(Adnkronos) - “I lavori di restauro della Fontana dei Draghi, che si concludono oggi, rappresentano un punto di inizio e di approdo per Villa Mondragone perché poco più di 400 anni dalla sua esecuzione questo restauro ha ripristinato la magnificenza anche del terrazzone fulcro centrale della Villa permettendo a noi e ai futuri operatori di beneficiare di un ulteriore percorso”. Così il Presidente del Centro Congressi e Rappresentanza di Villa Mondragone, Marcella Pisani, a margine dell’inaugurazione della Fontana dei Draghi di Villa Mondragone a Monte Porzio Catone.
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00:22 of the magnificent fountain of the dragons, these restoration works have restored their original function.
00:33 They will allow us and future operators to benefit from a further path.
01:00 Today, the Centro Congressi e Rappresentanza dell'Università degli Studi di Roma Torvergata
01:07 is opening to a very different series of events.
01:13 Here we host conferences, congresses, workshops, seminars.
01:22 Here we host research centres and excellence centres.
01:27 This location is also very much appreciated by film and television companies.
01:36 It also offers private events.
01:39 Just recently, starting in March, we had the opportunity to welcome our students, specialists who are trying to train in the cultural, historical and arts, and design experts.
02:01 This has allowed us to add and improve, to enhance the appreciation of this historical site.
02:08 The high cultural and historical interest of Villamon-Dragone has been recognized since the early 1900s.
02:15 In 1939, the law of 1089 recognized this high interest, which is archaeological, historical, artistic, architectural and rural.
02:26 The management of an Athenaeum is always a force, and therefore allows a team work that will certainly contribute to the future appreciation.
02:44 The restoration of the Fontana dei Draghi is a challenge that is put to us, the operators of the Torvergata Athenaeum, to better enhance the privilege of the property of Villamon-Dragone.