• 3 years ago
It is that time of the year when the leaves are at their best, their brightest, their most colorful… just before they die; before they fall from the tree.
This fact of nature is not lost on us old folks.
We tend to internalize the reality of Fall.
We, too, will be our best and our brightest before we say goodbye.
We, the old folks, were young once, too.
We were vibrant, we were filled with energy and we were invincible.
Nothing was impossible and we tried everything because we knew we were indestructible.
Now, we look at the leaves and we question ourselves.
Have we done all we good to make this a better world?
Were we kind enough to those who needed our kindness?
Can we look back and see our contributions as being of value?
Were we as creative as our talents wanted us to be?
What, in fact, have we accomplished with our lives?
You see, it is the Autumn of our lives, too.
… and in looking back, are there regrets?
If we did it right, there shouldn’t be any regrets, but, did we do it right?
Oh well, it is Autumn and winter is coming.
It’s inevitable.