• il y a 2 ans
Stéphane Cornicard, comédien de doublage, a été victime d'harcèlement scolaire dans son enfance. Il nous livre sa vision sur la question du harcèlement et des solutions pour s'en sortir.


00:00 Those who harass, what we call in English "bullies",
00:03 they can never win.
00:05 They can't win.
00:06 People who generally torture or harass
00:16 are the people who have a little something more,
00:19 that scares them.
00:21 They are the people who will succeed later.
00:23 They are the people who will do things.
00:26 Bullies, harassers, are probably stuck in a shitty job
00:31 doing nothing.
00:33 Excuse my French, but I really think that's it.
00:36 And it's precisely that they see in others a competition,
00:40 they see something that they don't have
00:42 and jealousy makes them harass.
00:45 But they can never win.
00:47 On the other hand, they must absolutely confront them.
00:50 They must not let them do it.
00:52 And even if we are victims of harassment ourselves,
00:56 we must not be afraid, on the contrary, we must have the courage.
00:59 And it takes courage.
01:01 When I confronted my harasser,
01:04 it took half a second for me to stop being afraid.
01:09 I told him to go and be seen.
01:11 I turned around and I shouted to him in front of everyone,
01:15 in the middle of the refectory, to go and be seen.
01:19 And then all the fear was gone.
01:23 And he was expecting to see me run away as usual,
01:27 to try to ...
01:29 And then, you have to fight, you must not let them win.
01:33 You must not let them win.
