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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 16/10/2024


00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19Tuesday, October 15, was a holiday in Tunisia and the Tunisian stock market remained closed.
00:24We will therefore limit ourselves to two markets today and it is in Morocco that we open this
00:29The Mazi, it is still depreciated by less than 0.78% to close at 13,940 points.
00:35So back below 14,000 points and this dynamic was induced by the pressure of the sellers
00:40in search of added value.
00:41EGDOM and TAKAMOROCO strongly affect the trend, EGDOM gave up 7.52% and TAKAMOROCO
00:48gave up 4.13% in a volume of 13 million dirhams, closing the podium of the 5 most
00:54affected values ​​of the day.
00:55But note that it is the mechanical realization title that suffers the strongest drop,
00:59minus 9.69%.
01:01SOUDEPMAR SAMAROC accumulates 21 million dirhams and loses minus 1.18%, while AGDITAL in the health sector
01:08is back from minus 0.11% with a volume of nearly 11 million dirhams.
01:13At the real estate level, only ADOA pulls its pin from the game by progressing by plus 1.25%.
01:19Allianz loses minus 0.67% and Residence de Arsaada loses minus 2.77%.
01:28And the regional real estate boost of ABIDJAN closes in the red, seeing its reference index
01:33the composite yield minus 0.38% to close at 263.75 points.
01:39It was the race for profit, especially on the Solibra value, which had created euphoria
01:44for a few days.
01:45The price of the Solibra share loses today minus 7.50%, which represents about
01:512,000 francs CFA lost in the space of a session, but this represents nearly 2,000 francs CFA
01:56won by share for investors who have been able to sell their shares in time.
02:00ORA Group Togo also suffered the pressure of the sellers and gave up minus 4.74%.
02:06Its ATEL continues to make the happiness of the sellers.
02:09The share lost minus 1.50% at the end of the session.
02:13Uniwax makes a small rebound and ends up with a return of minus 3.03%.
02:17On the other hand, we observe a return of interest on the SMB value, which goes up to 12,700 francs CFA,
02:24which is an increase of plus 6.72%.
02:27Because quite sought after by investors, but very few SMB shares are on the market,
02:32as these long-term prospects are very promising, reassure some analysts.
02:38That's it for the main news on the continent.
02:41See you soon to see together the indices that carry the economy of Africa in full growth.