• last year
It's a Bird Fight.
It's not about one religion killing another religion of the same God.
It's not about a third religion fanning the flames of dispute because of Armageddon—the same God.
It's not about one economic power killing the less fortunate.
It's not about a country maintaining its superiority by selling weapons.
It's not about political ego.
It's not about withholding food to have conflicts for food.
It's not about causing starvation.
It's not about the color of the skin.
It's not about hate.
It's not about jealousy.
It's not about envy.
It's not about greed.
It's not about deforestation.
It's not about maintaining the need for oil.
It's not about keeping people enslaved.
It's not about destroying the Earth.
It's not about nationality and the waving of flags.
It's not about education or lack of education.
It's not about the control of clean water.
It's not about the buying and selling of land.
It's not about keeping people ignorant.
It's not about man-made mythical Gods.
It's not about sacred Books.
It's not about creating illness.
It's not about marketing pestilence.
It's just a bird fight.

