How To Apply Henna On Hair For Beginners

  • last year
00:00 Hi everyone, this is Shruti from and today I am going to show you girls how to apply henna on hair.
00:06 So first we are going to make henna paste. For that you need a brush, a big spoon and a scissor.
00:12 A big cup or a glass.
00:16 A container with lid. If you prefer you can use an iron container as well.
00:23 Whole milk or full cream milk.
00:29 And of course, henna powder.
00:31 So first I am going to pour milk in a glass.
00:35 And then leftover milk in the mixing container.
00:39 All the products I am using in this video are listed in the description box with the quantities so that it is easier for you girls.
00:47 Especially if you are watching me from your mobile.
00:50 So I am going to add 2-3 tbsp of henna in this milk.
00:55 And I am going to mix it well.
00:59 Milk is great.
01:01 And that will make sure when you apply hair, your hair is not dried and brittle.
01:09 Because sometimes henna can make your hair very dry.
01:13 But if you use milk, whole milk, it's not going to be like that.
01:17 Your hair will be shiny and awesome.
01:19 So after mixing milk and henna, this is how it looks like.
01:26 I am going to pat it down just like I am creating a cake here.
01:30 Then I am going to use water and wash the sides of this henna container.
01:36 So that I have to make sure that there are no dried up lumps in henna paste.
01:44 As we are going to keep it overnight.
01:47 So then I am going to pour 2-3 tbsp of filtered water.
01:53 And keep the lid on and keep it in a dry cool place.
01:58 So this is how it looks like after 4-5 hours.
02:01 I like to keep it for only 4-5 hours.
02:04 But if you want, you can keep it overnight as well.
02:06 Just whip it and it will be like a very thick paste.
02:11 And this is the consistency you want.
02:13 So now I have clean hair.
02:16 And just use it, wear a shirt which you don't like at all.
02:20 I am going to part my hair into partition.
02:23 And brush your hair to make sure there are no dangles.
02:28 I am going to wear gloves for protecting my hands.
02:33 Because I don't like henna going into my nails.
02:37 Then I am going to take 2 inch section from crown area.
02:40 And taking around 2 tbsp of henna paste.
02:43 And I am going to wrap it around my hair strand.
02:47 Then I am going to press this hair strand with my fingers or between my fingers.
02:51 So that the henna paste is distributing throughout this hair strand.
02:56 Now once you are done, just twist it.
03:04 And that will make sure henna is reaching to all your hair.
03:08 And just wrap it around the bun.
03:10 And it will stick to itself because it is very sticky.
03:15 Okay, now I am going to take 1 inch section at a time.
03:17 Taking around 2 tbsp of henna paste.
03:20 Applying it on hair strand.
03:24 Then pressing it with my hands.
03:26 Just like you are ironing it with your hands.
03:29 And then once you are done, just twist it.
03:32 And wrap it around the same bun.
03:35 Now repeat the same process.
03:42 Have some music on and relax.
03:44 Because this process takes around 15-20 minutes.
03:47 Depending upon how tense your hair are or how long your hair are.
03:50 For me, it took somewhere around 12-13 minutes.
03:55 And don't forget to check out my website
04:01 Because I am going to put a lot of tips and tricks there.
04:04 And which are going to help you girls.
04:08 Music on.
04:10 I wanted to make sure that you guys are understanding
04:23 How each and every strand works.
04:26 Or how I am going to create a big bun.
04:30 By taking one strand at a time.
04:32 So that's why I wanted to show you girls
04:36 The full footage of this henna application.
04:39 And once you are done, just apply the henna to your hairline as well.
04:43 And then once you are done that.
04:46 Take any tissue paper or a wet wipe.
04:48 And remove hair from your skin.
04:50 If you are paler, then make sure you are applying Vaseline on your hairline.
04:54 Before even applying henna.
04:57 Now I lost the footage but I had wrapped this plastic wrap on my head.
05:04 To make sure I can easily lie down.
05:06 Because for coloring my hair.
05:09 I have to apply this henna for at least 2.5 to 3 hours.
05:13 And if you are using henna for conditioning purpose.
05:16 Then you can apply it for 40 minutes only.
05:20 And make sure it's not that tight and air is circulating.
05:25 And this is how I look like now.
05:28 And I am going to wash my hair and I am going to show you girls.
05:31 How my hair looks like.
05:33 So I blow dried my hair.
05:35 And this is how it looks like.
05:37 Not finished.
05:38 But so far look.
05:40 I am going to apply oil.
05:42 And then I am going to wash my hair after 32 hours.
05:45 With shampoo.
05:47 Right now I just washed my hair with plain water.
05:51 And that completes this video.
05:53 If you had enjoyed it.
05:54 Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up.
05:56 And I will see you in my next video.
05:57 Bye Bye.
05:58 [Music]
06:03 [Music]