My Husband Pays Me To Be His Housewife | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

  • last year
ALYSSA, 28, encourages women to pursue a 'housewife lifestyle' for their own happiness. She met her husband Tom, 51, at work in the military. When they began dating Alyssa was still working and studying but once they became engaged she suggested to Tom that she could stay home instead. "I thought that he was wanting a little bit more attention to the house, to the home and also to himself. So I had a sneaking suspicion that it might benefit our relationship if I stayed home," she explained. Her partner hadn't considered this dynamic as something he'd wanted in previous relationships: "I honestly thought I wanted a physicist triathlete, that was my mindset," he said. "Until I got into a relationship with Aly I didn’t even know how wonderful having a traditional relationship with gender separations is." The benefits of their arrangement have been that Tom is able to live a more stress-free, healthier life and Alyssa sees it as a better alternative to relying on a corporation that doesn't care. "I earn more now, married, than I did when I was in the military and it’s the best job I’ve ever had," she said. "I would probably be considered on his bankroll, he pays for my living, and there’s a health insurance plan." Alyssa has a presence on social media, where some of her more controversial views have been criticised. "There are feminists on Reddit who hate me, most of which are single, over the age of 30," she explained. "I wouldn’t say that I’m a feminist at all. I think feminism was all bad, men love women so much that I think they would have liberated us after they were fully liberated anyway." Adding: "I am just of the opinion that feminism was completely unnecessary and that it’s a female supremacy movement." She has been accused of being a golddigger, which Tom refutes: "She asks for a hundred dollars a week! What kind of gold digger wants that?" Despite the negativity, Alyssa believes that spreading her message is important: "There’s a lot of positive comments from women who feel like they’ve finally been seen because there is a lot of stay-at-home wives and moms who feel useless like they’ve wasted their potential because that’s the messaging that we have out there. It’s the positive comments I get from women in that context that really let me know that I’m doing the right thing."


