• 2 months ago
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BELLY, 23, from Brisbane, describes her vibrant look as 'Clownish, Cutesy and Weird!' Belly has always stood out from the crowd and has followed her artistic ways when it comes to her style - but this hasn't always been favoured by her family... Especially her sister Lilly... Belly told Transformed: "My sister does not want to be associated with me in public. When I've brought up going out in the past with my sister, she has always said that she wouldn't want to because she's scared of me getting harassed or people heckling me, which would embarrass and stress her out." Belly has always wanted to go clubbing with Lilly and tonight is no exception. Lilly told Belly: "I'm going out clubbing tonight, but if you're looking like that...You're not invited!" With this in mind, Belly has a plan to finally be able to head out with Lilly. Today, with the help of makeup artist Laura, Belly is being transformed from her 'Creepy Cute' style, to a 'Tanned Glamour Girl'. But how will Lilly react? Will she finally be happy to be seen in public with Belly and go out clubbing tonight? Or will Lilly actually realise that she has preferred the 'Creepy Cute' look all along?

Follow Belly:

Follow Makeup Artist Laura:

Videographer: Linton Vivian
Series Producer: Kim Nguyen
Video Producer: Adam Fleet
Casting Producer: Destiny Taitt
Editor: Alex Saunders
00:00If I could summarize my look in a few words,
00:02they would be clownish, cutesy, and weird.
00:06My sister does not want to be associated with me in public.
00:10I'm gonna get clubbing tonight,
00:11but if you're just like that, you're not coming.
00:14Today I'll be transforming from my creepy cute style
00:17into a tanned glamour girl
00:18to see if my sister will finally go out clubbing with me.
00:21Okay, you ready?
00:23Three, two, one.
00:26Oh my God, it's very weird.
00:28My sister is never going to recognize me.
00:37Oh my God, what the hell?
00:49Hello, I'm Laura.
00:51I'm Belly, nice to meet you.
00:52Nice to meet you.
00:53I'm gonna do your makeup.
00:54Awesome, come in.
00:56My name is Belly, and I'd describe my look
00:58as a creepy cute, inspired by 2013, 2012 kind of era.
01:05Gothic fashion, J fashion, everything colourful and fun,
01:10and everything that I like just all mushed into one.
01:13If I could summarize my look in a few words,
01:15they would be clownish, cutesy, and weird.
01:21When I've brought up going out in the past to my sister,
01:24she has always said that she wouldn't want to
01:27because she's scared of me getting harassed
01:31or people heckling me.
01:34She just does not really want to be associated
01:37with me in public.
01:38So you guys have never been out clubbing together.
01:40Why is that?
01:42Yeah, Lily just gets uncomfortable.
01:45Do you feel embarrassed by her style
01:47when you are out in public?
01:49I would say that it's more so like,
01:51I don't like a lot of attention on me,
01:55and obviously she's colourful, she draws attention,
01:58and it stresses me out with too many people around
02:01and too many people looking.
02:02I'm heading out clubbing tonight,
02:04but if you're just like that, you're not coming.
02:10So the look we're doing for Belly today
02:11is a smoky, bronze, tanned kind of glam look.
02:15Bronzy eye with some thick, fluffy lashes
02:17and a bit of darkness around the eye
02:19and some nice contouring.
02:20Challenges that I'm gonna face today
02:23are giving Belly some eyebrows.
02:25That's a major, major part of this look.
02:28So that's probably gonna be the main thing for me.
02:31Take a seat.
02:33How are you feeling?
02:34A little bit nervous.
02:36I'm a bit scared to see myself with some eyebrows.
02:38Exciting, that'll be a bit of a challenge.
02:41We'll get there.
02:42I'm just using some cleansing wipes to remove the makeup.
02:45Do you shave your eyebrows off?
02:46I actually pluck them.
02:48The whole thing?
02:50So I'm just using a brow powder now
02:53by Anastasia Beverly Hills.
02:54And that is to create the shape of the brow
02:57and basically the base of it.
02:58And then I'm gonna use a brow pen
03:00to create hair-like strokes to make it look more real.
03:03I've always been attracted to the creepy cute aesthetic
03:07because I was pretty much raised on like horror movies
03:11and spooky, weird, scary kind of things.
03:14I think I've probably dressed like this
03:15for about four years.
03:18But I've always kind of experimented
03:20with the makeup and the hair.
03:22I'm just using the Giordano Tiscia Nude Divinity Palette.
03:26This is a all matte, all brown tone palette.
03:29So it's really great for creating bronzy kind of looks.
03:33So this is a curve case.
03:35The brand is Made by Mitchell
03:37and I'm using it for warming up the face,
03:39adding a bit of bronzer, a bit of contour.
03:42It's a really unique formula
03:43that makes it really easy to blend in.
03:45Did you get judged on the way you look or dress?
03:48I had people throw rocks at me
03:51and just heckle me at any opportunity they would get really.
03:56Physical harassment, grabbing things from me
03:59and just being a little bit violent
04:02or a little bit touchy, grabby
04:04because of the way that I look.
04:06When people make comments, it's just like,
04:08well, I'm cool, I'm interesting
04:10and I look weird enough for them to be really put off by it
04:14which is kind of fun and kind of interesting.
04:19Makeup's all done, let's go get into your outfit.
04:25Okay, you ready?
04:27Three, two, one.
04:30Oh my God.
04:32It's crazy.
04:34It's very weird.
04:39I feel like I look like my mom.
04:43Very strange.
04:44Do you recognize yourself?
04:47Do you recognize yourself?
04:49Not really.
04:51I think my hair and skin color and eyebrows,
04:55like those are just throwing me off so much.
04:59Like having regular skin color
05:01and regular colored eyebrows
05:04and like, it's very strange.
05:07How do you think your sister, boyfriend
05:09and best friend are gonna react?
05:11I think they're gonna think that I look really weird.
05:15Have you guys ever seen Belly dress
05:17in anything differently?
05:19No, ever since I've known Belly,
05:20she's always been true to herself.
05:22So she's always had a style
05:24and it's just progressively gotten more her.
05:27I'm expecting to be shocked.
05:29My heart is racing.
05:30I'm really nervous, especially like with eyebrows.
05:32I have no idea what I'm expecting.
05:34Honestly, I'm super nervous.
05:35On Camelot, what's the best place
05:37do you reckon we should go?
05:38I've heard it's Fabrics.
05:41Yeah, I think so.
05:42Yeah, I only go clubbing in the Valley.
05:43So I've never been to surfers.
05:44So I'm really excited to see what the vibe is like there.
05:47It's gonna be good when it's less people.
05:49Less people.
05:56Oh my God.
05:56Oh my God, what the hell?
06:01Wow, what the heck?
06:04I like the bangs.
06:05That's crazy.
06:06Yeah, you look so like different.
06:08Just different.
06:09The eyebrows.
06:11Wait, wait, move it again.
06:12Look at the eyebrows.
06:14Oh my God.
06:16That's insane.
06:17I'm glad you have a friend.
06:18Almost like uncanny valley, but like.
06:21That's like AI generated.
06:24The hair is really beautiful.
06:26It makes you look very different though.
06:29Yeah, that's why I look like a mum.
06:31But like mum, young, like old.
06:34Mum, but yeah, but mum, but not.
06:37Yeah, but not mum, but mum, mum, but young.
06:41I was like, who the hell is walking in with you?
06:45I didn't double take.
06:46I saw, I heard the clicking and I looked
06:49and I was like, I'm scared.
06:50I was scared.
06:51I was scared to turn around.
06:53I saw her face drop and I was like, oh my God.
06:54I was like, oh my goodness, who is that?
06:57Who is she?
06:58I think you look very different.
06:59Would you never talk to me if I looked like this?
07:02Probably not.
07:04I don't hate it, but like it's just so different.
07:10Are you finally happy to go clubbing with her?
07:14I'm fine with going clubbing with her.
07:16I feel like I'm going to lose her.
07:17Like, I feel like I'm going to turn around
07:18and be like, oh, who is touching me right now?
07:20And get away.
07:22And run.
07:23And be like, who is that?
07:24That's not my sister.
07:26What do you think of everyone's reaction?
07:28I think their reactions were very valid.
07:30I was also very scared when I saw myself
07:33and taken aback and a bit overwhelmed
07:37with how different I looked.
07:39I'm not really into my new look.
07:41I think that I definitely prefer myself as is.
07:45I feel a lot prettier with myself
07:47when I do my regular makeup.
07:49Definitely taught me that I don't want to look normal
07:52and that I do love the way that I look as is.
