• l’année dernière
MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 19/05/2023


00:00 Hello and welcome to the International Press Review.
00:08 Each year, the same scenario repeats itself in Jerusalem.
00:11 The March of the Flags commemorates the taking of the eastern part of the Holy City by Israel
00:15 following the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
00:19 Each year, violence breaks out between the settlers and the Palestinians.
00:22 The OBS reminds that the UN does not recognize the annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel,
00:26 an illegal annexation in the eyes of international law.
00:29 This year again, the march is held in a context of very strong tension.
00:33 There were 35 deaths during a five-day war between the Israeli army
00:38 and the Palestinian army groups of the Gaza Strip from 9 to 13 May.
00:43 Mahmoud Abbas did not fail to compare Israel to Joseph Goebbels, the leader of Nazi propaganda.
00:49 Israeli and Zionist claims continue to say that Israel made the desert bloom,
00:55 as if Palestine was a desert and that they had made the desert bloom.
00:59 These are lies. They continue to lie like Goebbels,
01:02 and they continue to lie until people believe their lies.
01:06 Mahmoud Abbas is excited about the commemoration of the annexation.
01:09 Indignation still in the world.
01:11 I learn the opening of an investigation after the appearance of a caricature representing Emmanuel Macron
01:16 under the lines of Adolf Hitler.
01:18 It arrived early April.
01:20 The caricature reappeared again yesterday, Thursday, May 18.
01:24 These posters are a reproduction of a mural fresco
01:27 made by the painter Letko a little over a month ago
01:31 and which had been erased at the request of the agglomeration of the Grand Avignon,
01:35 the owner of the building on the facade of which it had been painted.
01:39 Emmanuel Macron was treated as the "Lechbot" of Vladimir Putin
01:44 by Boris Johnson at the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
01:47 The affront was revealed in a podcast by the former director of communications
01:51 of the British Prime Minister at the time, Lytton in Le Parisien.
01:55 At the time, in March 2022, Boris Johnson said, according to his advisor,
01:59 that "we had to fight the frogs"
02:02 on the pejorative name given to the French,
02:04 and for good reason, the British media and several European countries
02:07 criticized the small number of refugees welcomed by the United Kingdom.
02:12 Last week, Russia celebrated its victory of the Second World War on Nazi Germany
02:18 with a usual military parade on the Red Square,
02:22 a speech of the President and a fanfare.
02:25 But whatever the edifying images that the Kremlin wanted to create in Moscow,
02:29 they were submerged by the nocturnal parade of Prigozhin's corpses
02:33 and his abuses somewhere in a field near Bahrmut in the Donbass.
02:38 Der Spiegel returns to the horror film posted by Evgeny Prigozhin,
02:42 the chief of the Wagner mercenaries who showed the corpses of his men.
02:46 He insults the Russian military chief,
02:49 who says he does not provide him with the ammunition he needs.
02:52 Der Spiegel returns to his chancellorial relationship with the Kremlin.
02:55 Prigozhin is made to pretend to be Putin's loyal limelight,
02:59 but also threatens the very system that the Russian president has put in place.
03:04 Moldova wants to enter the European Union as soon as possible
03:08 to protect itself from the Russian threat
03:10 and hopes for a decision in the coming months
03:13 after the opening of the adhesion negotiations,
03:16 said the president in an interview with AFP.
03:18 The information is relayed by L'Express.
03:20 The former Soviet republic of 2.6 million inhabitants
03:23 sees its entry into the European Union as the only assurance
03:26 not to be a next target of Russia after the invasion of its great Ukrainian neighbor.
03:31 In power since 2020, the leader of the poorest country in Europe
03:35 called a large pro-European union meeting on Sunday
03:38 intended to show Moldova's support for a European adhesion.
03:43 We are coming to the end of the international press briefing.
03:46 Thank you for following it. Have a very good day.
03:48 (Music)