Jovanotti e l'incidente in bici: "Femore e clavicola rotti, ma sono vivo" - Video

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Brutto incidente in Repubblica Dominicana per Jovanotti, che ha riportato la frattura in tre punti del femore e la rottura di una clavicola. Il cantante soccorso da personale del luogo, racconta su TikTok, ha fatto "un gran volo in bici", prendendo in pieno un dissuasore in strada e presto dovrà essere operato. "Ma sono vivo", dice, sorridendo dal lettino dell'ospedale in cui è ricoverato.


00:00 I broke my clavicle and my femur in three points, near the femur's neck.
00:05 It hurts a lot, it's a beastly pain.
00:09 But I found an orthopedic here in Santo Domingo.
00:14 Tomorrow, maybe Monday, they'll have to put a titanium nail in me.
00:19 I called Fabrizio Borra, my man in Romania,
00:25 he told me "I'll send you the bandages", and I said "No, I have to operate".
00:30 It's a pretty common operation, it takes some time to recover.
00:35 But I'm here, I'm alive, I'm fine, they gave me an ointment.
00:42 We're doing a great tour, in splendid places,
00:46 splendid, in the middle of sugar cane plantations.
00:48 I have to say that the Dominicans helped me with great care.
00:53 A lady even brought me a coconut to drink coconut water.
01:01 They saw me and called the ambulance immediately.
01:04 They were amazing.
01:07 I don't know where I fell, I don't remember the name of the place,
01:10 but I'll look for it, because they were amazing.
01:13 They were very kind, very attentive.
01:16 Anyway, now they're taking me to my room,
01:19 I'm waiting for them to do some anaesthesia,
01:23 and I hope to operate tomorrow.
01:25 Then I'll rest a bit, and then I'll start moving again.
01:30 Fabrizio told me "Fabrizio, first we'll start moving again, and then you'll recover".
01:34 But first of all I have to say thank you.
01:36 - You're not laughing at all.
01:38 - No, I'm not laughing, it hurts me.
01:41 It hurts me, it makes me laugh.
01:45 I don't know if it's the pain or the ambulance transport,
01:49 they didn't give me anything, I swear.
01:52 But it's all good, it's worse, I'm fine.
