नाक में पपड़ी क्यों जमती है | Nak Mein Papdi Kyu Jamti Hai, कई बार अचानक नाक में खुजली सी होने लगती है. नाक के अंदर ड्राई (Dry Nose) सा महसूस होने लगता है, जिससे कई बार छींके भी आने लगती हैं. यह समस्या गर्मी के मौसम में अधिक होती है. कई बार मौसम में बदलाव, डिहाइड्रेशन, वातावरण में धूल-गंदगी के कणों, प्रदूषण के कारण भी नाक सूख जाती है. सूखी नाक की समस्या तब होती है, जब आंतरिक नासिका मार्ग सूख जाती हैं. यह भीतरी नाक म्यूकोसा की पपड़ी का कारण भी बन सकता है. नाक शरीर का ऐसा महत्वपूर्ण अंग है,
Sometimes suddenly itching starts in the nose. Dry nose starts feeling inside the nose, due to which sneezing also starts coming many times. This problem is more in the summer season. Many times the nose also becomes dry due to change in weather, dehydration, particles of dust and dirt in the environment, pollution. The problem of dry nose occurs when the internal nasal passages dry up. It can also cause crusting of the inner nasal mucosa. Nose is such an important part of the body,
#nose #drynose #health
Sometimes suddenly itching starts in the nose. Dry nose starts feeling inside the nose, due to which sneezing also starts coming many times. This problem is more in the summer season. Many times the nose also becomes dry due to change in weather, dehydration, particles of dust and dirt in the environment, pollution. The problem of dry nose occurs when the internal nasal passages dry up. It can also cause crusting of the inner nasal mucosa. Nose is such an important part of the body,
#nose #drynose #health