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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 27/06/2023


00:00 Welcome to Mediain, it's time for the international press review.
00:08 We start with one of this Guinean news site, the Jelly, Wagner's rebellion, a warning
00:15 for Bangui, Bamako and company.
00:17 "Unprecedented event that this progression of a column of Wagner troops in the direction
00:22 of Moscow that the whole world has followed with amazement all day last Saturday "writes
00:28 the Jelly. "In Africa in particular, we should draw a certain number of lessons because
00:33 at home there are now many countries that have made the deliberate choice to link fate
00:38 to the Wagner militia "notes the Jelly. "We can imagine that this humiliation, even
00:43 ephemeral, imposed on the strong man of the Kremlin will not be without consequence neither to Bangui
00:48 nor to Bamako "for example, "pursues the Guinean chronicler, who could have imagined
00:53 such audacity vis-à-vis the Kremlin master. Well, Prigojin dropped the Tsar's mask "
00:59 warns the Jelly. "By betting on Wagner, we are associating with a unreliable partner,
01:04 that said, what would prevent Wagner's men from taking control of an entire region
01:08 of Mali and prohibiting access to the Malian state? The wolf is potentially in the
01:13 sheepfold "concludes the Jelly.
01:16 And still in the Russian file, we are interested in this point of view of the American chronicler
01:20 Larry Johnson. "Russia wins the Oscar for Best State coup, Prigojin wins the prize
01:26 of Best Actor. And if the coup d'état of Prigojin was "maskirovka", that is,
01:33 pure military misinformation? "Larry Johnson wonders. To do this, the chronicler
01:38 sets up a set of facts demonstrating that the assault of Prigojin against the Kremlin
01:42 would only be a simple staging. The Wagner group was created by Russian intelligence services
01:47 and funded by the Russian government, "reminds the American chronicler. NATO considers
01:52 Russia as a dictatorship. For months, Prigojin has been threatening the army and
01:57 the latter has not been subject to any arrests or sanctions. This means that
02:02 finally, Russia is not a dictatorship, "asks Larry Johnson. "Prigojin talked about
02:07 coup d'état on Friday because the Russian Ministry of Defense hit with missiles,
02:12 shells and rockets a camp of Wagnerian troops. Today, Prigojin has returned
02:17 on his words and insists that he was only protesting against the decision of the Ministry
02:22 of Defense to integrate the Wagner group in the Russian army, "continues the American
02:27 chronicler. The Russian government waited about 12 hours before sending forces
02:32 of military police to the headquarters of the Wagner group in St. Petersburg. "Little
02:37 sense of urgency, "notes Larry Johnson, and to conclude. What do you think of the explanation
02:43 following? The whole story of the so-called coup d'état was designed to allow the
02:47 movement of Russian military forces to the regions located north and west of Voronezh
02:54 without warning anyone. Russia has found a very clever way to strengthen its troops
02:59 on a new potential attack axis, which will constitute a nightmare for NATO, "deduces
03:04 the American chronicler.
03:06 And then, it's one of the New York Times, the machinist Sanjay Samy, the secret weapon
03:12 of Wes Anderson. In all his films, the American director Wes Anderson is illustrated by
03:17 perfectly symmetrical shots and a palette of colors written by the New York Times.
03:22 However, there is another element that gives these films their particular atmosphere,
03:27 advances the New York Times. Before specifying, a 52-year-old machinist, Sanjay Samy is the
03:34 man of the shadow of the American director, and for more than 15 years, his job consists
03:39 to push and pull a camera mounted on a cart on tens of meters of rail installed
03:44 for the scene, details the American daily. The original machinist from Bombay has doubled
03:50 his ingenuity to create new ways to make atypical and original shots,
03:55 continues the New York Times. In each new film, Sanjay Samy manages to invent a new
04:01 way to go beyond the usual laws of cinema to convey a conclusive emotion
04:07 of the New York Times. And then this opinion article of Figaro,
04:12 will climate change end up making the Bermuda to the office? If the question of
04:17 wearing a Bermuda at work comes back every summer, the debate of this year is relaunched
04:21 by climate change and gender parity for the Martiniquez-Kebaty association, created in
04:27 2017. Working in Bermuda would increase the temperature of the climate at 26 degrees
04:33 and achieve up to 30% energy savings, specifies Figaro. For some employees
04:40 questioned, the Bermuda is indeed a solution against high temperatures, while others
04:45 find it not serious at all, even ridiculous, says Figaro. But the mentalities and
04:51 the evolved jurisdictions, says Figaro. The newspaper finally wonders if the clothing
04:57 of the employee is a fundamental freedom, or is the workplace in its full
05:01 right to impose a certain aspect neutral clothing.
05:14 (upbeat music)