Presse monde - 29/06/2023

  • l’année dernière
MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 29/06/2023
00:00 Welcome to Medias, it's time for the international press review.
00:08 We start with the news in Russia, which is always the one of several foreign media.
00:13 This is the case of the French international newspaper which titles its "Russia, the worst
00:19 is yet to come".
00:20 On the one hand, we have the former ally of Vladimir Putin, the boss of Wagner, who
00:25 says he is ready to die to free the Russian people, a few hours after the Russian president
00:30 denounces in a televised speech a blow of a dagger in the back.
00:34 Later, Prigojin gives up his threat and takes the road of the Belarusian, writes Courrier
00:39 International.
00:40 From the start, it was clear that his forces would not be enough to overthrow the institutions
00:45 loyal to the Kremlin.
00:46 Prigojin had made too many enemies for years to run his company well, analyzes
00:52 Courrier International.
00:53 Prigojin needed a third to make a worthy exit, this is where Lukashenko entered
00:59 on stage to follow the French airmen.
01:01 Thus, the big winner of this episode is therefore Lukashenko, who became the one who
01:06 avoided Russia a bloodbath, or worse, a civil war, says Courrier International.
01:12 But nothing is over, says Courrier International, everything is just beginning.
01:17 This weekend, the political system shaped by Putin has entered a new era, in the eyes
01:22 of the whole world.
01:23 Prigojin did not need to cross the doors of Moscow to open a breach in the Putinian
01:29 autocracy, pursues Courrier International.
01:31 The Wagner coup apparently untied the languages ​​of the Russians themselves.
01:36 Unlike usual, the Moscovites allow themselves a certain freedom of speech, concludes
01:42 Courrier International.
01:43 And then we go to Africa now, where the African press is interested in the celebration of the
01:47 sacrifice commonly called tabaski in West Africa, the repercussions of inflation and
01:52 armed conflicts on this religious celebration.
01:55 In Chad, for example, we are talking about affordable prices.
01:58 According to Chadinfo, the price of the sheep varies between 22 and 144 euros, for two reasons
02:04 of these fairly low prices, the return of nomadic farmers and the arrival of the Bahrazum
02:10 river.
02:11 "Very early this year, unlike previous years," explains Chadinfo.
02:14 That said, in Senegal, the scenario is different.
02:17 According to Dakar Actu, the price of the sheep is still exorbitant and the bag of 25 kg of
02:23 onions is sold at 24 euros and that of the potato at 20 euros.
02:27 Farmers denounce the lack of support from the state, writes Dakar Actu.
02:32 The observation is the same in Ivory Coast.
02:34 According to Fratmate, a general flambé of the prices of goods, merchants advise
02:39 everyone to anticipate their purchase so as not to be surprised during the party, specifies
02:44 the Ivory Coast information site.
02:46 In Mali, Mali Actu speaks of a "moral atmosphere" and "shy" to Bamako, because of the economic crisis
02:51 and insecurity in the country, in response to the usual enthusiasm of buyers.
02:55 For its part, the daily Burkinabe, the country is a kind of oasis for Sudan.
03:00 "Can the sacrificial sheep soften the war?
03:03 ", the country.
03:04 "On the train, we sell things.
03:06 We must fear a civil war.
03:07 The Sudanese people do not deserve this.
03:10 "Lively therefore a quick and sustainable ceasefire ", writes the Burkinabe daily.
03:14 Finally, the other Burkinabe daily, Wakatsera, evokes a tabaski in the color of mourning,
03:20 and to say that the most urgent for countries like Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Mali,
03:25 is being repeatedly attacked by terrorists.
03:27 It is to give a hand in a synergy of action.
03:30 It is only by this intelligent means that they will all be able to overcome terrorism
03:34 in the Union, or perish in solitaire, "concludes Wakatsera.
03:38 And then in France, we are interested in what will change from July 1.
03:42 Governmental measures.
03:43 According to the Dépêche, the regulated tariff of gas sales will be removed from July 1.
03:50 It began to disappear in 2019, in compliance with European regulation on competition.
03:56 But it remained on March 31 on 11 million gas subscribers, some 2.5 million
04:01 residential customers, still the owner of this contract, specifies the Dépêche.
04:05 Another change, a new line will appear gradually on all the sheets
04:10 of French paper, the net social amount.
04:13 The amount displayed will correspond to the amount of salaries to be declared to have
04:17 right to the RSA, the income of active solidarity, and the activity bonus, explains the Dépêche.
04:23 Also, the point of index of officials will be revalued 1.5% from July 1, 2023,
04:30 for all public service agents.
04:32 There will also be revaluation of the unemployment allowance, which will increase by 1.9%.
04:38 And finally, the end of the allocation of non-retirement payments to non-European bank accounts,
04:44 concludes the Dépêche.
04:46 This is the end of the international press review.
04:49 Very good follow-up of programs on Media.
04:51 [Music]