Presse monde - 22/06/2023

  • l’année dernière
MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 22/06/2023
00:00 Hello and welcome, it's time for your press world review.
00:10 We start our edition today with the newspaper Le Figaro.
00:15 On the subject of the war in Ukraine, the daily indicates that Europe is agreeing on
00:19 a previous package of sanctions against Moscow.
00:22 This package includes measures aimed at fighting against the bypassing of sanctions and
00:27 individual sanctions, indicated Sweden, which ensures the presidency of the Council.
00:32 At the same time, the countries of the European Union decided on Wednesday to contribute to
00:37 a new 3.5 billion euros for the European facility for peace used to finance
00:44 their arms supply to Ukraine and military missions abroad.
00:48 Anacor was found by the ambassadors of the 27 in Brussels, announced Sweden.
00:53 It must be formally granted by the Foreign Affairs Ministers at their meeting on
00:59 June 25 in Luxembourg, and to conclude that the initial allocation of 5.7 billion allocated
01:06 for seven years to this fund created by Member States outside the European budget was exhausted
01:11 in one year by the conflict in Ukraine.
01:14 Far from the European continent, the United States is facing a new emerging threat,
01:19 the xylosine known as "zombie drug".
01:22 The information is relayed by the magazine L'Express.
01:26 It qualifies this threat as a gas can on a fire.
01:30 On April 12, the director of the office in charge of the fight against the drugs of the
01:35 American government presented to the public the new enemy number one of the United States.
01:40 This is xylosine, a sedative for animals authorized since 1972 in the country.
01:47 Between 2018 and 2022, the number of deaths due to overdose has been multiplied by 13
01:54 in the country according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
01:58 About 3,000 cases per year, which is added to the 75,000 deaths per year due to the consumption
02:04 of opioids in the United States.
02:06 This product is now sold in the form of a cocktail of drugs called "tron" that brings
02:12 the prevention center.
02:13 Sometimes ignoring that they consume xylosine, consumers find themselves in a state of amorphosis
02:19 for several hours, wandering in large American metropolises like the living dead, a phenomenon
02:25 that gave it its nickname of "zombie drug".
02:28 And the "one of the day" comes to us from the Arab world.
02:31 What is the future for the music industry in the era of artificial intelligence?
02:35 In a survey in Al-Jadid, Arabia, a lack of knowledge and a deep resistance to artificial
02:42 intelligence in the circles of Arab artists and among the public.
02:47 Al-Jadid and Al-Jadid are dedicated a file to the impact of artificial intelligence on
02:52 the future of musical composition, with for illustration a robot in the form of a human
02:58 skeleton playing electric guitar.
03:00 Artificial intelligence is about to become a reality in the music industry,
03:05 and it is impossible to deny this reality or underestimate it.
03:10 And yet, in the Arab circles, no one has yet addressed this issue in a serious way
03:15 and realistic, emphasizes the daily.
03:18 This one evokes in particular the controversy and fears that the Egyptian composer Amr
03:24 Mustapha has aroused by announcing his desire to use artificial intelligence to produce
03:29 modern songs with the voices of deceased singers.
03:32 Emotional responses to this announcement, including statements from a number of singers,
03:38 reveal that we are not yet ready to recognize the existence of artificial intelligence,
03:44 concludes the daily.
03:45 The cell is forbidden for under 13 in a city of Ireland, such is the title of an article
03:51 published by the daily The Guardian.
03:53 In the small town of Greystones, parents and school institutions would have taken
03:59 the decision together to sign a pact to ban cell phones for under 13 to protect
04:05 children from inappropriate content on the Internet.
04:09 This initiative would be born in response to growing anxiety among children, many of whom
04:14 have had to add the Internet to their daily life in the midst of a pandemic, notes the
04:18 daily, citing a school principal.
04:20 The Greystones pact would also help parents to question the age from which
04:25 it becomes acceptable for their child to have a cell phone.
04:29 The chorus also has ammunition to refuse.
04:32 The initiative could possibly extend to the whole country, notes the daily.
04:37 After capturing the attention of the Irish Minister of Health, indicates the same source.
04:48 [MUSIC]