00:00 Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Tinkerbell Cake Giant Cupcake Tutorial where I'll be
00:11 showing you how to make this gorgeous surprise piñata Tinkerbell Cake using your giant cupcake
00:15 mold. For those of you that follow my channel, My Cupcake Addiction, you'll know that I love
00:19 coming up with all sorts of weird and wonderful ways to use your giant cupcake mold that aren't
00:24 necessarily restricted to just the giant cupcake.
00:26 Tools and equipment that we will be using today, I've got a sharp knife. I've got an
00:30 offset spatula. If you don't have an offset spatula, just a regular knife will do. I've
00:35 got a serrated knife, quite a long one so a bread knife is best. A fondant roller or
00:40 a regular rolling pin will do. I've got some of these plunge cutters. Now you don't have
00:44 to have plunge cutters but I picked these up on eBay for about 3 to 5 dollars a set,
00:49 posted from China. These are going to make your life as a decorator so much easier. What
00:53 they do is they actually cut out the shape of the leaf and when you plunge them or push
00:57 them, they imprint all of the veining. So you don't need these for this tutorial but
01:01 they will make it a lot faster. I'll also be showing you how to make some leaves just
01:04 using some circle cutters. I've got my Tinkerbell doll. Now I've unrobed
01:10 her so I've taken off her skirt and also her shoes. Make sure that you take off any accessories
01:14 that may fall off and get stuck in your cake. And I've also just wrapped the base of her
01:19 in some cling film. I've got an iced cake board. I've iced mine
01:23 in green fondant with a little bit of yellow ribbon and we do a whole tutorial on our channel
01:27 which shows you how to ice a cake board. I'll leave a link to that in the description box
01:30 below also. I've just got mine today sitting on a cake turntable.
01:34 I've got a little bit of our perfectly pipeable buttercream frosting and I've tinted that green.
01:38 I'll leave a recipe link to that in the description box below.
01:41 I've picked out some green and yellow M&Ms. That's going to be our surprise piñata effect
01:46 and that is a bit optional. You don't have to have the candy in the middle. It's completely
01:50 up to you. I've got a bit of green fondant. I've got
01:53 some... Just some Wilton gold color mist and that's just going to be to give us a little
01:57 bit of fairy dust at the end of our tutorial. So it's purely optional. You don't have to
02:01 have it. I've got some of that frosting, the perfectly
02:04 pipeable buttercream frosting, just in a piping bag with a circular piping tip. It doesn't
02:09 matter what size. And it's up to you if you want to use a piping bag. You will be able
02:13 to achieve the same result just using your spatula. But the piping bag just makes it
02:17 a little bit neater and a little bit easier. I've got my giant cupcake. Now I've used vanilla
02:21 and I've baked that using the methods that I show you in my Giant Cupcake Basics series.
02:25 So that shows you how to fill your giant cupcake, how to line it, how to bake it, and how to
02:29 extract that cupcake out, getting it ready to this stage so that you're ready to decorate
02:33 it. I'll leave links to those tutorials in the
02:36 description box below as well. So let's get started.
02:38 Now the first thing that you want to do, apart from wrapping your Tinkerbell and getting
02:42 her ready, is you want to cut out your leaves. So start by cutting out all of your leaves.
02:47 And you'll see here, I've got all of mine sitting on a tray under some greaseproof paper.
02:51 You're going to need quite a few leaves so don't be shy with them. And the reason that
02:55 we're cutting them out before is we don't want them to be really really soft. But I
02:58 have covered them so they don't dry out and crack. But we want them to stick nicely to
03:03 the buttercream frosting and the buttercream frosting will start to crust. So if we don't
03:07 have the leaves ready, ready to stick on pretty well as soon as we put that frosting on,
03:11 it's going to make it a little bit difficult and you're going to find that your leaves
03:15 don't adhere properly as you get to the top of the dress.
03:17 So to show you how to do those little leaves, just take some of that green fondant and we'll
03:22 roll it out. Just give your fondant a little swipe around. You want to roll your fondant
03:25 quite thin because she is going to have a couple of layers in places on her dress as
03:30 we layer those leaves. Now, as I said, I'm going to show you 2 options
03:33 here. Here you've got just a circle cutter. Most people have got scone cutters at home.
03:38 So you just want to cut a circle and pull that circle out. Out of that circle, you just
03:43 want to cut, I guess, the inside of a moon shape out and that's going to give you your
03:47 leaf sort of a shape. You can do different sizes. You can do sort of different widths,
03:52 different thicknesses. And then you want to take your knife and you want to use the back
03:55 of your knife because it's going to be a little bit fatter and it's not going to cut through.
03:59 And just run it over the top and give yourself a couple of little leaf-like textured pieces.
04:08 So that's really cool. It's just a basic leaf. It's a really easy leaf that everybody can
04:12 achieve. But like I said, these plunge cutters, they have saved my life. So it only took about
04:16 15 minutes to cut out all of those leaves that you saw before. You push them down, rub
04:21 them back and forth, and then you plunge and lift. Now that leaf is going to come up. Cornflour
04:27 on the back stops it from sticking. Pop it out and there you've got a really beautifully
04:31 detailed perfect little leaf. I've also gone with a rose style of leaf because it gives
04:35 you that nice little textured edge which is going to kind of give us the rough tinkerbelly
04:39 kind of look on the dress. So you want to cut out the majority of those
04:43 larger leaves. And then I've just got a smaller leaf cutter. And this is actually a different
04:47 style of leaf but it really doesn't matter. And I'm just cutting out just a few of those
04:51 smaller leaves. And that's just going to be to edge around her torso or the top of her
04:56 dress. Now you want to take your giant cupcake and
04:59 we're going to start preparing this. So I do actually show you how to carve a giant cupcake
05:03 but I wanted to show you myself in this tutorial because it's a little bit different. Because
05:07 we're going to use this as the dress of a doll, normally I would cut this top flat.
05:10 So you'd cut off this round dome. But we don't want to do that here. We just want to give
05:14 it sort of a flat-ish base. And that's going to be so that we lift it up a little bit higher
05:19 because Tinkerbell, she's going to be quite tall. So we want to make sure that the dress
05:22 is the right size for her. So as always, I like to cut off all of my crusty edges. So
05:29 just cut away any of your little brown cooked edges to reveal the lovely white cake underneath,
05:35 all the way around and also the bottom. Now not only does that take away all of those
05:40 sort of crunchy edges, it also takes away the ridges of the giant cupcake to give us
05:44 more of a smooth, skirty type sort of a look. Alright, once you've taken all the brown off
05:49 your sides and off your bottom, you want to just run around the top. Now be careful here
05:54 because you don't want to sort of crack off any of the edges if you can. Just very very
05:59 lightly, very carefully, trim off the brown at the top. Now we're going to do the same
06:04 for the top and we're just going to trim off any of those crusty edges but leave this bottom
06:08 piece for now. You'll notice when I trim the top, I actually rest the top of the cupcake
06:14 that I'm chopping down onto the mat underneath me. And this is to give it support so that
06:18 you don't crack off whole sections of the edges of the top of your cupcake.
06:22 Alright, now when it comes time to do this underneath section, what I want you to do
06:27 is once again just very very lightly trim away just any of that brown but leave the
06:31 mound on there. Alright, so we've finished trimming off all of our little brown edges.
06:37 Now you want to just take the, I guess, the bottom of your giant cupcake and we're actually
06:41 going to be turning this upside down like this. So what we need is a flat base here
06:45 that Tinkerbell can rest on. But just don't take off any more than you absolutely need
06:50 to. So I'm just going to cut off just a bit of a circle there, a little bit more just
06:54 so that I know that I've got a flat enough base but not going all the way to the edge.
06:59 So I've got sort of a... You can see there, I've actually gotten almost an extra 2 centimeters
07:03 just by not going all the way to the edge. And that actually brings the dress up off
07:06 the cake board by that 2 centimeters. So you can cut that again in the center. We're just
07:11 going to cut it right across. And it doesn't matter if it's not particularly even. Don't
07:15 be too fussy with it. Now, for the top, once again, we want to
07:19 keep as much height as we can so keep referring back to your little Tinkerbell doll to make
07:23 sure that she's going to, I guess, not be too tall for her dress. So once again with
07:28 this bit, we just want to take as little as we can off, just cutting around. Then we're
07:33 going to sit that back on top. And we're just going to trim, I guess, in line here. So we're
07:39 going to trim around the edges there and just shape that top bit so that it's the same sort
07:45 of a width at the top there as that bottom piece. I always use a serrated edge knife
07:48 here because I find it gives you a better cut. A clean edge knife doesn't seem to saw
07:53 through the cake as easily. It doesn't seem to give you as nice of a nice clean cut.
07:58 Alright, so just checking again the height. That's looking pretty good so I don't want
08:03 to take much more off that height at all because that's coming pretty well perfectly in line
08:07 with her little waist there. And I really... I don't particularly want her feet going all
08:11 the way to the bottom if I can avoid it. So I'm just going to take off just a very very
08:14 tiny tiny little top just there like that. Now, for the surprise piñata effect, what
08:22 we want to do is we want to cut our circles. So we've got a circle cutter and I will leave
08:27 dimensions for the circle cutters in the description box below. Alright, so I want you to take
08:31 your circle cutter and just insert it into the center of the bottom piece of that cake.
08:37 If you turn it, as you turn it, it's actually going to cut away that piece of cake. So go
08:42 all the way through to the bottom and then we're going to do the same again with our
08:46 next piece. So as long as you do it roughly in the center, your holes should be roughly
08:51 at the same place. All of this vanilla cake that's left over, I'm going to be using to
08:56 make some delicious cake pops with. So definitely don't throw it out. Perfect. Alright, so there's
09:01 your holes in the middle. Now with this piece here, it's quite large and the top bit here
09:06 still has a little bit of that crispy edging. So I'm going to go through the bottom, once
09:10 again in the middle. Be really careful of this top section because it's quite a bit
09:14 thinner so it's not going to have as much stability. I'm going to just hold it in my
09:18 hands and twisting again, going to core that out. And then I'm going to go through from
09:23 the top on this side. I'm going to actually use my sharp knife here and I'm just going
09:27 to cut a little bit narrower so not quite as big. I'm using my sharp knife because that
09:32 circle cutter is going to put a bit too much pressure. Beautiful. So you can see there,
09:36 we've got a nice big hole there. And then I've cored out just a smaller hole. So you
09:40 can take your knife and just hollow it out. I'm pretty happy with that. That's spot on.
09:45 By the time we put a bit of frosting on and a little bit of fondant, that is the perfect
09:50 height for this Tinker Bell. So once you put frosting in, you can adjust the height a little
09:54 bit. You can put a little bit more to make the dress a bit higher or a little bit less
09:57 to make it a bit lower. So long as it's roughly the right size, you'll be able to put your
10:01 doll in there no problems. So we'll just have a little bit of a tidy up and then we'll come
10:05 back and get decorating. Alright, so now it's time to get to the fun
10:09 part. So we want to start stacking this cake on the board. Once we start stacking it on
10:13 the board, you want to take care not to make too much of a mess because we don't want to
10:16 mess up that board. So I'm going to take the absolute bottom piece and I'm just going to
10:21 use my piping bag. I'm going to put a reasonably thick layer of buttercream frosting and that's
10:27 so that it's going to kind of spill out the bottom, really stick it to the board and just
10:31 fill in that little gap around where we've raised our skirt up a little bit. So I'm just
10:35 going to flip that over and it's going to go right in the center of the board. So just
10:41 push it down. I'm just going to sort of smush down that buttercream. Don't worry if the
10:46 buttercream comes out the front, out the sides, that's totally fine. We're going to have a
10:49 whole lot of leaves covering up any mistakes that you make. Also don't worry if your giant
10:55 cupcake cracks around the edges. Stick it together. Put the frosting in. It's going
10:59 to be totally fine. It's happened to me a million times.
11:02 Alright, now because I know that my cake, I guess, is about the right size for my Tinkerbell,
11:08 I don't want to put too much frosting in between these layers. So I'm just going to pipe on
11:12 a little bit and just spread it out. Now you do want to make sure here that you are covering
11:20 as much of the cake as you can. Alright, once you've got your first little layer done, you
11:33 can pick up your second layer, sit that on top. I'm going to turn mine around because
11:39 it just makes the height a little bit more even. So I may have cut it just on a slight
11:43 angle when I actually cut the cake first. Try and make sure that you keep the height
11:46 as even as you can. A little bit more frosting here. Now as you're
11:51 doing this, you can bring the frosting over the edges. Just act like a bit of a crumb
11:54 coat and that's just going to trap any crumbs in there.
11:58 Whenever I make one of these giant cupcakes, I prefer... I have all of my own recipes. But
12:03 if I'm going to do a sponge, I prefer to use a packet mix sponge. They just seem to be
12:07 a little bit sturdier and a little bit less crumbly. Otherwise, I like to use a mud cake.
12:12 So a mud cake mix is always going to be just a bit more sturdier and a bit more forgiving
12:16 when you're carving and when you're cutting. So particularly if you're a beginner, I highly
12:20 recommend either a packet cake mix or a mud cake.
12:23 Now I'm going to just make sure that I've got the most even sort of a height there as
12:27 I can. I'm pretty happy with that. Now here's kind of the tricky bit. So I'm
12:32 going to take some of those M&Ms. And as I mentioned, the whole surprise pinata thing,
12:36 totally up to you. I just like it because I think it just adds a little bit of wow factor
12:40 when people cut into the cake. Her feet are quite skinny and they're going
12:46 to move the M&Ms out of the way for us. So in go those M&Ms up to... I'm taking them
12:51 to about the line of the top of our giant cupcake. And then I'm going to push her in.
12:56 I'm actually going to take her wings off at this point too because they're just going
12:59 to get in the way. So we can put those back on at the end. Push her in and I can feel
13:03 her little feet going in there to those M&Ms. Now once she's in there and she's got her,
13:08 I guess, she's got her bottom in the cake, you're just going to have to sort of poke
13:12 in the rest of those M&Ms. So this can be a little bit of a slow process but just fill
13:16 up any gaps around her front and around her bottom.
13:19 So I'm just sort of pushing down on those M&Ms because I really want to, I guess, force
13:24 them in there a little bit. Be careful not to press on the actual cake. But get as many
13:28 M&Ms as you can. It's going to add to our nice pinata spill effect when we cut the cake
13:32 open. Now I actually can't get in around her bottom
13:35 so I'm just going to make a small incision into that cake just to give me a little bit
13:40 of space so that I can get some M&Ms in there. Perfect. So all up, I used about a cup of
13:45 M&Ms. Now I'm just going to just make sure that I'm keeping the crumbs off this cake
13:49 board. Alright, now taking that piping bag again,
13:53 I'm just going to just pipe a little bit of that frosting sort of in the gap there. This
13:58 is where the piping bag is good because it forces the frosting where you want it to go.
14:04 And then we can take our spatula and just smooth that off. And this is just a very very
14:08 rough coat of that frosting. I should also mention that when I was choosing
14:13 my Tinkerbell, and with any doll cakes, try and choose the ones that are not wearing cloth
14:18 clothing on their top half. If you can get the ones that are wearing like a plastic outfit,
14:23 it just makes life so much easier and it means that you don't have to take all of their clothes
14:28 off and then make them an outfit out of fondant or risk getting buttercream frosting into
14:32 their cloth dresses. So now that I'm happy that she's pretty well
14:36 covered, just really roughly, I'm just going to take a little bit more of that frosting
14:39 and just make sure that she's coming all the way down to the bottom of that cake board.
14:42 So you just want to make sure that you've got just a bit of a decent covering. And once
14:47 again, it doesn't have to be neat. Alright, I'm going to keep my buttercream handy.
14:50 We're going to have a little bit of a tidy up and then we're going to come back and we're
14:53 going to add all of those leaves. She's going to be just about done.
14:56 Alright, so as I mentioned, you do want to work relatively quickly here before that buttercream
15:01 frosting has time to start crusting. So I have cut out all of my little fondant leaves
15:06 and I'm going to start sticking them on down at the bottom. So they're going to stick straight
15:10 to that buttercream frosting. And as I stick them on, I'm going to just let them kick out
15:17 at the bottom there. So a little bit higher than that. We just want to flick them out
15:20 at the bottom. That's just going to give us a little bit of texture.
15:23 So you can see there, I've just flicked it out a little bit. We're going to layer those
15:27 all the way around. This is actually kind of the fun part because most of the hard work's
15:31 been done. So as you layer them, you just want to overlap them slightly, keep them all
15:36 at the same height. And because we've cut those out a little bit in advance, they will
15:39 be starting to firm up. So you're not dealing with a really soft and floppy piece of fondant
15:44 that's going to sag back down. You're actually dealing with something that's got enough shape
15:48 to give our dress just that nice little bit of kick and that nice little bit of poof,
15:52 I guess. So really when you stick them down, you're
15:54 just pushing down on the top part of the leaf. You're letting the bottom part, I guess, hang
15:58 free and kind of kick out a little bit. So there's your first row. Now the only little
16:02 bit that I'm not happy with is this tiny little bit just here. That's just a little bit of
16:06 that green frosting peeking through so I'm just going to use the sharp knife. And I'm
16:10 going to pick it up and get rid of it. And we can't see it anymore so you're not seeing
16:14 any of that light green coming out through the dark.
16:17 So on to our second layer. Now with your second layer, you kind of want to go in the middle
16:21 of the join of your leaves. So where you've got 2 leaves overlapping, stick down another
16:26 one and once again, just flicking up that bottom. So pushing the top and letting the
16:31 bottom flick out all the way around, overlapping. Alright, so just a couple of things to be
16:36 mindful of. When you're actually placing those leaves, do try to keep the top of the leaves
16:40 at about the same height. And if your buttercream should start to crust on you at any stage,
16:45 mine's still quite fine. But if you find that it starts to crust, just take a little bit
16:48 more and just kind of go over it. Don't add more but you can kind of almost like scrape
16:53 off that top layer and add a new fresh top layer. So if you find buttercream starting
16:57 to crust and your leaves aren't sticking to it, that's how you can just freshen it up.
17:01 Don't think Tinkerbell's used to wearing quite so many clothes. She's only prancing around
17:06 in her little skirt and her little leotard. Alright, so we're just about finished our
17:13 layering of our leaves. We're right up to the waistline now. And you can see the gorgeous
17:17 effect that you get there by just letting those leaves dry out just a little bit beforehand
17:21 and then flicking them at the bottom so that you get that really nice, kind of the, I guess
17:24 the rough kind of effect, very very similar to the bottom of Tinkerbell's usual skirt.
17:29 So I'm just going to add in the last few leaves, all the way up to her waistline there. So
17:35 with those little tiny leaves, I'm going to attach them one by one. I'm just going to
17:38 take just a teensy teensy little bit of frosting and just on the back of each leaf, just use
17:44 that frosting to attach it down. So the frosting is just going to act like a little bit of
17:47 a glue. Don't put too much on there. I'll actually use the end of my sharp knife just
17:52 to put a little tiny tiny dot. And we're just going to give her a bit of a waistband of
17:56 those smaller leaves. And this cake is going to go down to my nieces,
18:01 Charlie and Ashley from Charlie's Crafty Kitchen. And a lot of you, I think, already follow
18:06 Charlie's Crafty Kitchen. But she's my niece. Ashley's 4, Charlie's 7. And they have their
18:12 own little cooking and cupcake channel. It's very very cute.
18:16 Alright, so that is the end of our epic leaf layering. There were a lot of leaves but the
18:22 effect has been so so worth it. You can have a look at your Tinkerbell there as we spin
18:26 her around. She's still without her wings. Now what we're going to do here is we're going
18:30 to take this Wilton Color Mist. Now, if you guys haven't used these before, they're almost
18:37 like an airbrush in a can I suppose. So if you're a professional decorator, you might
18:41 have an airbrush at home. But these are a really great alternative if you don't. With
18:44 these ones, you really want to spray them from quite a distance away and there will
18:49 be over spray. So just be careful what's behind you and in front of you. So I'm just going
18:53 to give it just a really light shimmer. And I'm going to sort of concentrate more on this
18:56 top section of the cake rather than on the bottom because I don't want to get too much
19:00 of it on that board. So just shaking and standing back as far as... What am I? About 30 centimeters
19:05 away? I'm just going to give it just a few short bursts. And I'm not aiming too close
19:13 to her face or to her hair or anything. Really just giving it just a little bit of definition
19:17 and a little bit of shimmer. So you can see there what we've done with that shimmer. It's
19:22 really just given us almost like that little bit of a sprinkling of pixie dust. So finally
19:26 to finish our Tinkerbell off, we're going to take those wings and just reattach them.
19:30 So there you've got your finished Tinkerbell Fairy Princess Giant Cupcake Surprise Piñata
19:36 Cake Tutorial. That is a mouthful of a title. I hope that you guys love it as much as I
19:41 do. When you cut into that cake, all of that candy is going to come spilling out. The birthday
19:45 girl or boy is going to have a great doll to keep. They're going to remember this cake
19:49 forever. And it's a really easy cake to replicate. A little bit time-consuming on the leaves
19:54 but an absolutely stunning centerpiece for your next party.
19:57 If you want to dress that up a little bit, I would recommend maybe just a few little
20:00 flowers, sugar roses or piped roses just around the base between the skirt and the board just
20:05 to add a little pop of color. Thanks very much for tuning in to My Cupcake
20:09 Addiction.
20:09 [Music Playing]