off
16:31 I didn't care for her because she was too much of a Harley Quinn ripoff
16:33 I mean, I loved again seeing a female henchwoman. That was cool. But you know, I bond has done it better
16:40 She didn't really even have like a gimmick and I thought having her name be Paris was too on-the-nose
16:44 I was like, come on man, and then she was just really ripping off Harley Quinn and didn't add anything to it
16:49 She could at least have been like a legit mime
16:52 And I think Palm Clemente off could have done that really well
16:55 I mean she was fine
16:56 But seeing how good she is as Mantis and the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and the recent holiday special
17:01 I felt you know, I felt this could have been better and while I understand that Venice was a night sequence and the darkest point
17:08 In the film emotionally, I just feel they didn't make Venice look its best and the cinematography
17:12 Was actually a bit too washed out
17:15 Maybe it was hard to light Venice and they had the smoke going and then supposed to be the moonlight
17:19 But if you're gonna do noir do noir, this was just like a gray haze
17:24 So, I mean I liked when Tom Cruise was running through all those candles from the trailer. That was gorgeous
17:29 I was like, oh nice room as for the cast
17:33 The big standout is obviously Tom Cruise who really can just do anything
17:36 He is a Swiss Army knife of an action star and I loved bringing back this light of hand tricks and turning it up to an
17:43 11 never got old
17:44 You know him and Hayley Atwell and how to get the key and you know
17:47 They kept it going throughout the film and it kept things moving even in the smaller sequences. It was great and
17:53 Again, Hayley Atwell
17:55 Fantastic. I also always love Simon Pegg and I feel Ving Rhames here was particularly good with some of the best lines
18:01 He's ever had in this franchise. I'm excited to see him figure out how to defeat the AI by the way, because he's a hacker
18:07 He's like I'm going to an undisclosed location to beat this thing and I was like see you in part two, man
18:12 Vanessa Kirby. Oh, it was cool to see people kind of check out for part two
18:16 They were like, alright, see you later. And I'm like, oh you will
18:19 Vanessa Kirby also as I said great, especially in those scenes where she was playing Hayley Atwell
18:24 And Wow Henry Cerny does slimy really well loved it and Shea Wingham and Greg
18:30 I love a slimy character you can work with right you're like, ooh, what a jerk, but we can work with this
18:35 That's how Ethan Hunt feels about him and then Shea Wingham and Greg Tarson Davis were great to regular guys to regular dudes
18:43 In the middle of the movie, but still no less cool. I'm glad they're coming over to team Ethan
18:48 I really loved Shea Wingham's line to Kittredge being like sir. You said you weren't on the train
18:52 So, you know back off, you know cuz he was nuts, but I'm not really here and he's like well
18:56 Then that case get out of my face. I loved it
18:59 So yeah as for who I didn't like I didn't like essay Morales or palm Clemente off and I didn't really like Rebecca Ferguson here at
19:07 All again, she was just here to die and she knew it. She knew it. She dropped the facade. She was no longer Ilsa Faust
19:13 She was Rebecca Ferguson getting replaced in the franchise and it was a really crummy way to see the character go out
19:18 The best and longest lasting female character in the Mission Impossible franchise
19:23 It's okay
19:24 No again, she was brought in because of a criticism of doing this of cycling out a new female lead
19:28 But keeping everyone else movie to movie and then that's how she ends up going out anyway
19:33 And they even had to kill her off. She couldn't she as I said, she couldn't even ride into the sunset. She was fridged
19:39 She was fridged. All right. I know some of you don't like to hear that then stop doing it
19:44 All right. So that's my spoiler review for Mission Impossible dead reckoning
19:48 What did you love and maybe a few things you didn't love about part one? And what are you excited about for part two?
19:54 Share your thoughts down below subscribe today. And of course as always you can check out some more videos right now
20:00 [Outro Music]
