Aired (December 12, 2002): Wayda Cosme (Jolina Magdangal) is Philippine history's first Aeta attorney. Cosme passed the 2001 bar exam to become the first Aeta lawyer in Philippine history at the age of 26. But like in other success stories, Wayda had to overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable to succeed.
At the Harvardian Colleges in San Fernando, Pampanga, Cosme had to rely on scholarships and stipends as a young Aeta student to graduate college and eventually earn a law degree.
Cast: Jolina Magdangal, Julio Diaz, Vivian Foz, James Blanco, Chynna Ortaleza, Tony Mabesa, Crispin Pineda, Connie Chua
At the Harvardian Colleges in San Fernando, Pampanga, Cosme had to rely on scholarships and stipends as a young Aeta student to graduate college and eventually earn a law degree.
Cast: Jolina Magdangal, Julio Diaz, Vivian Foz, James Blanco, Chynna Ortaleza, Tony Mabesa, Crispin Pineda, Connie Chua