• 2 years ago
00:00 Anyways, this is a simple, this is a simple, yeah, yeah, uh-huh, yeah, this is a simple
00:06 makeup tutorial and yeah.
00:11 Obviously since I have glasses I have to take them off and I look like a retard.
00:17 So literally this, all the items I'm using are four items, they're just four items and
00:23 I'll show them to you guys.
00:25 This is like a light makeup tutorial so don't get like meh.
00:31 So okay, this baby skin, yeah, this baby lips, this mascara and this blush.
00:40 So like literally I can do this with three of the products, yeah.
00:45 And I'll show you guys how I can do it with the three of the products.
00:50 First thing you need to do, I'm gonna grab some of this lotion that I have right here.
00:55 It's holding my phone, but anyways it's this lotion.
00:59 I'm gonna put it on my face to moisturize it and it controls dryness.
01:04 Control.
01:05 Yeah.
01:06 So I'm gonna grab one little squirt.
01:11 Boom, boom, boom and then boom and then boom.
01:17 Okay so then, I didn't have to do that, I could have just put it all over my face.
01:24 But it's the same thing.
01:28 And my face gets really dry.
01:33 So like all of this right here is all dry and I hate it.
01:39 Oh my god, okay.
01:41 So first thing we're gonna put on our face is some of these baby skin.
01:46 Yeah, it's just, this is a pore eraser.
01:50 I put it all over my face.
01:56 So one, two, three, four, and look at this.
02:05 I'll make sure you guys have to, you don't have to take it that much.
02:07 Cause there's only a little bit in the bottom.
02:11 Just like that much.
02:12 Not even that much.
02:13 That was a lot.
02:14 Okay, so.
02:15 Now that we have the pore, thinky, what is it?
02:21 Pore eraser.
02:22 You get to rub it all over your face and this feels so nice.
02:27 I'm not even joking.
02:31 Oh my god, it feels like I'm taking off my skin.
02:37 Oh my god, it feels so nice.
02:40 It feels like a baby's butt.
02:41 Um, yeah.
02:42 But yeah, it feels like a baby's butt.
02:48 Okay, so.
02:49 The next thing you wanna do, do not do this, do not go overboard on this part.
02:54 I know some people will.
02:57 And yes, I have to get my eyebrows done guys.
02:59 Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry.
03:01 But put a tiny, tiny, tiny, oh my god what is that?
03:06 Oh that's my dry nose.
03:10 A tiny bit of mascara.
03:13 But put a tiny, tiny, look at my mustache.
03:27 So yeah, put a tiny bit.
03:29 Put like literally that much.
03:31 A little bit more.
03:34 That's like basically all you need.
03:36 Do not go overboard on this part.
03:44 Okay, there, there.
03:45 I'm closing my cap.
03:48 So that's all you need for that part.
03:50 I know that some people will put a lot more but you know, this is simple.
03:55 Okay, the next thing, this is the part where it gets to be three products or you can, you
04:02 know, put four.
04:03 But you know, blush and lips.
04:06 You can use this as a blush.
04:08 Just put like a little stroke on your cheek and then blend it out like that.
04:12 And then you know, put it on your lips too.
04:15 And also with this one, it's cream blush.
04:17 Cream, like cream.
04:18 Like you can use this on your lips.
04:20 So just get a little bit on your lips and get a little bit and put it on your cheeks.
04:23 But I'm just gonna do what I got these two for.
04:27 So basically with the bouncy blush, you just get a little bit, like that much, and put
04:31 it on your cheek.
04:32 Not even that much.
04:33 So, don't put like a ton.
04:39 Make sure it is not a bright color.
04:41 Oh my god, I didn't even go through the colors on my products.
04:46 As you guys can see, I have like a patch of like white skin right there.
04:50 Anyway, um, this is a professional super thick lash mascara in very black.
04:56 The skin thingy doesn't have a name thingy.
04:59 This bouncy blush is um, rose petal.
05:03 Where did I get this?
05:07 Swaggins.
05:08 Okay, and then the next, which is the last thing, is my baby lips.
05:17 Lip balm.
05:18 There's also lip glosses.
05:20 I have one of them, but I didn't want to wear it.
05:24 Just because I didn't have tint.
05:27 Pink punch.
05:31 Okay, so.
05:38 I just scrunched it.
05:46 Okay, so as you guys can see, it is a simple makeup tutorial.
05:56 It's just a simple makeup tutorial.
05:57 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
05:58 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
05:59 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:00 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:01 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:02 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:03 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:04 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:05 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:06 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:07 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:08 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:09 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:10 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:11 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:12 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:13 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:14 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:15 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:16 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:17 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:18 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:19 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:20 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:21 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:22 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:23 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:24 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:25 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:26 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:27 I'm just going to do a little bit of makeup.
06:34 I'll see you guys in my next video.