• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - Ogni anno ben 5.300 tonnellate di olio minerale usato finiscono alla Fiorese Ecologia di Rossano Veneto, una delle 62 aziende di raccolta dislocate in tutta Italia e associate al Conou, il Consorzio nazionale degli oli usati che raccoglie il rifiuto in 103mila aziende e lo rigenera, portandolo a una condizione con caratteristiche e qualità molto vicine al nuovo. L'olio lubrificante usato arriva dall’industria siderurgica e metalmeccanica, ma soprattutto dai meccanici, piccoli e grandi, e recuperato fino all'ultima goccia pressando e triturando i filtri dell'olio dei veicoli. Poi l’olio viene analizzato, trattato e trasportato alle raffinerie, dove sarà rigenerato. Oggi l’Italia è uno dei paesi più virtuosi nella gestione e rigenerazione degli oli usati: sono 6 milioni e mezzo le tonnellate di olio usato raccolte nei 39 anni del Conou, e che hanno permesso un risparmio di 3 miliardi di euro sulle importazioni di petrolio. 


00:00 [Music]
00:06 Every year, 5,300 tons of used mineral oil end up here, in the Fiorese of Rossano Veneto.
00:13 One of the 62 mining companies located throughout Italy is associated with CONOAU,
00:19 the national consortium of used oils, which collects the waste in 103,000 companies and makes it new.
00:26 The used mineral oil, which is a dangerous waste, is reused as lubricating oil,
00:31 at the same quality levels as new oils. This is a bit of the circular economy of CONOAU,
00:37 which means that we are the first in Europe, because in Italy we regenerate 98.5% of all the mineral oil collected,
00:44 which means the total.
00:47 In Fiorese, the used oil comes from the steel and metal industry,
00:51 but above all from the mechanics, small and large, and is recovered up to the last drop,
00:56 also by pressing and grinding the oil filters of the vehicles.
01:01 Then the oil is analyzed, treated and transported to the refineries.
01:05 Once brought home, these wastes can, in some cases,
01:10 be then transferred to other final treatment plants,
01:14 or to the consortium, the CONOAU, in the specific case of oil,
01:18 which then starts the regeneration process, so the oil is brought to treatment plants.
01:24 Today, Italy is one of the most virtuous countries in the management and regeneration of used lubricating oils.
01:30 6.5 million tons collected in the 39 years of CONOAU,
01:34 with a savings of 3 billion euros on oil imports.
01:39 A goal has arrived, however, at the end of a difficult path.
01:43 At the beginning of our work, our interlocutor was the citizen who changed the oil himself,
01:48 and then took the used oil and threw it in the garbage, just to be clear.
01:51 So we had to do a lot of information and training to explain that this was a dangerous waste.
01:57 So we make sure that, also on their part, the maintenance of the used mineral oil is done in the best way,
02:03 so that our collector can manage it in the best way,
02:07 so that in the end we can regenerate 98.5%.
