Art et designTranscription
00:00 *Musique*
00:06 What's up invaders, Chris here
00:08 Alright, today we're going to Santa Cruz Beach
00:10 And we're going to be playing Thumb War for kisses
00:12 And even something a little more
00:14 You're not gonna want to miss this, let's go
00:16 What the fuck?
00:18 I better win this Thumb War
00:20 1, 2, 3, 4, let's play Thumb War
00:22 *Rires*
00:24 I win, come here
00:26 Wait, ok, so how do you do that?
00:28 Alright, Thumb War for a quick pop kiss
00:30 1, 2, 3, 4, let's play Thumb War
00:34 Alright, I win, real quick
00:36 1, 2, 3, 4, let's play Thumb War
00:41 Sorry
00:44 Alright, I win, real quick pop kiss
00:48 What?
00:55 What?
00:56 Alright, here, I win, give me a kiss
00:58 Oh my god
01:01 Pop kiss
01:02 *Rires*
01:04 I love you
01:06 Alright, 1, 2, 3, 4, let's play Thumb War
01:10 I win, quick kiss, quick kiss
01:13 Quick kiss, come here
01:15 Ok, I'm scared
01:17 Ok, quick kiss, right?
01:19 Good?
01:23 Yeah
01:24 Oh, woah
01:26 I won, I won, come here, real quick pop kiss
01:29 Thumb War for the quick kiss
01:33 1, 2, 3, 4, let's play Thumb War
01:36 I'm competitive
01:43 Holy shit, that's a B on you
01:49 Alright, I win, I win, quick pop kiss
01:52 Ok, I just kissed you?
01:54 Quick pop kiss, yeah
01:55 Quick Thumb War
01:57 1, 2, 3, 4, let's play Thumb War
02:00 Alright, I win, quick kiss
02:03 1, 2, 3, 4, let's play Thumb War
02:08 Ok, I win, I win, come here, real quick
02:12 Thanks so much for watching guys
02:14 And also big thanks to my good friend JoHall from JoHall Entertainment
02:17 Check out his channel, he does awesome pranks
02:19 I win, I win
02:21 I win
02:22 I win
02:23 I win
02:27 I win
02:29 *Rire*