• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Un giro d’affari da 7 miliardi di euro l’anno. Settemila addetti solo in Italia. Due milioni e mezzo di sacchi di caffè consumati.  Semakula, Ceo di M.D.L. Società Benefit, lancia l'allarme all'Adnkronos a difesa della filiera: “In Italia vengono consumate 95 milioni di tazzine di caffè al giorno, ma manca la cultura dietro la tazzina. Il consumatore non conosce il valore del prodotto che ha tra le mani”. E allora ecco la provocazione: "Il giusto prezzo per un caffè? Fino a due euro e cinquanta". (a cura di Andrea Persili)


00:00Coffee in Italy is consumed on a daily basis in various ways.
00:04No Italian is willing to give up.
00:07According to the estimates of the SCA, Specialty Coffee Association,
00:11more than 2.5 million bags of coffee are consumed a year in Italy,
00:18of which more than 2 million are from Uganda.
00:25Italy consumes 95 million cups of coffee a day.
00:32But what is the real value of coffee?
00:35What makes the difference between one cup and the other?
00:38The whole country has a fundamental problem with the coffee industry
00:42and it is the culture behind the coffee cup.
00:47And every consumer must know the value.
00:52What are its peculiarities?
00:54Who harvested it?
00:56Which way did it arrive?
00:58To my plot or to my cup?
01:01This culture will tell the true story behind the coffee cup
01:07trying to unite the world of the farmer with that of the end consumer.
01:12Because these are the two extremes along the coffee cup.
01:17The intermediaries, the industry of transformation,
01:22have a huge responsibility by lowering the price
01:27but in doing so creating a vicious circle of unsustainability,
01:34especially at the base of the supply chain.
01:37The price of coffee must be a fair price.
01:42A fair price for me would be around 2 euros, 2.50 euros.
01:48If the consumer is made aware, therefore educated,
01:53then he has the possibility to claim, to claim for the best.
