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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 17/10/2024


00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19A day dominated by sellers on all the main markets.
00:22In Morocco, the MAZI suffered a slide of less than 0.75% and closed at 13,835 points,
00:29slowly moving away from 14,000 points.
00:31The level of MAZI has been at its lowest for two months,
00:34but the participation has nevertheless improved compared to the day before, reaching 228 million dirhams.
00:39Of the 59 traded values, 39 ended in red, 14 displayed gains and 6 remained unchanged.
00:46The most active titles of the session were TGCC, which captured 30.7 million dirhams,
00:52and the share lost minus 1.85%.
00:55There is also Sodeb Marsa Morocco, which sold in quantity, mobilizing nearly 30 million dirhams,
01:00and the share yielded minus 1.19%.
01:03Technically, the new drop in MAZI confirms the break in the key support of 14,000 points
01:07and an acceleration towards the 13,600 points zone.
01:10And it is in this context that the appointment of the new president of the Casablanca Stock Exchange,
01:15namely Brahimi Benjeloul Touimi, in replacement of Kamal Mokad, has taken place since June 18, 2020.
01:23And the Tunisian stock market does not escape the general downward trend observed.
01:27The Tunis index fell from minus 1.56% to 9,765 points.
01:32Of the 53 traded values, 37 ended in a drop, against only 7 increases and 9 remained unchanged.
01:40BIAT, which mobilized the largest volume of the day, around 1,148,000 dinars,
01:45came out in a drop of minus 2.05%.
01:48AMEN Bank also follows the trend by yielding minus 1.93% on a volume of 968,000 dinars.
01:55The bank in Tijari is receding from minus 3.03% while BIAS Bank abandons minus 4.30% on the session.
02:02BIAS Bank, whose board of directors has just announced the appointment of Lofti Ben Hammouda as interim CEO.
02:12Red also on the screens of the regional stock exchange of Abidjan in Ivory Coast.
02:16The BRVM, we remind you, brings together the 8 countries of the IOMOAR.
02:19Its reference index, the BRVM Composite, yielded minus 0.36% to stabilize at 262.83 points.
02:27With always the pressure of the sellers on the Solibra title.
02:30Solibra loses minus 4.64%.
02:33But it is above all Sucrivoix that accuses the strongest fold.
02:36The Sucrivoix share depreciated to minus 6.08%.
02:40The Onathel share on its side lost minus 0.43% and recorded a flow of 382 million francs CFA.
02:47Enough to weigh on the balance of the day.
02:50The Onathel-Borkina-Faso value has also been very liquid, generating 154 million francs CFA.
02:56Onathel-Borkina-Faso remains unchanged.
03:01That's it for the main news on the continent.
03:03See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.
03:10Thanks for watching.