Da Vittoria a Canicattì: tappa molto articolata con una lunga sequenza di curve e saliscendi che terminano a circa 20 km dalla linea di arrivo. Pochi gli attraversamenti cittadini tutti caratterizzati dalla presenza di rotatorie e spartitraffico. Le strade sono prevalentemente larghe e ben pavimentate. Finale dopo Comiso pianeggiante.
From Vittoria to Canicattì: the stage is wavy and winding, with a long sequence of bends and undulations that ends approximately 20 km before the finish line. There are a few urban areas along the route, all dotted with roundabouts and traffic islands. The roads are usually wide and well surfaced. The route levels out in the final part, past Comiso.
From Vittoria to Canicattì: the stage is wavy and winding, with a long sequence of bends and undulations that ends approximately 20 km before the finish line. There are a few urban areas along the route, all dotted with roundabouts and traffic islands. The roads are usually wide and well surfaced. The route levels out in the final part, past Comiso.
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